I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 753 Aisi’S Important Answer

"Do you understand? The level of an adventurer is actually related to his own talent. A person's talent determines the distance a person can go."

Then Bell set his sights on Ais.

"Similarly, the "favor system" is also a powerful catalyst. It can encourage people with good talents to grow up quickly, but this process takes a longer time. That's because the "favor system] wants to control the body's spiritual and physical integration, rather than allowing the body to grow rapidly and the soul to stagnate."

"That's why your growth rate will be forcibly suppressed. Because the "favor system" has noticed that your body and soul have begun to mismatch. Once your physical ability is too strong, as a carrier, you will quickly It will collapse due to the difference between body and soul. "

These words made Aisi freeze on the spot.

she does not know.

She had no idea such a thing existed.

Bell ignored Ais's dullness and continued following the topic:

"The soul is actually quite complicated to talk about, but the soul is still closely related to personal emotions. Changes in mood will promote the growth of the soul.

"The purer the desire, the stronger the will, the firmer the belief, and the more stable the soul."

"If you are a doll who doesn't think about anything, maybe the "favor system" will not suppress your growth. A doll does not have a soul. "It is enough that it has a body."

"But you are not a doll. In addition to your body, you also need your own soul. So your growth cannot only be physical, but also requires the simultaneous growth of your soul.

Bell actually does some research on the soul.

Although the term "soul" is very fantasy, even if it is said, it feels like a bit of nonsense, but if it is replaced by "emotion", it will not be so suspended.

Some emotional fluctuations will be fully manifested in the soul.

All beautiful visions can sublimate the soul, and bad complaints can also sublimate the soul, but the direction of sublimation is different.

Why does Bell know this so clearly?

Of course it's because of the "Seven Deadly Sins".

Desire is a part of human beings, and it is also a very distinct color of the soul. And because Bell controls this part of the power, he understands more clearly that "emotion" is actually a manifestation of the soul.

Fluctuations in "emotions" can urge the soul to grow together.

Therefore, the emotions and attitudes of adventurers are a kind of growth for themselves. The thinking system is also very comprehensive and includes them all within the growth scope of adventurers. This is also where Bell was amazed when he studied this.

To be honest, it is incredible that the "favor system" can include them all. However, perhaps it is because the "favor system" is comprehensive enough that ordinary people who become adventurers in the lower world can fully display their talents and talents.

"My soul...limits my growth...

Aisi did not expect that in addition to her talents and talents, what limited her was her own soul.

Seeing Ace's incomprehensible look, Bell sighed slightly.

"That's why I said let you go and grow up with your friends."

"I told you from the beginning, if you want to continue to grow, you can't do it alone. There is an essential difference between you and me. You are not me, and you don't have my experience, so you can't grow by yourself."

"I have a goal that I want to achieve unswervingly after becoming an adventurer. I am not to become a killing machine like you. Strength is just a means for me to achieve my goal.

"But you are different. With the desire for revenge buried in your heart, your way of living has always been to kill all the monsters and completely kill the black dragon that took away your parents. But such thoughts also make you long for power. Even if you give up your life, you must gain strength.”

"Although this intention is very pure, the matter of the 'heretic' still makes you troubled. Those "heretics" who look like monsters have much gentler personalities than ordinary people, so you have a conflict. "

"And the news that your parents are not dead.

Every time she heard Bell say something, Ais's heart was touched. That sentence was like a scalpel dissecting her heart, allowing her to see her own heart more clearly.

The blackness in Bell's pupils was like the abyss of hell, locked on Ais.

"All of this makes you confused and makes you see your own heart clearly."

"So, Ace Wallenstein, what is most important to you?"

At this moment, Aisi's heart suddenly reappeared in her childhood when her mother hugged her father and came over to praise her.

When she wanted to blurt out "parents", another picture appeared in her mind. That was her when she grew up, with Riveria, Tiona and Lefiya standing beside her. They were standing beside her like family members.

No, it's not just them. There are many people Aisi can see, as if the entire family has entered her heart, including the most obscure main god Loki.

The most important person is no longer "parents".

Ais took a deep breath and gave her answer.

"It's family!"

It seems this is the answer. Bell nodded slightly, which was not in vain. He stimulated Aisi's spirit a little and asked her to tell the answer in her heart.

"Clear answer."

"Human, only when you have a clear answer can you grow up faster. Today you go back and discuss it with your "mother", and then act coquettishly in the arms of your "mother". "

"I'll go find you tomorrow."

As soon as the words fell, Bell had disappeared from Ais's eyes.

This way of disappearing is extremely familiar to Aisi, and she has long been used to it. If Belle left normally in the future, Ais would feel uncomfortable.

"Still not asked, the topic was changed."

Ais puffed up her face, a little angry that her mind was not spinning as fast as Riveria's, and she couldn't hold on to the topic.

"Ask again tomorrow."

For now, it’s better to go home first.

Now Ais really wants to see Riveria, and then talk to Riveria about today's events.

As for the coquettish thing...

There was some hesitation on Ais's face. After all, she has grown up. Is it too childish to go to Riveria to act like a spoiled child? But just now Bell told her to go to Riveria to act like a spoiled child.

"...Well, I'll go there later."

Although Aisi didn't understand why Bell asked her to go to Riveria to act coquettishly, her main focus now was to listen to advice.

Don't ask, do it first and then talk.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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