I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 729 Then Let’S Make A Promise Here

"What the hell! What is this kid afraid of is that those guys will attack Hestia!? Or is he afraid that he won't be able to control his killing intent and will kill all those bastards?"

This reason is really stronger than Zeus imagined.

But this reason is indeed weighty, and now Bell will really kill those bastards for this reason.

"Hera, it seems we can't go back this time."

"If those bastards really thought about that kid, maybe the whole Orario would be massacred by that kid."

Zeus was really worried about that brat being discovered at the moment. He simply couldn't imagine what would happen to Orario once things got to that point.

"Yes, yes..."

Hera was also stunned by this magical reason.

After a long time, she sat there covering her face and doubting life.

"It's strange. Wasn't this kid very introverted before? Why did he become so aggressive just six months after going to Orario?"

In the past, words like "cruel", "bad", and "inhumane" were all applied to Hera.

But at this moment, Hera felt that her cruelty and unreasonableness could not be compared with Bell at all.

Bell was even more cruel than her.

Just because the gods might take action against Hestia, he had already begun to think about destroying the entire Orario gods 610.

Even she can only think about this kind of thing, and will not think about actually operating it to kill all the gods of Orario.

But look at the malice and murderous intent hidden deep in Bell's eyes, he would really do this.

Even the gods killed by Bell didn't even have a chance to be reborn. They were completely dead in the true sense.

While Hera was still wondering how Bell got full of aggression, Zeus already knew the reason very clearly.

He chuckled lightly and pointed at Hestia.

"Hestia is the best reason."

"That kid puts Hestia's safety first, and he will completely remove all factors that threaten Hestia, even if it is just a threat he predicted.

In a sense, Bell is really awesome and ruthless in what he does.

It's not the kind of cruelty on the surface, but the kind of cruelty that can stab you in the back with a smile on your face and tear out your spine.

Especially in the case of Dionysus and Xanatos, it can be seen that once Bell made a decision, he would not change it, and would even use the most direct means to kill the two gods completely.

Even though Dionysus's divine core, Bell, was given to Dionysus's child, Dionysus himself still had his soul shattered, and died as thoroughly as Thanatos.

And Zeus could see that Bell was not introverted, his introversion was only reserved for what made him feel at ease, and his wolfishness was almost entirely directed at everything external.

"Beyond the World" was probably born for this reason.

"A hedgehog with thorns all over his body, that boy is simply the hedgehog himself."

And it's not an ordinary hedgehog, but a super hedgehog that can hide its capabilities and bide its time, doesn't care about its own reputation, and will still choose to be cautious even if it has enough strength.

"This kid doesn't treat Hestia and the others as wantonly and arrogantly as he does outside."

"This kid should know it better than anyone else, so he cherishes it more than anyone else."

That's right, Zeus has determined that Hestia is the one Bell cherishes, so all his actions will be in line with Hestia.

Everything is based on Hestia.

Not only Zeus and Hera were suppressed, but even the four goddesses present were also suppressed.

Especially since Bell was not talking about her own safety, but worried that she couldn't control herself and wanted to completely cleanse Orario's god, they all felt a little uncontrollable.

"Bell, you have to calm down, calm down first!"

For the first time, Hestia felt that she had to live well, otherwise she would have some problems, and maybe the entire Orario gods would be buried with her (chfe).

"I still have a substitute scarecrow, they can't hurt me.

Bell shook his head slightly, still with a smile on his face.

"If they can hurt you, then it's not just a matter of death."

"The revenge I just mentioned is based on the premise that you still have the substitute scarecrow I created.

"If they really hurt you, then I will dig out their divine cores, pollute their souls, and then control them to eat their children."

"Torture their minds bit by bit, turning them into real monsters in their madness, and then denigrating and obliterating everything about them from the perspective of justice, so that everything they exist in the world will be completely polluted to the end. "

"Oh my god, it seems like I really can't be targeted by those idiots, otherwise Bell will really beat up all the gods in Orario and make life worse than death."

"Why do I feel that it would be easier for those guys to just be killed by Bell?"

"I really don't have time to focus on the gods now."

"I will let them understand what it means to have no meaning of existence."

"Besides, what you need to do now is not to waste too much time on the gods."

"As long as the gods don't take action against you, then I will remain calm."

"so be it."

All of this is a means of revenge against the gods. It can be said that this set of actions almost tramples everything of the gods under their feet and repeatedly ravages them, leaving them with no choice even to self-destruct.

The smile on Bell's face paused for a moment, and finally turned into a sigh helplessly.

"But on the other hand, if a god takes action against you, then Hestia, don't stop me from taking revenge on the gods.

This method of revenge almost always targets the points that the gods care about most.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Compared with the torture later, it seemed a lot easier to just kill the gods and so on.

Destroy everything they have built, kill their will, deprive them of their proud identity as gods, turn them into man-eating monsters, and even seal them completely in a corner of darkness.

The subsequent series of acts of revenge were all about torturing the gods.

"Finally, remove the pollution from their souls, seal them in darkness forever, um, and keep their consciousness clear.

Bell, you need to calm down, I'm not under any threat!"

This set of revenge methods greatly stimulated Hestia.

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