I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 750 Is Ais Also Stimulated?

"There's something about Ais involved here!?"

Loki's voice increased uncontrollably, and even his divine power couldn't help but emanate from his body.

Finn, who faced this divine power head-on, froze completely. Facing this astonishing divine power, even a first-level adventurer as strong as Level 7 cannot move even an inch.

Loki realized that his reaction was too strong and quickly restrained his divine power. It was at this time that Finn could regain control of his body.

"The power of the gods... Sure enough, no god can be killed so easily."

Any adventurer who faces the divine power will feel what is called "powerless despair."

It was like a mountain hitting him with overwhelming power. No adventurer could bear this feeling.

It was just a moment, but the feeling it brought to Finn felt like it lasted for several years. Even now that Loki has put away his divine power, it still has some impact on Finn's body.

"At that time, God Xanatos must have also used his divine power on Bell."

That was all Finn could think about at the moment.

But he also thought that Bell had no effect when facing the divine power, and it was almost a means to completely kill Xanatos in minutes. I'm afraid it was this that allowed Bell to kill the gods with his own hands, otherwise he wouldn't even be qualified to kill the gods.

Taking a deep breath, Finn tried hard to restore his body's mobility, but the coercive influence had not completely disappeared, and his body was still stiff and unable to move at all.


Loki coughed awkwardly when he realized that his actions had a great impact on Finn.

"Unexpected. No, it's because you suddenly said something related to Ash Tan, Finn, that I couldn't control it."

After briefly explaining his wrong behavior, Lu Ji directly put the blame on Finn.

Of course, to be precise, this pot should indeed belong to Finn. After all, Loki has handed over the management rights to the Familia, so naturally Finn is also responsible for the problems of the entire Familia. So Finn was helpless when he was blamed because he had no way to refute.

"That's really my problem."

After the heavy pressure on all parts of his body disappeared little by little, Finn slowly spoke, but his face still looked a little ugly.

"The strategy that has just ended also requires a lot of aftermath work, especially for those members who have already achieved great achievements in upgrading."

In fact, this time the Dark Faction Strategy was extremely good for the Loki Familia, and almost all participants in the strategy got some benefits to some extent.

The benefit of Lv.6 is that you get a lot of combat experience. The large number of "Fairy Elite Soldiers" that appeared this time caused a lot of trouble for them, but it also improved their abilities a lot.

A few Level 5s have even obtained the qualification to cross over to Level 6.

This minority is talking about Raul.

This guy killed seven or eight "Fairy Elite Soldiers" by himself in this strategy, and even joined forces with other Level 4s to kill a rare Level 6 "Fairy Elite Soldier". This also allowed Raul to successfully obtain a ticket to enter Level 6.

The most desperate person in this strategy is probably Raul, who is usually not very serious. But just because of this hard work, Raul is the one who gained the most this time.

Facts have also proved that as long as adventurers are willing to take risks and dare to fight hard enough, there will definitely be no shortage of benefits.

In addition to Raul, many other Level 4 players have also obtained the qualifications to enter Level 5.

Just like Lefiya. She had successfully broken through to Level 4 in the previous expedition, and this time she showed amazing personal abilities. She faced multiple Level 5 fairy soldiers at the same time with her own strength, and even killed them all. kill.

In addition, many people have gained experience in upgrading.

It's like Daphne and Cassandra both got tickets to be promoted to Level 4.

Liluka and Sanjono Haruhime also got tickets to enter Level 3.

It can be said that this time the Loki Familia has been upgraded almost comprehensively.

But because there are so many upgrades, Finn needs to do a lot of follow-up work. The most important one is Raul!

Raul's character is not stable, and he also has his own personality problems. Compared with others, he seems a bit inferior. Maybe it's because he knows very well that his strength is still far behind

Even without the talent to use magic, this inferiority complex caused him to have no self-confidence.


This time Raul gained confidence when facing the "Fairy Soldiers" in the strategy, and he also controlled the rhythm of the entire battle. It seems that his confidence has returned. So Finn also needs to consider another issue, arrogance.

This is actually also a problem for Raul.

But it's no wonder. After all, so many people have achieved great achievements, and even Raul has been qualified to enter Level 6. This will inevitably stimulate Ais.

"Riveria went to take care of Lefia."

"Well~ Raul's kid is indeed prone to this kind of problem.

Finn couldn't help but sigh when he said this. It's really because the senior members of the family have their own tasks, so the entire family is dealing with internal affairs, which gives those excited people a very good opportunity.

"You won't be able to keep an eye on Ais this time. It seems that we need to get that kid to take action this time.

Loki looked at Finn, thought about Riveria and Grace, and shook his head slightly.

"Grace is staring at the men who have risen from Level 2 to Level 3."

Arrogance is indeed a problem that can easily arise, and Finn's worries are not unnecessary.

Loki didn't know what language to use to describe his mood at this moment, it was quite complicated.

"I'm going to deal with Raul's matter."

But recently, because the efficiency of obtaining great achievements has become higher, it is easy for the mentality to change in this case. Especially when Raul usually has a low self-esteem, when his low self-esteem and lack of confidence become arrogant and confident due to the speed of achieving great achievements, it will be a big trouble.

After listening to Finn's explanation, Loki calmed down little by little.

In the past, because of its low strength, the problem was not very serious.

"We actually considered Aisi's matter before. But thinking that Aisi had calmed down for some time before, we thought of putting Aisi's matter aside first. Who knows, even Aisi was stimulated this time."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

So during this period Finn's focus was on Raul.


Ais, who had just recovered a while ago, was still stimulated.

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