I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 749 Trouble Caused By Being Too Excited

"Finn is really becoming more and more sensitive to some things."

"Is it because this guy has developed very well with Tione recently?"

Loki thought with a hint of malice.

This is a kind of punishment for his child who almost exposed his lie just now. Well, it is the kind of punishment for malicious words that are not known to others.

"However, I managed to get through it anyway."

"It's just that you need to control it carefully next time. Some things are not suitable for too many people to know in advance."

Although Loki doesn't mind making his relationship with Bell public, that kind of not minding is definitely not at this critical period.

Now Bell is the target of public criticism. Once the story between him and her is made public, Bell will be targeted by more gods. Loki would never allow this.

It's not just her who thinks so, it should be all of them.

Now we must not continue to increase the proportion of Bell being noticed by other gods.

Therefore, the relationship between Bell and them must not be revealed now.

But in fact, this decision is no different from what we did in the past. They had no intention of revealing this relationship before. This time, things were just a little more determined than before.

"Hmm~ The relationship with Bell should not be suspected. In the future, 880 still needs to be a little more restrained in front of Finn, so that Finn can think that I pay attention to Bell because of Hestia."

Although this reason made Loki very unhappy, ease of use was her first priority now. Even if she was unhappy with the reason, she had no intention of changing it.

Loki adjusted his mood a little, but he still wanted to avoid being seen by others.

At the same time, he took the initiative to change the topic.

"Finn, there shouldn't be anything else going on within the family recently, right?"

When talking about this topic, Finn's mind came to the recent events in the family.

He tried hard to think about things that made him happy, but Finn always found it difficult to suppress the corners of his mouth that were uncontrollable due to emotions.

Drooped down.

Thinking of what happened in the family clan recently, En felt dizzy.

"There's quite a lot of trouble."

Loki paused when he heard this, then sat up from the sofa, changed his sitting position and looked at Finn with doubts in his eyes.

"Huh? Trouble? And there's quite a lot of it?"

"Finn, I'm talking about our family. Could it be that a lot of things have happened to our family recently?"

Facing Loki's questions, Finn also tried to calm down, and then slowly explained:

"Actually, the Familia has been making internal adjustments recently, mainly based on the strategy of the dark faction. Because of Bell's arrangement, seven or eight of our Familia's companions who have been stuck at Level 4 have jumped to Level 5."

Loki nodded slightly. She was the one who held the upgrade ceremony for those children. She naturally knew this very well. But the question is where does the trouble come from?

"The problem is that they are a little excited after just entering Level 5."

Finn tried very hard to use more suitable words to describe the situation those people were in now. Perhaps the word "excitement" was more suitable.

"Oh, that's quite normal. After all, they have stayed at the Level 4 stage for a long time. I remember that they don't seem to have the talent to cross that level on their own, so they will inevitably be a little excited. It's understandable."

The highest limit for ordinary people is Level 4.

Although for many Familia, Level 4 adventurers are already a very high level, but in the eyes of real first-level adventurers, this "high level" is really the limit for ordinary people.

It is undoubtedly a joyful thing to be able to use some rare props and opportunities to break through the shackles of the current level. Loki can probably understand the reason why those children are "excited". To put it bluntly, they are just happy that they can take that step.

Loki understood the mood of those children, but when she looked back at Finn's headache, she was curious about the "excited" state of those children that gave Finn such a headache.

"So, what are they doing?"

..... After accepting many missions related to the deep level, they formed a team based on (chbc) themselves and went to the deep level.

Loki spewed out after hearing this.

The corner of Finn's mouth twitched a few times, and he knew that Loki would definitely not be able to bear it when he heard the news. In fact, he himself was frightened by the actions of those guys.

"Those idiots are preparing to go to the deep level with just seven or eight people? Don't they know what the level of that place is? Once they encounter the "Monster Feast" in the deep level, will those guys come back?"

At this moment, Loki couldn't continue to sit on the sofa. She felt that those unlucky guys were just here to mess with her mentality.

But after a moment of panic, Loki suddenly froze and turned his gaze to Finn, who was still sitting at his desk.

"So, how did you deal with it?"

"I told Bert to hurry up and bring those fools back."


This suddenly made Finn's entire expression look a little forced. But there were some things that he couldn't hide forever, so he lowered his voice.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Hearing this, Loki finally breathed a sigh of relief. The tsundere wolf is quite reliable. Although his words are usually very venomous, he is still a good wolf.

Finn also knew that this was his own problem, so he did not refute it.

In the past two days, she had been focusing on Bell, and she had less contact with the internal affairs of the family. Who knew those idiots could do so many things in just a few days.

It's just that this time Loki didn't leave immediately, but had an extra thought.

"This is indeed a dereliction of management on my part, and I ignored their feelings about the level leap."

Since Finn himself knew that he was wrong, Loki didn't say any more. It's just that she needs to intervene in the next arrangements.

After complaining a bit and venting his frustration, Loki felt that the depression just now had almost dissipated.

After hearing the name "Ais", Loki stood up and sat back down again.

"What a bunch of idiots. They just crossed the level and haven't even passed the adaptation period yet. Do you really think that Shenkang's monsters are cabbage when you want to wander into the deep layers?"


"After Bert comes back with those idiots, restrict the travel of these idiots."

"Finn, I remember I left everything to you to handle before? You seemed to have said you could handle it yourself, right? Is this what you have to handle?"

Loki could understand that those idiots felt very good about crossing levels, and she could also understand that they were quite excited at the moment, but this did not mean that she could understand the mood of those idiots who wanted to die.

"It's okay to let Bert go. Although those fools will be taught a lesson, it is much better to be taught a lesson by one of your own people than to die because of a brain cramp."

Loki locked his eyes on Finn.

"The others didn't cause any trouble, right?"

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