I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 741 The Next Step Is Our Business

After Loki and Freya left, Ouranos looked at Zeus and Hera.

That is to say, only when he saw his old friend did Ouranos' face show some emotional ups and downs.

"Why do you suddenly want to come back, Zeus?"

"It's because something happened that was beyond what we originally thought."


Ouranos also knew that what happened at this moment was far from what they originally expected, but why did Zeus say such a thing? Ouranos was interested in knowing about this.

"Did you encounter unexpected circumstances?"

Zeus sighed slightly and explained with some helplessness:

"We also saw Orario's actions to design the dark faction half a month ago."


Upon hearing this, Uranus frowned and then looked at Hermes.

"Qiqi San" "Did you do it?"

Hermes was confused at this moment. He did not answer Uranus, but looked at Zeus strangely.

"Although my projection is still relatively far away, it has not reached your side yet."

Zeus naturally knew that Hermes did not have such ability, and he did not have the courage to publicize Orario's publicity plan in front of him.

"Hermes didn't do it."

Zeus waved his hand and directly denied Hermes' suspicion.

"I know exactly who the person is, but neither Hera nor I can say her name casually. y

A name that neither Zeus nor Hera can say casually?

Ouranos was silent for a long time, and then he slowly recovered.

"Well, the world has started to take action."

"The World", the true master of the creation of the world, is also the only mother of all the children of the gods and the lower world.

"Is it because of the concern for that child? He ended up so easily."

Zeus looked at Uranus as if he were a fool.

"Hey, this is not the first time she has appeared. When that boy Bell prayed before, didn't she also help? The power of God really means to recycle everything without any hesitation."

Thinking about it, Ouranos took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly. Now he could feel a slight headache.

"It's just as you said, that child will be Orario's future "change". But now it seems that the importance of that child is even within the scope of your original prediction, and the existence of that child still controls the entire world. "

For Uranus, this is a headache, especially when the scapegoat of the dark faction is no longer available.

In fact, a better way at this time is to send Bell to the "school district".

Unfortunately, Bell has now honed his strength to the point where the "school district" simply cannot accommodate him. If it continues to be placed in the "school district", this will only delay Bell's growth time, but will make things more troublesome.

Ouranos then looked up at Zeus and Hera.

"I already know the reason why you came back."

"If Loki and Freya don't refuse, you don't have to worry about being kicked out as a topic."

Loki and Freya, who drove Zeus and Hera out, didn't mind this matter, and other gods were not qualified to raise the topic.

In fact, Zeus is not particularly worried about this problem.

"We're not particularly worried about Loki and Freya's affairs. Just because of the relationship between that brat and them, he won't take action against us."

"And Loki and Freya must also know why we came back. At this time, they should also have a headache on how to divert the gods' attention away from that boy."

Ouranos also felt this was the case.

If Loki and Freya had any objections, they would have already fought back when they were pushed by Hera. They did not make any counterattack, just put down some words and left, which proved that they were also very aware of the benefits of bringing Zeus and Hera back at this time.

"Zeus, you don't need to give me a direct answer next."

After hearing this, Zeus smiled slightly and nodded slightly.

"You should all already know the identity of "The World" in the lower realm, right?"

Zeus did not speak, but simply glanced at Uranus.

Ouranos nodded slightly.

"I see."

"The reason why that brat was able to get Hera's child pregnant was because of this, right?"

This time Zeus did not look at Uranus, but at Hera.

Such an answer made Uranus secretly sigh...

"It seems that the child of your family was a bit unjust when he was taught a lesson, but if you can make an agreement with the "world", your child is indeed very good in quality. "

According to that boy's cautious character, the gods should not be able to get any clues in the next year.

Ouranos, who understood most of the situation, also deeply understood the painstaking efforts of Zeus and Hera, so he would also help conceal this issue.

No doubt, it must be Bell!

But Zeus doesn't think the next year will be sad.

"In the next year, I will try my best to get Fels and Hermes to conceal the information about Bell Crowne."

"As for who made the changes in the world after the restart, the answer is already obvious."

The internal affairs of Zeus and the Hera Familia are probably more complicated than the "Heroic Age" imagined by the outside world. This so-called "Heroic Age" is probably the result that has been arranged long ago.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Zeus believed that as long as he and Hera ensured that a certain amount of attention would be drawn to them, Bell would not have to worry about the risk of being found in the first three months of the next year.

Zeus gladly accepted this help.

"But because the guild is taking the initiative, there is a possibility that the gods will notice it, so I can't go too far. I will try to hide it where I can, and I will leave the rest to you. "

The world keeps restarting, and almost no one else has changed at all, but there is only one person who is constantly changing.

After getting this answer, Ouranos already understood that what he needed to consider in the next time was whether Bell would be exposed.

Who has changed in the world after the restart?

"It seems that your children are right. The world has experienced countless restarts. Everything is being reconstructed, and some special places are also undergoing slight changes."

"Old friend, the next thing is our job."

Therefore, the reason why the world is constantly restarting is because we are looking for the Bell who should appear the most?

The so-called "Heroic Age" is probably to leave Bell with the title of "The Last Hero".

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