I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 739 Does Bell Taste Delicious?

The news that Zeus and Hera returned to Orario was indeed very big and exciting, and it directly detonated the entire Orario.

This is true for ordinary people in Orario, and even more so for the gods.

"That old pervert is back?"

The expressions on the faces of several male gods who played well with Zeus became very exciting, but they were more surprised than scared.

After all, there is nothing wrong with Zeus himself. He is not serious, and he also has interests that most male gods have. It is because of this kind of personality that most male gods can play with Zeus.

The person everyone is afraid of is not Zeus, but Zeus's wife Hera.

As one of the ancient goddesses, Hera can even be called one of the ancient goddesses. She is really the most ancient goddess.

She is quite rigid in character and very strict about some things. The most important thing is that this goddess cannot rub sand in her eyes.

If Zeus were to play with those colored things, an education would definitely not be spared.

Of course, this is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that Hera doesn't just beat Zeus alone, but also beats everyone who is with Zeus.

This also makes it very uncomfortable for several male gods to play with Zeus.

After all, there isn't much wrong with this guy Zeus. It's even said that this guy doesn't know how to mess with people casually. It can be said that he is a male god who doesn't have much problem except being lustful.

But his wife Helena is really troublesome.

Especially when the "Hera Familia" had a Level 9 empress behind them, they were really not polite at all when they started to attack.

"Zeus is fine, but why is he still taking Hera with him?"


The few male gods who gathered were sighing.

"But why does Zeus want to come back this time?"

"He and Hera were driven out by Loki and Freya back then. When we come back today, don't we need to ask Loki and Freya for their opinions?"

The other male gods looked at each other and then shook their heads slightly.

"If the ordinary gods probably don't have to think about coming back, but who are they? The founders of the last "Heroic Age", the children left behind by their two families are still the information we want to know most. Just them coming back, not more So that we can know the identity of that child?"

At this point, the male god who just asked the question understood it instantly, and his eyes completely lit up.

"This is a good thing!"

"We have been following Orario for half a month, but we can't even investigate at all. If they come back and have such an effect, then we will be relieved."

Seeing the light in this idiot's eyes, the other male gods shook their heads slightly.

In fact, they all saw clearly why Zeus and Hera came back after the child was exposed?

Didn't you come back to cover that child?

But the other male gods are also looking forward to whether Zeus and Hera can attract the mysterious child.

As long as it really appears, there will be clues, which means they can also find the child.

In a sense, they also welcomed the return of Zeus and Hera.

But they still looked at each other, and they could see each other's helplessness.

"But the question is whether Loki and Freya agree."

"Yes. It was Loki and Freya who worked together to send Zeus and Hera out in the first place. Now I'm afraid it will be difficult for Loki and Freya to agree to their return.

In their opinion, the biggest obstacle to the return of Zeus and Hera is Loki and Freya.

"I agreed."

Looking at the two guys appearing in front of him, Loki's facial muscles twitched, but he still waved his hands indifferently.

She is not very hostile towards Zeus and Hera, and with her current relationship with Bell, there is no need to have a tense relationship with these two people.

But she also had some small complaints in her heart, so her face looked a little bad at this time.

"I agree."

Compared to her, Freya's expression management has obviously improved to a higher level. There is no unpleasant emotion on her face towards Hera, her biggest enemy in the past.

Neither Loki nor Freya wanted to have a tense relationship with Zeus and Hera at the moment.

After all, the past confrontations were in the past. Now that things have passed, there is no need to continue to target them.

There was a smile in the corner of Hera's eyes, just like a cunning fox.

Loki and Freya had a bad feeling at the same time.

Then Hera made a startling statement.

"Does Bell taste good?"


Hermes squirted.

Hermes, who was quietly watching the show beside him, originally thought that he had nothing to do with him, but Hera's words revealed a lot of information.

Let’s look at Loki and Freya’s reactions.

Well, Freya's reaction was still the same, but Hermes' face seemed a little darker.

Loki's reaction was not as calm as Freya's, the muscles on his face were almost uncontrollable.


Hermes' jaw almost dropped to the ground when he caught this.

"Hera, do you want to quarrel with me as soon as you come back?"

Loki took a deep breath and glared at Hermes fiercely.

Hermes, who was wrongly accused, quickly denied it, otherwise he might not be able to avoid a beating later.

She had no intention of quarreling with this woman today. Why did this woman come after catching her?

"Ouch~ I don't know who said it, but it's unreasonable to argue loudly. Back then, Loki, who could laugh and curse in the face of the gods, is like a balloon today, ready to explode at the slightest instigation. ?”

Obviously Loki's ability to accept this kind of scene is still a bit poor.

Doesn't this guy like cute girls? Why is he targeting Bell? He even makes a move?

He felt that it was normal for Freya to fall into the trap. Freya had been looking for news about Bell in the past period of time. Some time ago, she even took the initiative to choose the guild's side in order to contact Bell.

With a straight face, he couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Tsk tsk~Does Hestia know about this kind of thing?"

And this woman seemed to know her relationship with Bell.

Hera's teasing made Loki's face even more ugly, but she was also a little embarrassed at the moment.


"Don't look at me, I don't know anything about this."

Seeing Loki's furious look, the smile on Hera's face became even bigger.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

Hermes, who likes to watch good shows, is constantly thinking about gossip at this moment. There must be good shows to watch here.

But what happened to Loki?

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