I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 724 A Troublesome Mother


Bell was a little uncomfortable with this title, and his face turned a little red, obviously a little embarrassed.

Seeing Bell's slightly red face, Freya was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't stop laughing.

"It turns out you haven't adapted yet."

Embarrassed, Bell turned his head in embarrassment.

“How is it possible to adapt to something like this so quickly.

Yes, even if his relationship with Hestia and Hephaestus was close enough, there were still some things that he couldn't adapt to so quickly.

"You, you are really so weird in unnecessary places."

But it’s not that Freya is very annoying.

Holding on to my waist, I was about to walk downstairs when I was supported by Bell who came up.

"Be careful when you walk."

Bell looked at Freya's unsteady appearance and was worried that she might really fall on the stairs, so he quickly walked over to help her.

"You still have the nerve to say it."

Freya immediately rolled her eyes at this sentence. Who made her feel uncomfortable today?

But seeing that this big piece of wood still came to help her, she wouldn't blame the child. 297 Freya took the initiative to lean towards Bell's body. Her entire weight was almost resting on Bell's body, but she was not worried that her weight would crush the child.

Although Bell was a little embarrassed, he still helped Freya down the stairs little by little.

While sitting on the sofa, Freya could no longer maintain her elegant image.

He gently lifted his feet and kicked off the white high heels he was wearing.

The whole person leaned against Bell's body, his head rested directly on Bell's arms, and his hands were stretched out in an imageless manner.


After relaxing her whole body, Freya lay softly on Bell's body as if her bones had fallen off.

"Finally back."

Bell also feels very strange about Freya like this.

"Freya, the image is gone."

"What do I care about at home?"

Freya didn't care about her image at all. She straightened her toes so that she could relax her body without any hindrance.

"This is a forbidden area for the gods. Isn't that what you had in mind when you originally built this place "outside the world"?"

(chfb) Because she knew this was a restricted area and the only person who could see her without any image was Bell, so Freya chose to relax completely.


Zeus's eyes almost bulged out. Looking at Freya's imageless appearance at the moment and Freya's slightly coquettish image, he couldn't help but want to give Bell a thumbs up and praise her.

"Boy, you are awesome."

When Freya was the goddess of beauty and love, she was sought after by countless gods and children from the lower world. However, now when facing Bell, she showed an image other than the usual elegant lady. What does this mean? Who can compare to Zeus? All clear.

And from the conversation just now, it is obvious that Freya and Bell have a special relationship now.

Freya has actually been captured by Bell.

Except for Zeus who saw it, most of the men present saw it.

It's just that everyone has symptoms of angina pectoris more or less on their faces.

Everyone present was once an adventurer from Orario, but their level was not particularly high.

Even if the level is not high, everyone knows who Freya is, and there are even men present who have feelings for Freya.

But now that they see that the goddess they once admired is so close to the child they watched grow up, everyone's mentality will collapse.

"Hey... I never thought that the goddess Freya would still fall into the mortal world."

"Yes, the former goddess Freya was always a walking charmer, attracting everyone's attention wherever she went.

"Now, the once dazzling goddess Freya has come together with Bell..."

Angina pectoris, everyone really gets angina pectoris!

The charming goddess Freya actually one day falls into the mortal world.

"But what is the "outside the world" that the goddess Freya is talking about?"

"I do not know."

Even adventurers from the "Age of Heroes" don't know what the word "outside the world" is. If this word is not a god, perhaps it will never be exposed to it.

So others didn't understand, but Zeus and Hera understood it instantly.

"So that's it. No wonder that kid deliberately entered the space tunnel when he returned to his clan. Moreover, the space tunnel is full of dangers. That kid definitely did it on purpose."

Hera finally understood why that tribe was so strange.

"I would say that an ordinary barrier wouldn't make such a big noise. Just entering it will make it seem like you can't get in from the outside."

"If it's "outside the world", then ordinary people, or even gods, really can't get in. "

But Hera's teeth became a little sore as she spoke.

"Why didn't I meet such a child back then?"

Even Hera couldn't help but feel a little jealous at the moment.

After all, "outside the world" really means building one's own base on the outside of the world. It is not a scene inside the world at all.

"Not because I am the only one who can do it, but because she is my mother, so she will help me to a certain extent.

She naturally knew who Bell's mother was, the "Quiet" sister of the Hera Familia, a girl with unknown abilities, Metria.

"After all, whose prayer can bring out the "world"?"

Bell couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this. He didn't know whether it was unfortunate to have such a mother.

"your mother?"

"Only me can? This seems so unreasonable."

Bell didn't care about Freya's reaction. It was estimated that anyone would be frightened when they heard the news.

Freya couldn't help but exclaimed when she heard this, and sat up from Bell's arms.

"Well, if what happened to that person is really as I guessed, then she should be my mother."

Because no matter how powerful the adventurer is, he cannot cross "outside the world", not even the gods can do it.

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Do you really know the identity of "Bell, About the World"?"

After relaxing, Freya couldn't help but start thinking about some things that Bell had never said to them before.

But how did this kid do it?

Therefore, as long as the gods are "outside the world", there is almost no need to worry about safety issues.

Completely isolate one world from the inside of the world, thereby creating a special space isolated from the outside world.

Therefore, "outside the world" is simply the best place for gods to hide.

"Besides, I feel a little bit of the trouble she set for me."

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