I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 738 Big News!

Half a month after the dark faction incident, the atmosphere in Orario has become much more harmonious.

Especially after seeing the death of the leader of the dark faction and "Ennio" who had been planning to destroy the entire Orario, the atmosphere of the entire Orario began to move toward unprecedented harmony.

Even those adventurers who like to cause trouble have changed themselves in a short period of time and become cautious.


Because in addition to knowing the real leader of the dark faction, the adventurers of Orario also saw another mysterious person hidden in Orario that the entire Orario had never known.

The mysterious person has an unknown name, unknown age, and unknown affiliation. Only his gender is known to be male, and his level is not lower than Lv. 6.

In Orario, let alone Lv. 6, most adventurers even at Lv. 2 cannot always keep the secret of their level.

Because in Orario, level is not a secret.

The pursuit of adventurers' desires for money, women, and power does not allow them to keep a low profile.

Only by being too high-profile and shouting your name even more can you get the respect you deserve in Orario.

Well, even among adventurers there are people who do not pursue these desires, but what about the gods in the dependent clans they belong to?

God is a well-known fun-loving person in Orario. Their preference for having fun is very strong. If they know that there is a special child in their family that grows very fast, they will not be able to help but show off.

But under the circumstances where the adventurers didn't know how to hide and the gods didn't want to hide, a mysterious man with super strength but whose name and title couldn't be named, and who didn't even know he belonged to the clan, suddenly appeared in Orario. This is not a weird thing.

It is because of this sense of mystery that even after half a month, many taverns in Orario are still talking about this matter.

"It's been half a month, but there's no clue at all, no news at all."

"You're really good at hiding."

Ordinary adventurers have strengthened their determination to be ordinary people after experiencing the sweep of the dark faction.

Look at those people in the Loki Familia, those people are the real monster group.

Everyone has power beyond imagination.

Everyone seems to be able to fight against Level 5 monsters alone.

It is because of this that ordinary adventurers will be more yearning for and benefit from that mysterious talent.

A mysterious man hiding behind the scenes turned the crusade of the dark faction into a monkey show, and the two gods behind the dark faction were finally driven to lose their temper. This kind of thing is what the mysterious man can do.

That is to say, because the other party is mysterious enough, adventurers who are yearning for this mysterious person are trying their best to find out the news about this mysterious person.

But under such circumstances, more than half a month has passed, but there is no news at all.

"Don't say they can hide, maybe they are sitting next to us.

"That's true. If that mysterious person could be found so easily, I'm afraid the gods would have already exposed the information about that person.

The adventurers present all understood that the person in Orario who most wanted to reveal the identity of the mysterious man was actually the god himself.

"That's right. That person has a talent. He has been hiding in Orario for so long, so that no god knows that such a person exists."

"And I guess it won't be long before the mysterious man enters Orario."

The sudden words shocked everyone in the tavern.

"Isn't it? He is Level 6. He has not been in Orario for a long time?"

It is normal for people to have doubts, just as it is normal for some people to agree with this statement.

"This brother is right. I think the possibility of this is very high."

An adventurer in another seat was surprised and thought about it again and again and made the same reaction.

Looking at the faces around him that were eager to learn, he didn't hide anything.

"If you think about it carefully, only those who have entered Orario for a short time can hide their news. But how can anyone who has been in Orario for a longer time hide it from the eyes of the gods?"

"Think about this period of time. Since the struggle between the dark faction and Orario began half a year ago, most of the gods' eyes have been attracted to it, and it is inevitable that some people will be missed.

"Only during this period of time will the mysterious man have a chance to hide himself."

Only when the people present heard this did they understand what was going on.

Indeed, in the past year, the Dark Faction has done things very frequently, and most of the attention of the guilds and gods has been attracted to the Dark Faction.

Especially the dragon roar half a year ago, I heard that it was the trouble caused by the dark faction.

After all these things were piled up, it was no wonder that the gods did not notice such a mysterious person within this year. It was because the dark faction had gone too far.

""Now that the two gods of the dark faction have been sent away, the identity of the mysterious man should not be exposed for long.

"That's right."

Most people in the tavern nodded their heads.

Although the identity of the mysterious man is quite mysterious and all the information is known, that is when the gods do not have that much thought to investigate.

Only the drinker who just spoke was sitting there quietly. He held his chin and thought for a while before standing up.

"Tch! That damn old man is really lying to me."

Once the gods begin to investigate seriously, the identity of the other party should be exposed soon.

At this time, everyone in the tavern poured out of the door, and even the owner of the tavern went out to watch the fun.

This news shocked the entire tavern.


The news that Zeus and Hera returned to Orario was quite big, and it immediately made the adventurers present stand up.

Although it was already night at this time, the news of the return of Zeus and Hera was so explosive that it almost caused a sensation in the entire Orario. Even adventurers who were staying at home couldn't help but run out to watch the fun.

But the strange thing is that the moment he stood up, his husband disappeared from this place.


And just above the Orario Big Ben, a man in a white cloak squatted quietly, watching the lively welcoming scene in the street below.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and everyone in the tavern looked at the idiot who rushed in with displeasure.

"Zeus and Hera are back!"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

But before the people inside could scold the idiot, the guy who knocked on the door started shouting excitedly with his face flushed.

"Just entered the gate. I just saw it outside."

"Where are Zeus and Hera?"

"Let's go and have a look, everyone!"

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