I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 725 Hera’S Seniority +1

"The trials given by the world..."

Just thinking about it, Freya knew that this trial was definitely not as simple as she imagined.

If you think about the trials that the world has given to this world, you can understand. I am afraid that the difficulty Bell has to face is no less difficult than the three major commissions.

"It's not a big problem."

"My mother has very high expectations for me, just like what I told you before. I have always thought that the level 10 that the "favor system" can reach may not be my mother's expectations. She hopes that I can surpass it. above the gods, so I have always been confused whether I should focus all my attention on the "favor system". "

Freya had heard what Bell was saying now from her previous private conversation with Bell, but Bell had slightly hidden his identity as a "world" at that time. But now Lu's identity as "The World" is revealed.

"It turns out that's why you want to give up the "favor system". "

Freya finally understood it now. She finally understood the pressure Bell had been under.

With a mother named "The World" who has such high demands on herself, it's no wonder Bell is under so much pressure. Freya felt that if she were in Bell's position, she would have the same idea.

Bell bowed his head slightly.

""What the Grace Sutra has given me is nothing more than the accumulation of strength."

"Everything is inseparable from accumulation. The way for me, an ordinary person, to accumulate my own power is too rough. Only the "favor system" can help me achieve this goal.

"Although the growth of the "favor system" is too simple and crude, it is the only path I can choose as there is no room for improvement. "

Bell has been thinking about this issue before. He was reluctant to give up the "favor system" because its help allowed him to grow quickly.

However, a series of problems arise after facing rapid growth. The "favor system" can promote rapid personal growth, but it has an upper limit.

Although for normal people, the upper limit reaching the level of a god is no longer a low limit, but Bell understands that this upper limit seems low to him.

His mother didn't go to great lengths to restart the world just to create a god.

Just this point made Bell, who wanted to understand, completely give up on the "favor system".

Therefore, the "favor system" is just a tool for me to accumulate strength now, it cannot be the foundation of my strength."

Bell sighed deeply. He had been struggling with this decision for a long time.

After all, he had to give up the easy track and choose another path. The pressure on him was incredible.

That is because the pressure to make a decision is very high, so Bell was confused and entangled in his previous choices.

"Freya, it was you who prompted me to make this decision."

Freya was slightly surprised, but she quickly recovered her smile.

"No, I wasn't the one who made you decide."

She rested her head on Bell's neck, rubbing the tip of her nose gently against her neck, getting used to smelling the familiar smell that fascinated her.

"You made the choice yourself."

"All I can give you is guidance. The one who really wants to do this is your own will."

Bell himself knew this very well, but he still knew that it was Freya's guidance that prompted him to make the decision to "give up everything."

No matter how obsessed he is with the power he has gained at this moment, it is just a basic accumulation. If he cannot indulge in these powers, he will only become a slave to the power, rather than fully controlling the power.

Bell gently hugged Freya in his arms, his voice was very gentle.

"Thank you, Freya."

Feeling Bell's affection and tenderness, Freya also had a happy smile on her face.

"You're welcome, Bell."

Seeing this, all the men who had angina just now sighed.

"Goddess Freya is serious this time."

"Well, that smile just now is definitely not a normal smile... Tsk, that boy Bell actually made me look so beautiful in my arms."

Although there was still some jealousy in the words, the men's voices also contained blessings for Bell.

After all, this kid accomplished what they wanted to do but couldn't.

However, they saw more clearly Goddess Freya's attitude towards Bell. It was not just playing around, but really falling into it.

...Please give me flowers...

Zeus and Hera naturally saw that Freya was not playing around this time, but was very serious.

"This kid is really good at it."

The corners of Zeus's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

He never thought that that shy boy could capture Freya's heart and let Freya sink to this point.

"Hmph, Freya, Freya, didn't you fall into my hands in the end?"

Hera's words made Zeus choke hard, and he spoke to remind Hera.

"Not in your hands, but in Bell's hands."

"it's the same!"

Hera was completely unreasonable and took all the credit on herself.


"I have seen that boy Bell since he was a child. I even say that his growth was partly due to his hard work."

When she thought of such a thing, the smile on Hera's face became proud.

"Bell calls me grandma, so what will Freya call me in the future?"

Although she is older than Freya in terms of her status as a god, the gap is only one generation.

But now if the gap between Bell's two generations is taken into account, Freya has been forced to be in the same generation as Bell, and the gap is too big.

.........You really know how to play. "

Zeus naturally knew that Freya's seniority had declined.

Although gods often don't care about seniority issues, after all, age issues are indeed not easy to trace. But the matter between Bell and Freya really suppressed seniority, and it was Freya who took the initiative.

If Bell calls Hera "Grandma" when they meet in the future, will Freya follow suit? She can't call Hera "Goddess Hera". "That would be too rude."

"Hmph~ I'll have to see what Freya plans to call me then."

Hera was already excited at this moment, and she was looking forward to what it would be like when they met.

Seeing the excited Hera, Zeus shook his head slightly, but couldn't help but interrupt her fantasy.

"I think you should think about Maitria."

PS: Please collect...Please give flowers...Please comment on the four prices.

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