I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 751 Ready To Draw A Pie

not enough.

not enough.

Looking back at the monsters that died in her hands, the blond girl didn't have any kindness in her eyes, only boredom and frustration.

There was no sound around deep in the dungeon.

For most people, this is hell, but for girls, this is a place where their wishes come true.

However, gradually the girl could clearly feel that this was not enough.

"I haven't made much progress compared to other people."

The girl's mood at the moment was a little complicated.

The joy of watching my companions grow up one by one, and the sadness of being the only one who is still standing still.

The girl has heard many people say that she has grown a lot, but she herself knows that her growth is not enough, far from enough. She herself has a lot of complaints about her growth rate. It would be nice if she could grow faster.

"Six Nine Zero" "If you go any faster, your balance will collapse."


Hearing the sound suddenly, the girl immediately retreated and got into a fighting stance.

But what she saw was a familiar figure, which made the girl stunned for a moment.

"It is you."

Put away the fighting posture just now.

But before the girl could react, the other party had already arrived in front of her and kicked her in the abdomen.


In desperation, the girl quickly blocked the kick with her sword. However, the force under her feet was so strong that it was almost beyond the girl's ability to bear, and it also caused her body to fly backwards.

The girl worked hard to adjust her posture in the air, and stepped on the wall she was about to hit with her feet.

But when her eyes locked on the previous location, she disappeared.


The girl was startled, and the strength under her feet relaxed a little.

But just when she was relaxing, a strong wind blew from the side. The target is still her abdomen.



A heavy muffled sound and the sound of the girl retching sounded at the same time.

This time it was not like the good luck before, but a solid kick.

The girl was like a rag doll, flying back faster than before and hitting the ground hard.


A mouthful of hot blood spurted out from her throat, and the girl's breath suddenly became extremely weak.

This was just the effect of two strikes, but it caused unimaginable damage to the legendary girl whose strength reached Level 6.

"Does it hurt? Is your mind clearer?"

The severe pain caused the woman to arch her body, and the pain in her abdomen made her unable to muster any strength throughout her body. So when the sound appeared not far in front of her, she couldn't get up quickly and fight back.

"it hurts……………"

Her voice was trembling, and the girl only felt pain in her abdomen, which was so painful that she couldn't think about other things at all.


The visitor walked up to the girl step by step, squatted down and looked at the girl's expression twisted in pain.

"If I don't give you some strong medicine, will the words "not enough, not enough, not enough" still remain in your mind?"

How did you know?

The girl raised her head while holding back the pain, looking very surprised, as if she was asking why the other party knew what she was thinking.

The visitor sighed, it was hard to imagine why the girl had such an expression.

"So, is it really difficult to guess your thoughts?"

"In the past, you targeted the black dragon. What you always wanted to do was to kill the black dragon to avenge your parents. You thought the black dragon was your destroyer, and even developed corresponding skills because of it. So, after the black dragon was killed by your parents, After the matter is over, won't you behave the same as you did when you faced the black dragon just to meet your parents again?"

"It's really easy for people to guess your obsession, "Sword Princess." "

The visitor had clearly explained the girl's difficult character in simple words. To be honest [even anyone can understand from the words just how troublesome the girl's character is.

Being able to turn hatred into a substantive skill is not something that ordinary people can compare to.

Although sometimes this obsession can give people more possibilities, more often than not, this obsession is just a troublesome thing.

"It will be difficult for you to be obedient if you don't get a beating at this time, right?"

The girl bit her lips tightly, she didn't want to speak.

"This kind of thing should have been done by Deputy Captain Riveria, but she has been busy with a lot of things recently. Lefia's affairs, and the matter of Fairways who is preparing to join the Luji Familia. Something. Your priority has been lowered.

When the girl heard this, she felt a bit of sourness in her heart.

She actually knows that sometimes she will do things that exceed the limit. But when it really got to that point, Riveria would definitely come to wake her up, so the girl started to become unscrupulous...because she knew that Riveria would definitely come to wake her up.

But now I know that Riveria is busy with other things and there is no time to wake her up. This made the girl who was used to being taken care of by Riveria feel a little uncomfortable, and also felt as if her own mother had been snatched away.

The visitor said with a mocking smile:

"Are you jealous? Are you jealous of other people at such an old age? Riveria is not alone, and she cannot devote all her energy to you. You are the one who knows this best. Bar."

The girl turned her gaze aside with a sour taste. Now, compared to the pain in her abdomen, the sour taste in her heart was more serious.

"So now, is your congested brain clear?"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

The pain in her abdomen was still severe, but this time the girl held it back and immediately stood up to follow the other person's footsteps.

The visitor's words contained an air of indubitability, and the girl was not allowed to give ambiguous answers.


Realizing that something was wrong in these words, the girl immediately sat up from the ground.

The visitor didn't say much to this, just lie down and listen if you wanted.

"The foundation for you now is unstable. The reason why you are in an unstable emotional state now is because you have obtained the ticket to enter Lv.7. Because you also know very well that only after reaching Lv.7 Only then do you have the right to see your parents, that’s why you work so hard.”


The girl lying on the ground naturally knew this, so she thought about working hard to achieve level 3.9 and accumulate ability points that could cross over to level 7.

"It's not that I can't understand your thoughts, but if you just want to see your parents for the last time, I don't mind if you use this method of destroying yourself to grow up.

"Prick up your ears and listen, "Sword Princess." "

After saying this, the visitor didn't care about the girl lying on the ground, stood up and walked deeper.


The visitor smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to move the girl's face back, so that her eyes faced him.

The girl nodded slightly reluctantly. But this kind of emotion is relatively rare for her.


She needed to ask clearly about the meaning of those words just now.


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