I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 728 The Real Problem In One Year

Hestia was so sore at this moment.

The relationship between Freya and Bell has completely made this clear. Hestia naturally knew this. After all, she was the first to discover this matter, but seeing it directly still made her very sad.

"Well~ I have always been on guard in the past, but I actually found an opportunity for her."

Hestia knew that her Bell had been avoiding Freya in the past, but even so, Freya still succeeded in the end.

Well, it's certainly not Bell's responsibility!

Bell is definitely right.

Hestia knew that Bell would be fine, but Freya was too good at taking advantage of loopholes.

After all, if she were a man, she wouldn't be able to bear the words Freya said, "Take your lust away with me."

...But even though she and Hephaestus already had her, Bell was actually tempted by Freya. Could it be that she and Hephaestus were not the ones responsible?

While Hestia was still doubting herself, Hephaestus had already walked down the stairs step by step.

Hephaestus walked up to Bell step by step, sat sideways on Bell's lap, and pinched Bell's face with both hands.

"Idiot, you made too much noise this time."

The reproachful voice contained a worried look, which made Bell's mouth twitch slightly. He couldn't help hugging Hephaestus and burying his head in her arms.

"Don't worry."

"Although I exposed a lot of inside stories this time and killed two gods in front of the gods, my true identity has not been exposed in any way.

"Gods Uranus and Hermes will definitely help me continue to hide it. I predict that I can hide it in a year."

One year sounds like a long time, but Hephaestus knows very well that one year is too short. It is so short that she worries about accidents.

"One year is too short."

Hephaestus gently held Bell's head and let him lean into her arms, but even so, she couldn't help but worry. After all, one year was really too short.

"That's right, one year is too short~.

Hestia, who was still staring blankly at her best friend holding her most important Bell, now realized what she was doing.

The time that can be hidden from the gods is only one year, which means that the time left for Bell is actually only one year, which is too short.

But after going down the stairs in an impulsive mood, Hestia looked at Bell and felt the veins on her forehead beating wildly.

My own Bell is still in Hephaestus's arms.

"You should also consider my status at some point!"

Hestia gently tapped Hephaestus' shoulder with a straight face.

"Hephaestus, you are almost done, you can give in to me."

Hephaestus, who was just getting excited, was suddenly interrupted. She turned around and saw Hestia looking at her with an unkind look on her face, which made Hephaestus a little embarrassed.

Of course she knew that she was taking the spotlight.

"Ahem, Bell, listen to Hestia."

When she finally let go of Bell, Hephaestus lightly hit Bell on the head as punishment.

Standing up from Bell's lap, Hephaestus also looked at Hestia a little embarrassed.

"Hestia, tell me."

This made Hestia just roll her eyes. If Hephaestus, her best friend, hadn't taken over her position, how could she be the second best friend now?

Being number two is simply the biggest failure in her life.

However, there are some things that cannot be helped even if they are admitted. After all, Hephaestus and I have been best friends for so many years, not to mention that the facts are before our eyes, how can we change it?

Now Hestia has figured it out, but sometimes she gets really angry.

"...Bell, one year is too short.

Hestia felt quite twisted as she said this.

But Bell stood up, knelt on one knee in front of Hestia, and slowly took her hand.

"Hestia, please believe me."

"I also have a reason why I must cross that hurdle."

"I will definitely live forever, I will definitely gain eternal life, and I will definitely free you from this infinitely restarted world."

"So, please believe me."

Bell has a reason to live, so he will not let himself fail.

But the next second Bell changed the subject.

"Hestia, you don't have to worry so much. One year is just the limit of time when your hidden identity may be exposed.

"The gods are not stupid. Even if I work hard to create a new identity, or even try my best to hide my identity, they will still think of the relationship between my identity and the Talisman Maker of the Hestia Familia. .”

"But after a year, I'm afraid I'll have reached Level 8 at worst, and the surveillance of the gods will no longer be a problem I need to worry about. y

Although time is very tight, Bell is sure that he can grow in more than one year.

However, the exposure of identity will inevitably cause a series of troubles, and the first person to be implicated will probably be Hestia.

"Hestia, if my identity is seen by the gods in a year, maybe I will not be the most troublesome person, but you will be the most troublesome one."

"The gods can't find you, but the gods can find you."

Hestia snorted disdainfully at this.

"I don't care about those guys. They are just a little troublesome. How dare they do anything else?"

Bell has a different view on this.

"Hestia, I think they will definitely do something bad."

"You are standing (Wang Haozhao) outside the edge now, and the gods will not care about your existence. But once you stand in the center of the gods, you may cause a lot of trouble.

"As for the gods, it is inevitable that there will be some unclear things that will attack you."

A flash of strong malice suddenly flashed in Bell's eyes, and the killing intent quickly rose.

"If that day really comes, the real trouble may be that I have to destroy all the gods in Orario."

Yes, the real trouble was never the blow the gods brought to Bell and Hestia.

The real trouble lies in the question of whether Bell will completely slaughter all the gods in Orario after the gods take action against Hestia.

If he really waited until that day, Bell didn't think he could control his murderous intention and not kill the gods who caused trouble.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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