I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 744 Who Are You?

It has been a day since Zeus and Hera returned to Orario.

In the past, the clan lands of Zeus and Hera were not occupied by other clans, but continued to retain their original appearance.

The interior of the family members is very messy, the entire courtyard is full of weeds, and the rooms are full of dust. Just cleaning them takes a lot of time and energy.

For adventurers, physical strength may not be an issue, but time is really a big issue.

Regardless of whether they are the Zeus Familia or the Hera Familia, the remaining people are actually not the type who are good at fighting. But they are not good at fighting, but they are very good at supporting. So the issue of cleaning is not a big problem for them.

Of course, even if the cleaning is not a big problem for the remaining members of the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia, the scale is still relatively large. "It takes a little longer in terms of time."

Zeus walked around inside the family to see how the sanitation was going.

"It looks like it's almost done."


The flying dust still made Zeus cough twice.

"Old man, is your poor health caused by spying on Aunt Lisa too many times? 233?"

"Fuck you! Who is weak? I can't be a weak person!"

It's strange that Zeus can tolerate Xu's statement. When he heard someone say that he was weak, Zeus didn't get used to it at all and just retorted with one sentence.

"Oh~ Then you don't deny spying on my child?"

The sudden change in voice made Zeus feel excited all over.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Hera standing there with a smile on her face, but even like this, Zeus couldn't help but shudder.

"Hera, listen to me...ahhhhhh!"

Before Zeus could say anything sophistry, Hera's fist had already knocked Zeus away.

There was clear anger on Hera's face, and she showed no mercy in that punch just now, it was just a punch filled with anger.

This damn old man said in front of her that he had spied on her child. If she lets this perverted old man go easily, will this perverted old man give her a bigger job in the future?

"Tch! Damn perverted old man!"

After giving this perverted old man a hard lesson and letting him know that doing anything requires paying a price, Hera turned her eyes to the surroundings (chai).

"It's true that I can't detect any breath."


The more carefully she sensed it, the more Hera could feel an inexplicable and palpitating feeling hidden around her.

"Come out."

"Although I can't feel your breath, that terrifying breath has been leaked out.

Not long after Hera's words fell, the space began to distort. The next moment, the person who had been hiding his aura but had never been found appeared in Hera's eyes.

He was still dressed as simply as ever, with almost no color of the lining visible. All that could be seen was the white windbreaker on the outer jacket, and even his entire face was covered.


Hera laughed and cursed. She immediately lowered her guard and looked at the boy in front of her reproachfully.

"You brat, won't you call someone when you see someone?"

Bell was a little confused when he saw this beautiful young woman in front of him who was as charming as Hestia. He couldn't even remember that he had seen such a person before.

After thinking for a while, Bell still had no impression and could only look at the beautiful woman in front of him with a little embarrassment.

"...Who are you?"


This time, Hera was stunned.

She originally thought it was a touching reunion, but she didn't expect this brat to ask her who he was?

At this moment, Zeus, who was knocked away next to him, stood up again with his hands on his hands, but the black patch in his right eye still told of his embarrassment just now.

Zeus glanced at the shocked Hera opposite, and then kindly went over to explain.

"Hera, you have always maintained a false side in the village, and you have never shown your true face, right?"

“...I have forgotten about it.

Hera's face twitched, she had really forgotten this. Let's just say that no one will not be impressed by her appearance after seeing her. But if there are people who have never seen her appearance, then it is no wonder that they will not be impressed.

After explaining to Hera, Zeus looked at Bell who still didn't understand.

"You brat, this is the wrinkled old woman village chief from the next village."

Bell was suddenly reminded and remembered it instantly.

"Oh! So you are the annoying old woman that the old man always said."

But Bell vaguely remembered that the old woman and village head of the next village seemed to have a very long nose, and her skin was wrinkled. She looked completely different from the beautiful young woman in front of him, whose appearance and temperament were no worse than the God of Love and the God of Beauty. Take the edge.

"I remember you used to be just like the witch the old man said..."

As for the other one who slandered her, Hera's eyes had already glanced at Bell, but unfortunately Bell had already left her attack range, and the child had indeed never seen her true face.

Bell carefully glanced at Hera in front of him, and instantly noticed the unchecked expansion of murderous aura. He retreated some distance without any trace, keeping himself at a safe distance and not easily involved in the bottle.

Hera, who had taught Zeus a lesson, felt a lot calmer, and the depression just now had been vented a lot.

"Goddess Hera, I didn't expect that she would look like that in the village."

It was really difficult for Bell to connect the wrinkled old woman in the village next door to the beautiful woman in front of him. It seemed that even the temperament was very different, but the aura had already made some impression on Bell.


Hera thought for a while but still didn't choose to pursue it.

"Well, I still have some breath, but the punch was a little harder than the one just now."

"Old man, if you dare to call me that kind of words in the future, do you think I will send you back directly in the future?

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

The overlord-like aura is indeed somewhat similar to that of the man from the next village.

Zeus was punched out again.

"The wrinkled old woman village chief... the annoying old woman... the witch..."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Bell always felt that the purpose of the punch just now was to send that dead old man away.

Like a broken puppet, Hera used a very strange voice to tell the key words in the words of Bell and Zeus just now.



Zeus, who noticed the problem, wanted to retreat immediately, but his eyes still saw a trace of afterimage, and the darkness on the roof covered his other intact eye.

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