I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 745 The Real Answer

"Humph, old man, those dark circles on your face are simply the best revenge for lying to you.

Seeing the panda eye circles on this dead old man's face, Bell started to speak with sarcasm.

"You lied to me about being chased by a bear and falling off a cliff?"

"I just said, how could you, an old man like you, die so easily?"

A perverted old man who faked his own death was a little embarrassed at the moment.

At that time, it was considered that Bell should not be left with any escape route, and that he should not be allowed to have any room to retreat, so Zeus completely cut off the so-called "room."

This move is quite unique. It not only completely clears the escape route, but also allows you to be freer and not have to be constantly thought about.

After all, dead people don't need to be remembered.

Originally this plan was very good, but unfortunately Zeus still miscalculated Bell's variables in this plan.

Who would have thought that Bell would grow so quickly, but he had already been upgraded to LV.7 in just half a year.

Who would have known that Bell's character is still a little bit rough, and he has always been in the shadows while growing up. Even when he grew up to 1.7, he never revealed his true identity.

Who could have known that Bell knew so many big secrets and powerful information that even the gods did not know.

Having been forced to stay away from Orario, they couldn't help but rush back.

If she didn't come back, Zeus would very much doubt whether Orario would become a dead city because of a god's attack on Hestia.

But after returning under such circumstances, I stepped directly into the hole I dug for myself half a year ago.


So when faced with this situation, no matter how thick-skinned Zeus was, he could only smile awkwardly.

Seeing that Zeus was beginning to become a loser, Hera rolled her eyes at the perverted old man in displeasure.

"Bell, the issue about this perverted old man is not the focus right now. Let's put the topic of this old man aside for now."

After mocking Zeus, an old man who liked to pretend to be dead, Bell stopped looking at this old man who liked to pretend to be dead.

"So, what is the focus of the topic this time? About your sudden and mysterious return?"

"That's not the point either."

Hera shook her head in denial, and then stared at Bell with burning eyes.

"The focus is on you."

"Even though I'm not as strong as this old man and Ouranos, I just felt something unusual about you."

This question made Bell silent for a moment. In fact, he didn't expect that his hiding methods had always been quite good, and even his development ability had reached its peak. But just now it seemed that he was really discovered by the goddess Hera.

"Isn't it a matter of strength, or is it a matter of gods?"

Regarding the possibility raised by Bell, Hera frowned slightly, but could not deny it immediately. After all, she could not confirm whether it was a problem with the gods.

"I can't guarantee this.

"The aura on your body was perfectly hidden just now. I didn't notice your aura at all. But that strange feeling of terror made my nerves suddenly notice a problem. This is the first time since I was born as a god. A perceived anomaly.”


Bell didn't expect that it was because of that thing that he was discovered. This is really a point that needs attention.

"Your feeling is indeed correct, Goddess Hera."

As he spoke, Bell spread his hands, and the hidden black and white mist and the sphere condensed in the center all appeared.


Hera's face was solemn, and the sensory nerves in her heart had begun to sound the alarm like crazy, even telling her not to get close to the sphere casually.

Not only Hera's expression was solemn, but even Zeus could feel how bad this sphere was. His reason was telling him "leave quickly" and "this thing is very dangerous", and this feeling was even getting stronger.

"What's this?"

Hera could barely comprehend what this thing was.

"An incomprehensible condensation. The whole body exudes a strange aura, and just sensing it makes people feel a little hairy on the skin.

Zeus couldn't help but express his feelings. He also hoped that Hera could understand more clearly how dangerous this condensate was from his feelings.

"Hestia and the others also have similar feelings, and at the same time, they also have a very fearful feeling in their hearts."

After showing it off for a while, Bell put it all together.

.........Please give me flowers...

"They can all feel a strong threat from this condensed body, and the gods will inevitably panic whenever they see it.

"However, as the person who created this thing, I don't quite understand what it is."

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Bell should first make his feelings and thoughts clear.

Hera and Zeus also believed this very much.

There is something that even the gods cannot understand. Even if it is something created by Bell, he may not know what it is.

However, as ancient gods, Hera and Zeus have a possibility of speculation.

“If normally, as a creator, you don’t know what this thing is, then there is a high probability that this thing needs to be created in your hands.


Bell was very clear about this point raised by Hera, so he nodded in approval.

"In fact, we have thought about this before."

"The first thing that comes to mind is my mother. But I have a vague feeling that my mother is not the initiator of all this.

She may be the one hoping this day comes. "

Hera held her chin and thought for a moment, then asked Bell seriously.

"This is indeed your first feeling, right?"

"Then, it's possible that your guess is correct."

Although Bell was talking about his own feeling, Hera suddenly realized that Bell's feeling might be the correct answer.

"Think about it, the 'world' is expecting Bell to be that reformer, and even it has ended up doing so, so why not give Bell better conditions?"

Suddenly Hera said such a sentence, and Zeus and Bell immediately reacted.

"I see, if it was purely a wish for Bell to reform the world and let Bell lead the change in the world, then it would have been better to give Bell better conditions at the beginning. However, "the world" did not do that. "

"It's definitely not based on the superficial idea of ​​"playing around" like us, but it must require certain conditions. "

Zeus realized that the sphere created by Bell might be the real answer.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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