I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 752 The Limit Of Super Ordinary

Soon Aisi followed Bell's pace and even quickly stood in front of Bell.

"What did those words mean just now?"

Bell just looked at Ais with a smile.

"It means the same thing as what I just said. If you don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, just go home and ask Deputy Captain Riveria.

Ais bit her lip tightly, feeling a little regretful that her brain was not working very well and she could not think about things as comprehensively as Riveria and Finn did. She clearly felt that there was a big problem with that sentence, but she couldn't say it outright.

But now she can't let him go, otherwise she feels that she will miss the biggest thing.


"You just said that if I continue to pursue speed, it will break the balance. What is that balance?"

Bell was not angry after being stopped again. Listening to Aisi's question, he gave a straightforward answer.

"The growth rate of adventurers is directly proportional to their own talents. The "favor system" can accelerate the growth rate of adventurers, which can be regarded as giving adventurers a rapid advancement. But even if the "favor system" can accelerate the growth of adventurers, this speed is still closely related to the adventurers' own talents and levels. "

"A talent level 3 like you probably didn't realize how difficult it is to upgrade and accumulate ability points before, right?"


Not to brag, Ais really didn't feel too much pressure to upgrade before reaching Level 3. Although she faced enemies stronger than herself at times, she overcame them little by little.

"It is not very difficult to improve at L.v4."

After receiving this answer, Bell nodded slightly.

"It's good that ordinary talented people don't feel the pressure before Lv. 3. Even the pressure to upgrade to Lv. 4 is not very high. "That really shows that you were growing rapidly before that. But when it comes Lv. is completely different."

For adventurers, Level 2 is a hurdle, and then there is Level 5. These two hurdles have almost blocked more than 90% of adventurers.

Those stuck at Level 2 are a group of adventurers who refuse to grow, while those stuck at Level 5 are a group of adventurers with insufficient talent and ability.

On the big stage of Orario, only adventurers who have overcome these two hurdles can be called "strong". If they have not crossed even these two hurdles, they can only be regarded as ordinary adventurers.

But after crossing the level 5 hurdle, that is the real test of the adventurer's talent.

"After Level 5, it will be a great improvement for any adventurer. If you continue to move forward, the growth rate will be suppressed to the maximum extent, because every step forward requires a lot of experience.

"The more talented adventurers are, the easier it is to gain experience, and the growth rate and upper limit of their ability values ​​are relatively higher. But just because the upper limit is high, the growth rate will be slower than other adventurers with the same level of talent. It's harder to improve.

Then, Bell pointed his finger at Ais, who was standing in front of him.

"There is no doubt that you are a talented adventurer with a high ceiling and require more experience points to grow."

"Now you feel like your growth is slower, that's because you are different from them.

They are naturally worthy of being the other members of the Loki Familia.

""Super Ordinary Man" has grown very quickly recently, and that's because his talent limit is very low. I remember that when he was upgraded to Level 4, his full ability value should have reached about 600. "


Aisi nodded slightly. She was more concerned about this aspect, so she would deliberately listen to news about this aspect.

"Then you can pay attention to his growth rate. Originally, he no longer had room to continue to grow, but the family environment still served as a push, allowing him to continue to grow to Level 5. But even so, his ability at Level 5 The upper limit of the value may only be around 500."

What cold words this is.

For an adventurer, once such a statement is characterized, it means that the level of the adventurer has been characterized.

You must know that any ability value reaching 500 is the standard for upgrading. Once a Level 5 adventurer can only reach this standard, then it will be almost a pipe dream for him to cross over to the Level 6 realm.

In this regard, Bell can already directly characterize the "super ordinary person" here. Once he reaches the limit of Level 5 and still only has an ability value of about 500, then even if he has a chance to enter Level 6, he will still be the worst kind.

"Raul, is it really only about 500? Could it be that you thought wrong?"

"Only about 500?"


Any ability value reaching 500 is the standard line. If you can't achieve it, no matter whether you have achieved great achievements or not, if you can't upgrade, you can't upgrade.

After all, the "favor system" is just a system that accelerates the growth of adventurers. It cannot change the talents of adventurers, or even help adventurers continue to grow when their talents are not enough.

Ais frowned.


In Bell's view, the "super ordinary man" has actually stepped on this dangerous red line. No matter how hard he tries, if he wants to continue to get involved in subsequent levels, he has to see if he has the luck.

""Super ordinary people" are the limits of ordinary people. As the level increases, the upper limit of the ability value will limit the pace of the adventurer's continued growth. "

As a senior adventurer, she knows how dangerous it is to have an ability value of only about 500. If none of the overall ability values ​​exceed 500, then you are not even qualified to upgrade, which is a big problem.

Aisi did not deny her surprise, but she was also curious about how Bell came to such a conclusion.

"Great achievements can be obtained by joining the Familia. Even if an individual does not have the ability to accumulate enough great achievements, as long as the Familia is strong enough, one or two people can be lifted up by dragging the team. But personal ability value is the most clear-cut talent. This is a manifestation of the fact that once one’s personal abilities are not up to par, no matter how hard one tries, one will not be able to advance.”

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"So, no matter how hard ordinary adventurers work, their limit is probably Level 4."

Obviously, Raul is predicted to be very dangerous with only about 500.

The truth is so cruel.

"I'm different from you. I already have a deep enough understanding of the "favor system", so I can be more sure of this situation. To a certain extent, people with insufficient personal ability can get ahead in the clan, but if they lack personal talent, then they can't get ahead just by being a hooligan. "

Bell shook his head slightly.

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