I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 734 Desire And Self-Discipline

"Bell, this is your own power.

"I know the black one, but what about the white one?"

Bell naturally knows that both powers originate from himself, but if the black one represents the seven deadly sins, what does the white one represent?

This is something Bell hasn't figured out yet.

Freya smiled and pointed at Bell herself.

"The black one represents desire, and the white one represents your own "self-discipline."

"So you can control the "seven deadly sins" that symbolize desire. This is definitely not an accidental result.

Bell thought for a moment after hearing this.


Bell really couldn't imagine that he had the trait of self-discipline. After all, in his previous life, he was a pure otaku who was not good at sports or control. He had nothing to do with self-discipline.

On the contrary, those athletic men who often pump iron are truly self-disciplined.

They are really going through wind and rain, but they will not be delayed even if they are rolling iron.

But what Freya said is not unreasonable, not to mention that Freya must have said this because she has her own judgment.

So, does it mean that his own understanding of himself is not deep enough?

But I am not so 547 that I don’t even know my own situation.

And while Bell was thinking silently, the other goddesses also had clear expressions on their faces.

"It's true when it comes to self-discipline. Bell has been a little bit like this since before."

What Hestia thought of was Bell's cautious attitude at all times. He looked very self-disciplined and didn't need to be reminded.

"Although the expression is a little wrong, it should be regarded as an act of self-discipline."

The expression on Artemis's face was quite forced when she spoke, and she pursed her mouth hard to prevent her from reacting uncontrollably.

"Pfft hahahaha~"

Hephaestus is different from Artemis in being reserved. She has a natural big sister demeanor, giving people the feeling of being a big sister. Her bold personality makes her normal style quite bold.

"Bell, think about your usual caution and prudence. Have you always maintained that state? Who do you think can be self-disciplined enough to maintain that state all the time?"


Bell, who was thinking, was obviously stunned by what he said.

After reacting, the muscles on his face couldn't help but twitch. It seems, probably, maybe this can also be regarded as a kind of self-discipline (chad)?

Then he immediately straightened his face and said in a serious and solemn tone:

"That's the necessary attitude for an adventurer."

The attitude was quite necessary, but no matter how tough the attitude was, it couldn't withstand Hephaestus' hug, and she clamped his neck directly.

"So, lust is also an important attitude as an adventurer?"


These words of Hephaestus immediately choked Bell to death. In the end, he had no choice but to blurt out the words.

"With your conditions, it's normal for me to have some thoughts."

These words made the goddesses present become silent for a while, with proud looks on their faces.

That's right, it's really strange that people can't be tempted by their conditions.

It's normal for Bell to have thoughts about them.

In fact, many adventurers in the lower world have special thoughts about the goddess, the most obvious one being the Freya Familia.

It's just that there is a high probability that the relationship between the goddess and the adventurer from the lower world will not have a good result, unless the goddess and the adventurer are just casually playing around. A situation similar to Ishtar may be okay, but if you want to be together for a long time , then it’s almost impossible.

It's not that the goddess can't do it, but that no adventurer in the lower world has the conditions to cross over to Level 10, become a demigod, and seize eternal time.

If such conditions are really obtained, then which person in the lower world has no idea about the goddess?

You must know that every god is handsome and beautiful. The Creator was very deliberate when fabricating their image, almost focusing on their appearance.

It can be said that purely in terms of appearance, every god has the ability to charm all living beings.

It’s just that there is a lack of adventurers from the lower world who have such conditions.

At this time, several goddesses slowly got rid of their pride.

But Loki was the only one who pouted in displeasure.

Today's Loki looks a little different from his usual clothes.

The black trousers were worn almost to the bottom, and a pair of white high heels matched the black trousers. The upper body is wearing a white long coat with a black short coat on the outside.

Compared with the usual combination of shorts and shorts, it looks a little more formal. It doesn't feel as casual as usual, but it looks like a more formal goddess.

Although Loki's style at this moment still looks a bit boyish, after slightly changing his dressing style, he has become somewhat goddess-like.

"Tch, that's nice to say. If I hadn't delivered it myself yesterday, I don't know how long it would have taken for you to take the initiative."

Obviously, Loki is still a little concerned about her taking the initiative yesterday. In fact, she still likes to be taken initiative, rather than taking the initiative to throw someone into trouble.

As the leading actor last night, Bell was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he didn't think about it immediately when facing Loki, and he used to treat Loki as a friend before.

Hearing Bell's apology, Loki's anger weakened a little.

"That thing you just made, are you sure it has no effect on you?"

It was the same even after Loki and Freya directly expressed their feelings to him.

"Now let's get back to the point."

"So, next you have to make sure that I am a goddess and your woman, do you understand?"

"Sorry Loki, that's my problem."

"The "Seven Deadly Sins" are all within my control, and they have no intention of taking over my body. However, because it has just been integrated into one, it still takes some time to achieve more precise control. "

"I'm basically certain of that."

"Hestia is also awake. Bell, you can also talk about your plans for the next year.

Bell slightly broke away from Hephaestus' restraints, kissed her on the face as an apology, and then came to Loki.

However, she still stretched out her hands to pull Bell's face to hers, and pressed her forehead against Bell's.

So sometimes the words seem a bit casual.

"I'm used to playing around with you, and I'm used to cheating on you in transactions in the past, but it makes me suddenly not used to putting you from the position of a friend to the position of the opposite sex.

"Very clear."

PS: Please collect it, please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Bell nodded firmly.

After he explained clearly, Loki's face became less angry.

Only then did Loki put his mind down, glanced at a certain cow, and reminded him with some reluctance:

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