I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 735: Being Unable To Control Is The Greatest Danger

The plan for the next year was actually made yesterday.

Next is a year of accumulating ability points, gaining great achievements and continuing to level up. Along with this, I will help "Sword Queen" Ais to increase her ability points.

Although the content of the plan is so simple, it will take a whole year to implement it.

It's because this process is so time-consuming.

Even a person like Bell whose abilities grow too fast still needs a long time to accumulate and adapt. Even one year is very stressful.

But there were still some flaws in the original plan.

Because Bell didn't get "Sloth" from Loki yesterday, but got it last night, there were still some problems with the plan.

Even Bell never thought that he just got up in the morning to experiment with the power of the "Seven Deadly Sins". As a result, the "Seven Deadly Sins" were combined with his own "self-discipline", and even triggered a special reaction, creating A special sphere.

"Plan for the next year..."

This situation made Bell scratch his head helplessly. It seemed that he had to insert another big project in the short time.

"In addition to my own need to accumulate ability points and great achievements to prepare for crossing Level 9, I also need to help Ais accumulate ability points. There are even ten unknown but seemingly important spheres that need to be completed. -"

"One year seems a bit short now."

Yes, looking at the time now, Bell really feels that one year is too short.

If I had two years, it might be easier.

Loki's squinted eyes opened slightly.

"It seems like what the little man said, one year is still too anxious."

But now, how can we divert the attention of the gods away from Bell?

Loki couldn't help but start thinking about this troublesome question, but he couldn't get the answer quickly.

Bell lowered his head, feeling very powerless at this moment.

"I originally guessed that an accident would happen in the next year, but I didn't expect this accident to happen so early."

Changes in plans are inevitable. As long as any plan is planned, there will be unexpected risks, and even some unexpected events will affect the plan.

But Bell didn't predict that an accident would happen on the first day after the plan.

What's even more frustrating is that this accident was triggered by himself. It was like a slap in the face.

Freya did not say any unnecessary words, but quietly came to Bell's side, gently stroked his hair, and comforted:

"Some things happen that cannot be changed. Even if you take back Loki's "Sloth" later, the same thing will happen.

.....…Ok, I know. "

Bell naturally understood this, so he didn't say it was anyone's problem.

"This is not anyone's problem. Even if something like this happens earlier, it can avoid the lack of follow-up time."

With his eyes lowered, Bell's gaze passed through the sphere hidden in the higher dimension that even the gods could not see. It was absorbing the power of black and white to grow stronger all the time.

Suddenly Hestia thought of a question.

"Bell, are you affected by the force absorbed by that sphere now?"

The kind of thing that makes the gods feel dangerous at first glance is obviously not a simple creation.

Hestia didn't understand why that kind of thing was born from Bell's hands, but the most important thing now was Bell's situation.

"That one?"

Bell could feel a clear flow of power, but he could also feel that there was a source behind him helping him bear the pressure.

"To put it simply, the power absorbed by that thing in one second can almost completely drain my magic power. But I don't know what helped me bear this pressure."

Bell said this very easily, but is this a good thing?

Bell, who is a bit thoughtful and cautious, feels that this is not a good thing.

There is a source inexplicably appearing in his body that can help him bear the loss of this power. It's like a ghost, okay?

There is such a thing hidden in his body, but as the owner of the body, he still doesn't know what the source is. It felt like a straw puppet being manipulated by someone, completely losing its ability to act independently.


Bell felt like he had been hit on the head and it hurt.

She looked up at Hestia who was filled with questions.

…Please give me flowers…

"what's the situation?"

"What do you think?"

Bell had no idea who was behind the scenes, and he couldn't even understand whether there was something wrong with his body. This was simply the worst situation for him.

"This situation is indeed a bit beyond my previous expectations, and it should be regarded as my biggest mistake."

As soon as these words came out, the four goddesses around them were slightly startled, and then smiled slightly bitterly.

But now there is such a situation.

Then, Bell spread his hand, and the black and white mist reappeared, and even the sphere reappeared.

"When I cannot fully control my body or any part of my body, it means that I am as dangerous as a scarecrow."

Hestia's face looked quite ugly at this moment. She had been in contact with Bell for the longest time, so she naturally knew that Bell would never say what he just said, unless he himself had no good solution.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me your review.

"There is an unknown source in my body that is outputting power to that sphere. If I can't understand this, I will feel scared just by imagining it."

"I admit that it is a very serious problem, even serious to a certain extent."

Even Bell didn't expect Hestia to hear a problem with his tone just now.

"If the white power represents my "self-discipline", then my spirit should feel tired all the time, but now I don't feel any fatigue.

They have also understood that Bell in his normal state would never say what he just said.

He sighed slightly.

“Is it your character to say something like that?”

This situation of being unilaterally controlled is something Bell has never encountered since he completely regained consciousness.

"The power of the "Seven Deadly Sins" comes from desire. Now I can feel the endless desire rising in this world. But after all, the "Seven Deadly Sins" are still part of my power, but I can barely feel its loss now. "

In the past, he was the only one controlling everything, and no one could treat him like a scarecrow.

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