I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 742 What Loki Means

Loki and Freya stopped in the tavern for a while and then returned to their families.

After the dark faction was resolved, the Loki Familia also fell into a temporary state of stagnation, and each family member could move freely. This also caused most members of the Loki Familia to train on their own.

However, there are some people who do not exercise on their own, such as Finn, Riveria and Grace.

Loki went straight to Finn after returning to the Familia.


He still knocked on the door and entered as usual.

After Loki entered the door, he saw Finn sitting on Tione's lap, processing documents.

"Oh ho~ You two are really becoming more and more reluctant to carry others on your back."

Loki, who originally had something to say, couldn't help but tease Finn.

After all, business can be discussed at any time, but this kind of scene is still rarely seen.

Finn's facial muscles twitched a few times, he put down the document in his hand, crossed his hands and held it under his chin.

"Loki, what do you think about the return of Zeus and Hera?"

"Well~ Their return can be regarded as having their own purposes.


When his eyes noticed the slightly raised curve at the corner of Loki's mouth, Finn had no intention of guessing. This answer should not be obtained with the current clues.

"So is this purpose related to us? Or is it unrelated?"

"Well...it should be related."

It does matter.

This made Finn unable to stop thinking about it.

The purpose of Zeus and Hera's return has a certain relationship with their family members. As for what the relationship is, there is only one figure in Finn's mind.

"So, the return of Zeus and Hehra has something to do with Bell?"

In fact, after the return of that strategy, Finn also asked some people in Shoujia about the whole process they saw through the projection, and then he also learned about the shocking news that Bell broke there.

I really can’t say these violent things, because they are really too powerful.

In the past, the problem of the gods was as big as the sky, but now Finn knows that there is a "world" above the gods that created the gods, and even whether this world can continue is a matter of a single thought in the world.

In the past, the problem of gods was the biggest problem, but now the problem of gods is not the biggest problem.

The question of whether the world will be restarted is the most important question at hand.

"Bell who knows this is special."

Finn was convinced of this.

No one has ever known that the world has been restarted, not even the gods.

Finn asked Loki before, and her answer was "Restart? We don't know shit!"

The answer given by Loki is already very clear. Even the gods do not know the secret of the world restarting.

In fact, Finn knew very well that no one in the world knew such a secret.

Therefore, people who know this are the most special people in the world.

There is no doubt that Bell is the man.

If we start from this point of view, Finn somewhat understands the specialness shown by Bell before.

Combined with what was learned from Loki about Bell's hidden identity, the answer is already clear.

After having an idea, all Finn needs to know is what Loki is thinking.

"Loki, what do you think?"


Loki pointed at himself, then spread his hands casually.

"How you choose is your decision, not mine.

Finn shook his head slightly.

"Loki, you are the center of the family. No matter what decision we make, your will will be the main one."

"Our relationship with the Hestia Familia started with you."

"So, what kind of attitude you have now is very important for us to decide the direction of the family in the future.

This statement was reasonable and well-founded, but it made Loki look at Finn in surprise.

"This doesn't sound like something you can say."

Although Loki admires his children very much, he also knows that his children are really ambitious.

But this kind of ambition is actually not a bad thing for the development of the family, which makes Loki happy to see his children showing this ambition.

Finn's ambition is to let the small humans regain the glory of the most glorious period, and make the small humans once again become one of the centers of the world, instead of being dispensable supporters.

It is because of this ambition that Finn and Loki put forward conditions, requiring Loki not to interfere at will in the clan's direction.

At the beginning, Loki agreed to Finn's request just because he saw Finn's ambition and wanted to see where it could go, and he never took charge of the direction of the Familia.

But now this ambitious child has taken the initiative to say that the center of the family is based on her will. This is a bit contradictory.

Regarding Loki's doubts, Finn seemed to be frank, revealing all his intentions with just one sentence.

"Because your decision at this moment can determine the correct direction of the family."

Again, He Meng is the final result.

According to Finn's guess, Loki knew something they didn't know, just like the previous cooperation with Bell.

That time was a trial for the Familia hosted by Bell.

The most troublesome guys are all dealt with by Bell, and even the gods are killed by Bell.

Then Finn has every reason to suspect that Loki already knows the direction of the road very well.

Moreover, as Finn said, he really needs to know Loki's direction before he can make a correct judgment later.

"I thought you suddenly mutated."

"Loki, even if some of my ideas are a little more utilitarian, you don't have to say that I've mutated, right?"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

This made Loki smile and wave his hands.

"So, Loki, what do you mean?"

It is because the goddess is shrewd enough that the Loki Familia can grow to its current height.

"I, Loki, will protect him."

Finn is also very grateful to Loki for his training and trust.

After looking at Finn for a while, Loki suddenly closed his eyes and tried to calm down his desire to complain.

"I'm not saying that it's not good for you to be utilitarian. Sometimes it's not a bad thing to be a little utilitarian. Besides, if the children in the lower world don't even have desires, it would be a very bad thing."

Loki naturally knows that Finn's thoughts are a bit utilitarian, but Loki also believes that Finn can grasp this speed, just like he has always done.

Since Loki already knows very well which path is the most correct path, why does he have to think in love?

"What I mean? Isn't that obvious?"

Great, this was the Finn she was familiar with. Loki thought this Finn was a little unfamiliar just now, but 353 now...well, this is normal Finn.

Finn shook his head slightly. He had always known that this goddess was not a fool, but a very shrewd god.

Finn looked helplessly at Loki who slandered him so directly.

Loki smiled slightly, and then the expression on his face became serious, exuding an astonishing aura that surpassed ordinary gods.

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