I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 727 I’M Back, Darling~

"Darling~I'm back~"

Hearing this voice, Bell knew who was back without looking back.

When he raised his head, he saw two balls about to hit his head. Bell helplessly pressed his sore forehead.

The man whose head was about to fall off was also frozen in mid-air.

"Artemis, I've told you several times, don't jump on me as soon as you get home, especially don't jump off the second floor."

"Hmm~ Darling, let me come down quickly.


He knew that Artemis probably wouldn't listen to him. She was very obedient in other things, so why couldn't she change the fact that she pounced on her when she got home?

Bell sighed helplessly and placed Artemis on the empty sofa seat next to her.


Artemis immediately pounced on Bell as soon as she sat down.

Artemis opened her white and tender arms to hug Bell's neck tightly, and even pressed her face against Bell's.


I sent my blessing on that slightly childish face.

Bell helplessly hugged Artemis, who was about to press on her, and complained helplessly:

"So, don't do this every time you go home." 27

Even though he said that, Bell still had some blush on his face every time he was treated like this.

Artemis naturally discovered it, so she didn't care about Bell's complaints and just regarded it as Bell's default behavior.

"Huhu~ I'll try not to do that next time."

It was a very perfunctory answer, and Bell's eyelids twitched slightly, knowing that Artemis would do the same even next time.

This should be considered a bad habit of Artemis.

But what's worse is that he doesn't adapt so quickly to blushing when he comes into contact with girls.

Even if he usually does some exercises with Hestia and Hephaestus.

But for Bell, sports are sports, but contact with girls is not entirely the sports part. It is more contact outside of sports. Bell has not yet completely gotten used to that part.

Freya, who was sitting on the other side of Bell, glanced at Artemis and couldn't help but laugh.

"You, if you have this time, you might as well think about how to convince your other partner."

Artemis choked violently and glared fiercely at Freya who said this.


However, Freya was not moved at all. She just restored her original elegant posture and sat quietly on the other side of Bell.

"If the other half doesn't make a decision, any of your actions will be blocked by that half, and you can only stay at this stage. Are you willing?"


Of course not!

Artemis' mouth curled up.

In fact, if the other half of her body hadn't been denying her behavior, she would have done the same thing as Freya at this time, instead of still staying in the stage of maintaining a relationship with Bell.

Even Bell said that some things require the consent of her other half, so Artemis also had a headache on how to convince her other half.

"Obviously we all like Darling, why do we have to restrain this feeling?"

Artemis really didn't understand what the other half was thinking.

She and the other half are of the same mind, and she naturally knows what the other half is thinking.

Just like her, the other half also has the same interest in Bell, and even some emotions are stronger.

But she just suppressed it like this, instead of releasing it like her.

"How can it be the same as you!"

The other original Artemis quickly took over the dominance of the body and returned consciousness to the body.

With the alternation of consciousness, the image of Artemis also changed.

The silver-haired Artemis from before turned into the blue-short-haired Artemis again.


After regaining control of her body, Artemis quickly felt where her hands were placed, and her face was still touching Bell.

She quickly blushed and took her hand back.

"Sorry, Orion, she did those things again."

If there is any difference between the two Artemis, apart from their hair color and image, the other one is the name Bell.

Artemis in the moon-shaped world likes to call Bell "Darling", while Artemis in this world prefers to call Bell "Orion".

"It's nothing to me, it's just that you will suffer a little loss."

"I... am not a big problem either."

Artemis twirled her fingers in confusion, especially when she heard Bell say that she had suffered a loss, a blush appeared on her face.

Is it a loss? But Artemis felt that she didn't particularly care about the loss.

Should I say...thank you for the treat?

Freya, who was sitting on the other side, naturally understood this scene.

"Isn't there no problem?"

"It seems that Artemis can't pass the test in her heart at most."

Since the parties involved have already said "it's not a big problem", it means that the attitude has been very clear.

"It's just that the person involved doesn't seem to realize this yet."

"As for the other side..."

Seeing how Bell still didn't understand, Freya couldn't help but sigh.

"Bell himself doesn't have that consciousness."

"But he probably didn't think in that direction. After all, the other Artemis was too enthusiastic."

When Freya thought about this situation, besides sighing, she couldn't help but laugh.

I don't know when these two people will realize it. It shouldn't be Hestia who finally breaks through this layer of paper, right?

"If this is the case, then there will be more good shows to watch."

Freya couldn't help but start to think about what would happen when the time came.

The two most famous virgin goddesses in the heavens were completely defeated, and even she, Hephaestus, and the man Loki.

When the time comes, if their matter is exposed, I am afraid that a group of people will be frightened.

But at this moment, Freya was vaguely looking forward to that day.

"Speaking of which, haven't Hestia and Hephaestus returned yet?"

Looking at Artemis, Bell couldn't help but think of Hestia and Hephaestus. These three people should be acting together. Why did Artemis come back so early than the other two?

"is back."

The sound came from the second floor, and Bell could hear the strong sour smell in the sound.

He raised his head and tilted his head back to see Hestia, who was standing on the edge of the stairs on the second floor with an unhappy face, and Hephaestus, who was standing next to her and was a little emotional.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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