I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 740 One-Year Countdown

"Loki, don't mess with Hermes, he knows a lot.

Zeus noticed the "begging for mercy" look given to him by Hermes, and had no choice but to take two steps forward and help Hermes out.

"The reason why we know this is because..."

Zeus was troubled for a moment, it seemed that he shouldn't say this~.

After all, she could hide the matter of Metria from everyone, and he might be in a lot of trouble if he told her now.

“Some special reasons.

"Special reason? For example?"

Loki's expression changed slightly. She always felt that this special reason might have something to do with Bell, so she asked subconsciously.

But Loki felt someone next to her pull her, which made her expression change slightly, and then she chose to shut up.

Freya, who stopped Loki from continuing, took a step forward with a polite smile.

"Since it is some special reason, then we don't need to know."

"But if I guess correctly, it should be related to Bell's mother, right?"

Zeus and Hera were silent.

But Freya laughed at this moment, it seemed that it was true.

"So that's the case, no wonder."

If it was Bell's mother, then it's no wonder that Zeus and Hera knew about their affairs with Bell.

But when?

Suddenly, Freya remembered what happened half a month ago in her mind.

There seemed to be a projection tracking Bell that day, but it was caused by Hermes, so of course it couldn't be tracked "outside the world". But what if Bell's mother took action at that time?

"I found out half a month ago."


Neither Zeus nor Hera expected Freya to react so quickly.

They were not surprised that Freya would quickly think of the specific time, but they did not expect that Freya would react so quickly.

"You are very smart, Freya. You have improved a lot compared to the past."

"This is really an honor, Lord Hera."

The momentum between the two goddesses began to collide in the air, and even the sound of collision was heard.


The two goddesses snorted at the same time, and then released their momentum.

No longer paying attention to Hera, Freya bowed slightly to Ouranos.

"Now that the matter is over, please forgive us for taking our leave, Ouranos."

After Ouranos agreed, Freya turned around and pulled Loki away.

The outside world saw them walking into the guild together, so naturally they also had to leave the guild together.

After leaving the guild, the two goddesses had a tacit understanding and did not go home directly. Instead, they went to sit at the nearby "Mistress of Plenty".

It's not night now, the tavern has not yet opened its normal business hours, and is not open to the public.

Therefore, at this time, the two goddesses inside were sitting peacefully on the second floor of the tavern.

"Zeus and Hera's return this time is probably for Bell."

After sitting down, Freya spoke directly.

"Hey, are you talking here?"

Loki looked around worriedly, but Freya rolled his eyes.

“This is my place.

"I know. But this is outside."

Seeing that Loki seemed to be suffering from Bell's serious illness, Freya helplessly supported her forehead with her hands.

"Do you think other than Bell who can eavesdrop around us without being discovered, do you think anyone else has this ability?"

Loki was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was stupid.

"That's right. If a random person was on the same level as Bell, then the secret of our gods would have been revealed to all."

He shook his head and straightened his expression.

"If Zeus and Hera had seen what happened half a month ago, it's no wonder they would come back."

"Yes. The news Bell revealed in public was enough to cause a major earthquake in the entire Orario, but the news revealed in front of us is even more serious."

"Fortunately the only people who know are Hera and Zeus."

Freya also didn't expect that what happened at that time would be exposed in front of Zeus and Hera. After all, "The outside world can really seal the means of almost all gods."

But Freya didn't expect that "The World", Bell's mother, would actually take action.

Fortunately, the only people who knew were Zeus and Hera, so it wasn't a big problem.

Freya brought the topic back up.

"I am afraid that Hera and Zeus returned this time just for Bell. At that time, Bell said that this identity could only be concealed for one year."

…Please give me flowers…

"Those two people were probably trying to prolong the time to act as targets for Bell."

Loki also thinks that this should be the case, but I am afraid that this time cannot be delayed for long.

"Freya, do you think the hiding time of Bell cannot be predicted to be longer?"

Unfortunately, Freya shook her head in denial at this expectant question.

"Probably not."

"Even with our help, as well as Hermes and the guild's help in hiding, one year is the limit."

Freya's question made Loki cover his face helplessly.

"But the other gods will probably come over one by one to investigate."

In fact, Freya also felt that this time was too short, but there was no good solution.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me your price.

"Even if there are many gods in Orario, I'm afraid Hestia will be traced unconsciously.


Sooner or later, a year of investigation will turn to Hestia.

Although there are many gods in Orario, and there are also many dependents and dependents under them, this "many" also has a certain limit.

"No matter how hard you hide it, it will be easy to find out as long as you know that Bell is a member of Orario."

"The two of us will not come to check. There is no problem with Artemis. After all, her family has just been wiped out, and she only returned to Orario later.

Loki silently muttered about this time. This time was really too short.

Even she felt that there were too many suspicious things about Hestia.

"After passing through the queue twice, Hestia's possibility will become more and more likely. After all, Bell's true identity is the Talisman Maker affiliated with the Hestia Familia.

Therefore, it will probably be about a year before suspicion is raised on Bell.

"Plus where Hestia lives now, if Hestia's family cannot be found several times, do you think they will notice something?"

"But that identity is also very cautious and has always been hidden behind the scenes. This identity really overlaps with Bell's now exposed identity. It is inevitable that some gods will doubt Hestia."


This problem is unsolvable.

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