I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 748 Finn: Why Do You Care So Much About Bell?

After nearly a month of rest and recuperation, the Loki family's mood, which was noisy due to the upgrade, began to calm down little by little.

Yes, after the dark faction's strategy, many people in the Loki Familia obtained great achievements that could improve their level, and it indeed brought greater vitality to the Familia.

However, just because of the upgrade of most people, the atmosphere within the Loki Familia began to become a little heated.

The impact of the upgrade is simply too great.

You must know that most of the people who have been upgraded this time are people who have stayed at the original level for half a year, or even several years.

This upgrade can be regarded as adding a different vitality to the Loki Familia.

In particular, there are many members who have reached Level 5, which are truly first-level adventurers. Any Familia in Orario can be called "strong".

It is because of such fluctuations that the family members are very dynamic and lively.

Everyone's fighting spirit and desire for improvement have increased a lot, and it can even be said that they have reached a level that can be called "alien" in the entire Orario.

Why do you say that?

Because Bell's remarks had a very bad impact on Orario's lower class.

Especially after Bell mentioned the topic of "world restart", that was really the biggest irony for the entire adventurer group. Especially for those adventurers who have not given up on the road to promotion, and even have the idea of ​​continuing to improve, it is simply a blow to the head.

"If the world restarts, won't all my efforts be in vain?" Almost all low-level adventurers have this thought.

Once they had such thoughts, those adventurers also felt "lazy" in their hearts.

"Since the world will have to restart sooner or later, why should I work so hard now?"

Now all the low-level adventurers in Orario are filled with pessimism about the future of the world.

I believe that if this sentiment continues to spread, it may affect more adventurers.

Of course, this is only the idea that low-level adventurers would have.

Those adventurers who have broken through the shackles of Level 2, but any adventurer who is Level 3 will not have such thoughts.

Because their thoughts are simpler - "I don't know when the world will restart, but I have to work hard if I want to live a good life now."

They have never thought about the issue of "restarting the world". After all, "Does the world require ordinary adventurers to consider such a problem? Obviously not."

They don't need to think about future problems, but just about current problems.

Now in the entire Orario, the only group that really thinks about the issue of "world restart" is the gods.

After all, gods with unlimited time have to think about the "future".

Now that we know that "world restart" exists, and even people who create gods exist, how can such a thing prevent them from having the urge to explore?

However, the topic of "restarting the world" was not raised by any god, nor by any of the children from the lower world that are currently known, but by a child unknown to the world.

Therefore, this also caused the gods throughout Orario to want to find the child who raised this topic.

Only the person who raised the topic knows best how to find evidence for it.

At the same time, only such a child can attract the favor of "the world".

Perhaps, this child who discovered everything is the key to changing the fate of "World Restart".

The gods who understood this naturally spared no effort to find evidence in Orario.

Loki looked at these reports in Finn's office with a helpless expression.

"Those guys really don't give up at all."

Although I know those guys won't give up easily, it's been a month, so this should be the longest love they've had, right?

Finn didn't find any of this strange at all.

"Loki, I think you still need to think about how great the impact Bell has caused. He raised the topic of killing two gods, introduced the topic of world restart, and even brought out the existence of a greater identity. The gods It’s normal not to give up.”

Loki sighed helplessly, threw all the information in his hand aside, and lay down on the sofa.

"Hey...those guys are really troublesome. Don't stupid people like them know? What's the use of finding people with their level? It's not for Bell to grow up on his own. That kind of enthusiasm is just Just a useless burden."

These words are all facts, but even if they know in their hearts that these words are facts, will the gods give up?

Obviously, no.

Finn looked at Loki's helpless look and always wondered why Loki cared about Bell. You know, Loki also said some bad things about Bell in the past, and also said that he would find an opportunity to teach Bell a lesson. Why is it like this now?

Therefore, Finn asked tentatively:

"Loki, why do you care so much about Bell all of a sudden?"


Speechless, Loki sat up on the sofa. Finn saw Loki's dead fish eyes and looked at him with a look like "Are you stupid?"

"..."Finn, who do you think is the biggest beneficiary of that kid hiding now?"

"If that kid is exposed, I'm afraid that little dwarf will be in trouble. I don't want to see that little dwarf come to me to cause trouble for (Nuo Zhaohao).

God Hestia!?

Although these two people often quarreled in the same frame, and Loki often bullied God Hestia, but when Hestia wanted to support him, Loki still gave it after a few words of ridicule. Got some support from God Hestia.

Finn naturally knew about the complicated relationship between Loki and the god Hestia.

Finn thought about the madness of the Orario gods today, and they might not be the biggest beneficiaries. Once some secrets are exposed, many conveniences in the past will be lost, which is a very unfavorable signal for the family members.

"It's us."

Finn suddenly realized that the biggest problem was the god Hestia.

It was an answer Finn gave almost unprepared.

Before Finn could answer his doubts, he heard Loki continue:

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers and please comment.

But it was because Finn gave this answer that Loki's entire face was filled with speechlessness and annoyance.

"You also know that we are the biggest beneficiaries. So do you think we will still be the biggest beneficiaries if the kid is exposed now?"

"....…probably not."

However, even if the family is not the biggest beneficiary, does Loki need to care about Bell so much?

When it comes to which god Loki has the best relationship with in the entire Orario, there is no doubt that it is Hestia, the one who quarreled the most with Loki.

It can be said that the relationship between these two is not as bad as it appears.

If it was for God Hestia, then it's not surprising that Loki would care so much about Bell.

But Finn, who was aware at this moment, didn't notice the slight "fear" emotion on Loki's face as he lay down again.

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