I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 763 For Further Layout

What Bell hates most is improvising, which is a situation he will fall into when he has no choice but to do so. The best situation is to prepare all the necessary conditions before facing the battle, so that he can fully absorb the experience.

Temporary outbreaks may occur once or twice, but you cannot always expect temporary outbreaks.

For adventurers, temporary outbreaks often mean "uncontrollable".

Adventurers should not put themselves in danger, and this "uncontrollable" phenomenon is obviously a situation that adventurers need to avoid.

Therefore, when he decided to target Aiz's parents with the "key" to the final promotion, Bell was fully prepared for this.

In order to save her parents from a certain death crisis, Aisi naturally needs to meet the corresponding conditions. Only in this way can she truly stand as a challenger.

Therefore, Bell has already prepared for Ais the only path she can choose, and this path is also the path Ais will inevitably choose.

Riveria, who was behind Ais, could see it most clearly.

"This is the road that has been paved a long time ago, just to wait for Ais to walk up little by little."

"So, Ais no longer has the right to choose from the beginning."

"So, when did you start planning these things?"

All Riveria could think of was probably the day she left the dungeon.

I'm afraid it was the day when Aisi challenged Udaios, and that was the day when Bell pulled up the soul projections of Arya and Allen.

But this is too early.

Riveria couldn't help but marvel at Bell's preparation. I'm afraid the biggest trouble for this day to come is how to help Ais obtain enough achievements to upgrade to Level 7.

This is what surprised Riveria the most.

Because Bell actually used the trouble of God Artemis to create an opportunity for Ais to obtain a great upgrade.

But what made Riveria even more emotional was that Bell did not choose to take this opportunity for himself, but gave it to Ais.

"Did you do this just to pave a way forward for Ais?"

You must know that it is a great achievement to advance to the Level 7 level. I just gave it to you without thinking about myself at all.

But it was only because Bell completely ignored the available Wei Liya for the sake of layout that he could understand how confident Bell was in his own strength.

Humility and great achievements can only be done by those who are confident enough in their own strength and believe that they will definitely have the opportunity to obtain great achievements in the future. Otherwise, it is best to keep great achievements to yourself.

"Bell, let me ask you a personal question.

"No problem, you can ask."

Bell was a little surprised by Riveria's sudden curiosity, but it was just a personal question | Shili's question was too personal, so he naturally had the right not to answer.

"Are you Level 6 or Level 7 now?"

Bell glanced at Riveria in surprise. He didn't expect that the deputy captain was still so concerned about his strength and would ask such a question on such an occasion.

“Is such knowledge valuable?”

Bell did not refuse directly, but asked about the value.


Riveria blurted out without hesitation.

Bell looked at Riveria in front of him, and he vaguely understood that the reason why Riveria asked this was because of Ais.

So the thought he subconsciously wanted to hide paused for a moment.

Considering that Aisi needs to act under his arrangement from now on, some corresponding knowledge is still needed. And at this moment, Bell has really realized that the effect of continuing to hide his level has been reduced a lot, especially in front of people who know him well.

"Okay, now I am Level 7."

Lv. 7, although she had been prepared for it,... Riverlia did not expect that in less than a year, Bell would actually cross over into a field that the three of them had not set foot in for decades.

Even though Riveria was mentally prepared, hearing it directly like this still had a strong stimulation in her heart.

Now Bell is already ahead of Ace, and it can even be said that this gap will get further and further as time goes by.

But the stronger Bell is at this moment, the safer it is for Ais.

Riveria felt less worried.

Next, Bell hopes that Aisi can grow up, so the next step is Aisi's growth path.

Regarding future plans, Bell is really unable to make detailed plans.

"What "Sword Princess" needs now is to adjust her state and then keep moving forward on the previous road. In the past, some of her ideas would hinder her growth, but now I can only help her in this regard. "(Ma Qian Zhao)

In this regard, Bell and Ais are exactly the same type. Riveria believes that Bell's experience will definitely guide Ais on the right path.

It's not that Aisi's qualifications are poor, but her whole mentality is easily affected by revenge.

It's just that this path is definitely completely different from the way she hoped Ais would grow up in the past.

But considering the situation that Aisi is facing at this moment, the collective power cannot give Aisi more help. She can only seek rapid growth in personal abilities. Therefore, Riveria couldn't say anything, she could only hope that Ai could grow up smoothly.

"So what about the next action plan?"

future plans.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"It's a pity, Riveria. If you want me to give you some constructive opinions, then you can give up this idea."

Riveria believes in Ais's talent. If Ais is given a few more years, she can definitely grow to the peak of Level 7. But one year is really too short, and it is really difficult to grow up in one year.

Bell can't hide this part. It seems that this is the fundamental plan for the next year.

For Ais, continuing to grow is what she needs most now, and there is no rapid progress in this progress. At most, he can only help Ais sort it out, and then take her to the dungeon to practice.

To be honest, Riveria was not optimistic about Ais's desire to grow up within a year.

Vilia can probably understand this answer. After all, Ais's growth problem is really a headache.

Moreover, Aisi did not grow quickly during the expedition. That was because Aisi was better at individual battles than group battles.

Riveria did not continue to pursue some of the secrets that should have been hidden, but asked the most important question to her.

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