I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 746 That’S Not Gambling, That’S The Courage To Face Desperate Situations

“I know roughly what the conditions are.

Bell had already made the same guess when he created the sphere, and he quickly captured this problem in his mind.

For this question, Bell already guessed an answer.

"The "Seven Deadly Sins" are the foundation of human desires and a necessary factor why humans can be called human beings.

"Human beings are the source of the proliferation of the "Seven Deadly Sins", and what controls the proliferation of the "Seven Deadly Sins" is also the "self-discipline" of humans. "

"So, the greatest condition for creating this body is pure human beings."

But why is it necessary to have a human identity?

This is also a problem that Bell has never been able to understand.

What is this ball of black and white mist? It feels strange that two completely opposite and contradictory things, desire and self-discipline, can be fused together. However, compared to the fusion of these two concepts, Bell is more curious about what this sphere is.

"Purely human?"

Zeus and Hera both couldn't help but murmured.

"Actually, humans are not the only races with desires and self-discipline. Even gods, subhumans, and heretics also have very strong desires. But the reaction of the gods and the behavior of my mother made me certain. I'm afraid Pure humanity is the true condition.”

"The gods have a strong discomfort with this condensed sphere. My mother also specially built my body. It's not other races, it's just ordinary humans.

I'm afraid, this is the answer. "

Bell gave his own analysis and speculation.

He did not just speculate on this for a day, but after several days of guessing, he finally got the answer.

It's just that Bell can't guarantee very well whether this answer is correct. After all, this is just his bold speculation about the current situation.

Since it is speculation, there is no way to guarantee its accuracy.

"This should be... speculation, right?"

Zeus couldn't help but speak.

"Well, it's just pure speculation."

Bell does not deny this, he is simply speculating. But when encountering something, what is needed is speculation. After all, this is his first time encountering it. It is inevitable that he will not have any clues to guess the correct answer, and can only speculate on a possibility.

"After all, this is my first time personally encountering such a thing. I can only analyze and speculate on the current situation, and then come up with a more likely answer."

But there are still some words that Bell didn't say.

The reason why he can get such an answer is because he has a grasp of the current situation.

"Seven Deadly Sins" may sound a little strange, but "Evil in this World" is too familiar.

It is the agglomeration of human malice around the world.

If the "Seven Deadly Sins" are converted into the "Evils of this World", then you can imagine whose hands this condensed power will eventually fall into.

Neither gods, demihumans, nor heretics can be the host of this power, only pure humans can.

Bell didn't know if it was because of this, but now he could use it as the answer to the current clue.

Bell paused for a few seconds and then shook his head slightly.

“More discoveries are needed to answer this part of the matter.”

"However, I have a feeling that I need to continue to go forward, and what I need is to perfect this sphere.

The "Seven Deadly Sins" is a power that is completely beyond the "Moon System" and the "Favor System", and this power is the reason why Bell chose to give up everything.

The sphere that combines the "Seven Deadly Sins" with a power called "self-discipline" is naturally the key to Bell's future progress.

"Is it this power you rely on?"

Zeus had a hard time imagining where this power would eventually go.

Similarly, it was difficult for Zeus to imagine that Bell, who had always been cautious, would rely on such a power that he could not recognize and understand.

"You brat, this is a bet."

Bell, who made this decision, was naturally very clear about this, so he didn't have any emotional fluctuations and just laughed naturally.

"Old man, you need to be careful in the process of growing up, so as not to end before you grow up. However, when you have reached the end, should you stop just because the road ahead is unknown?"

"I am cautious, but that doesn't mean I don't have the courage to take the critical step...""

Hearing this, Hera slapped Bell on the shoulder.

"Okay! Very good! Men can't be afraid of this or that. If you can't take that step at the critical moment, it's not caution, but timidity, or simply lack of courage!"

Hera was very optimistic about Bell's awakening. She never thought that the little kid she hadn't seen for a long time would grow to such a height.

"You brat, you have grown not only in strength, but also in your mind and other areas."

Bell really didn't expect that this old man's topic would change so quickly, and it was bent at a right angle, it was like a 3.4!

"Forget it's just Hestia. After all, I've felt that it would be easy for that child to be sold."

"So, what kind of feelings does that child have towards you?"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Zeus smiled and shook his head.

"It's not that Hestia seems to be sold easily, but that child's temperament is particularly soft, and her arrogance and unkindness in the heaven are more of a protective color for that child.

"This kid is growing very quickly, not only in terms of strength, but also in mind.

At this moment, Zeus's face was filled with ambiguity and ridicule.

As he spoke, the happy smile on Zeus's face became even bigger.

"It's good that you can understand this for yourself, but..."

For an instant, Bell, who had just been within the range of being praised, was stunned.


Hera couldn't help but gossip.

"You must make your own decisions on key choices, and you cannot let gods influence your decisions. Life belongs to you, not to gods. Gods cannot give you the most direct answer. You can only make it yourself. choose.

Hera rolled her eyes at Zeus who said this.

She was very interested in the love story between Hestia and Bell.

After all, it is relatively rare for the relationship between a god and a child from the lower world to develop to this point, especially when a child faces five goddesses. This is simply the first time in history.

"It seems that you are too aggressive when it comes to love luck. This does not seem like your boy's decisiveness in this matter."

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