I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 726 We Have To Take Action Too


When it came to that child, Hera felt nothing but regret and fear.

Unfortunately, I think that child was too short-lived.

I'm afraid because that child is really scary when he's angry, especially when he's teaching someone a lesson, which really lasts two hours without the same thing.

"It's over! If she is "The World", then she won't come up to lecture me again in the future, right?"

What Hera is more worried about now is whether Metea will also upgrade her lessons after her status is upgraded.

"Well... I guess this is certain.

Then Zeus pointed to the projection in the sky.

"The influence of our gods cannot reach 'outside the world', so who do you think is the one who wants us to continue watching?"

It is not just a matter of fact that the gods cannot reach "outside the world".

The power of the gods cannot break through the world, so there is no way to penetrate "outside the "990" of the world" "So the person who controls the projection now is definitely not Herseth.

Hera shuddered suddenly, and the memory that once enveloped her swept up again.

In an instant, Hera's sitting posture became much more straight.

It's not because of anything else, it's just because Maitria's intimidation to her is still too strong.

In the past, when she was in Orario, Hera was really fearless, except for stealing the desserts left by Metria.

Remembering that the fear she felt last time came from the last time, Metelia even scolded her until she could only kneel down on the ground and reflect on her crime.

Seeing Hera's fearful look, Zeus felt a little melancholy in his heart, because he seemed to have been taught a lesson by Metria, and was even taught to kneel on the ground to reflect on his crimes like Hera.

Now that they know that Maitria's identity is super doubled, it is estimated that they will have to think carefully about whether they will be punished for anything they do in the future.

"However, if Metria is really the world, then wouldn't she be the mother of me and Hera?"

"This really teaches us a lesson as children."

Zeus's face twitched, it was really hard to imagine how he would face his mother Metria in the future.

But at the same time, Zeus also thought about a very serious problem.

"Hera, if Metria is the "World", then was there something wrong with that brat getting along with Metria?"

Hera, who was sitting, suddenly woke up.

"That's right! If Maitria was the world, how could that perverted brat succeed?"

If not, then there is a lot to say about Maitria's pregnancy that year.

"Zeus, did that pervert kid never tell you how he attacked Metelia?"

"Yes...didn't say."

Zeus thought for a while, they forced that brat back then, but that brat just gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"It seems that Metria needs that brat to be Bell's father, so she reached some kind of agreement with that brat."

"Or maybe it's a way of hiding one's identity."

This possibility is not unlikely, and even after Zeus thought about it seriously, he felt that this possibility was simply terrifyingly high.

After all, Metria had enough reasons to do such a thing.

"If that's the case, then it's no wonder that pervert didn't say anything."

Hera sighed, no wonder that perverted brat didn't say anything back then and just stood there like that.

"What agreement do you think that pervert will make with Metria?"

Zeus was silent for a moment, and then thought of a possibility.

"Although that brat is lecherous, he still cares about his family."

Hera's eyes flashed and she did not continue on this topic.

"So, what do you think of the abandoned favor system that boy Bell mentioned?"

Zeus thought for a while and gave his answer.

"It should be true."

"That boy just now clearly stated the shortcomings of the "favor system". Although the problem with that kid may be that his vision is too high. It would be difficult for most adventurers to reach Lv. 9, so he only needs to worry about the upper limit after reaching Lv. 6 in half a year.

The greatest help provided by the "favor system" is actually accumulation.

For talented people, the "favor system" can help them accumulate strength faster, making it easier for them to leap into the ranks of the strong than ordinary exercise.

For those without talent, the "favor system" can greatly shorten the distance between them and those with talent, making hard work and hard work a kind of "talent".

As for people like Bell, who worry about the upper limit because their growth rate is too fast, they are really special cases among special cases. We can't even compare cases like Bell with ordinary cases and ordinary people. .........

"It seems that we will probably start to make preparations in the next year."

"And even if Ouranos and Hermes have this intention, judging from the attitude shown by the child, they probably won't pay attention to the arrangements there.

"The "School District" is of some use to low-level adventurers, and adventurers with little combat experience may want to go there to grow. But now Bell obviously doesn't have that need. "

Zeus couldn't help but sigh.

"That kid Bell has experience in cross-level fighting and rich fighting skills. It would be a waste of time for him to be assigned to the "school district".

"Uranus and Hermes need to help Bell attract attention, and I'm afraid we have to go back this time.

Although sending Bell out of Orario is indeed a very good idea, as long as Bell's special characteristics and Bell's own growth rate are taken into account, major changes now will affect Bell's growth.

Zeus believes that Uranus and Hermes will definitely not participate in Bell's growth trajectory now.

"One year? I originally thought that Bell would be arranged by Ouranos to move to another place in the "school district" to continue growing, but unexpectedly the plan was completely disrupted.

"So, we need to start taking action."

For adventurers who have exceeded the boundaries of the "school zone", going there will not be very helpful, and it can even be said to be a simple waste of time.

Even because of this big exposure, Bell will definitely not be able to show his face casually in the next year. Ouranos and Hermes will not let Bell come out of the darkness. The guild will definitely try their best to cover it up, instead of Choose to send Bell out of Orario.

Zeus shook his head slightly.

But that only has some effect on limited adventurers.

Let a child whose strength has reached the top be sent to the "school district"?

Then I really don’t know who taught whom in 1.6.

Hera originally thought that there would still be several years left to wait leisurely for news from Orario, but now it seems that there are not many years left, at most only one year.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

The "School District" is a school established by a god and a Level 7 adventurer. At most, it can teach adventurers some combat experience and methods, so that their talents can be displayed more thoroughly.

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