I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 764 Three Months Later

Three months later, the 76th floor of the underground city.

This is the deepest part of the dungeon, but the terrain here is quite steep.

Starting from the 65th floor and the floors above, the situation is completely different.

If it is warm as spring in front of the 64th floor, then it has turned into a piece of frozen soil starting from the 65th floor. The chill enveloped the entire floor, even the entire area infected by the chill.

The land turned into very thick frozen soil that made one's feet slippery and unstable.

The wall was also eroded by the cold and completely turned into an ice wall.

The temperature in this area shrouded by the cold is also quite low, and even cold rain, ice and snow appear in the sky. This is also a scene that has never been seen before.

It can be said that the deeper you go, the more obvious the dungeon's malice towards adventurers becomes. This deep chill is already a manifestation of the dungeon's absolute malice towards adventurers.

You must know that there will not be much life in a place with extremely low temperatures all year round.

But the underground city is an exception.

Maybe it is not easy for other creatures to survive in such an extremely cold world, but the creatures that can survive are much stronger than ordinary ones.

The back of the ice lizard man is covered with blue scales, and only the abdomen is relatively soft, filled with a lot of fat and energy, so that even in a world of frozen soil, it will not freeze to death 037 .

Unlike ordinary lizards, these lizardmen can stand on two feet, and can also skillfully use weapons such as spears and darts.

It also has the protective coloration and long sticky tongue common to lizards.

In this icy and snowy world, the lizardmen's protective coloration will make them safer and make it easier for them to camouflage themselves as part of the terrain.

The tongue that shoots out quickly can even easily penetrate steel. Once the lizard and the background merge into one, its tongue will be aimed at the adventurer's vest.

Even if the adventurer's body is very strong, if it penetrates directly through the heart, there will only be death.

And unlike ordinary lizards, they are also good at using cold energy, condensing it into ice balls and spitting them out from their mouths.

Although the attack distance is quite close, as long as it is sprayed, the affected parts will be instantly frozen. Even if it doesn't hit anyone, but hits the ground, it will quickly raise a patch of ice spikes, which can expand the attack range at once.

The bulging ice spikes alone do not have the ability to freeze people instantly, but the aggressiveness of the ice spikes cannot be underestimated. Those ice spikes look very brittle, but they are very hard, especially in this cold floor. They can penetrate steel very easily, making ordinary armor almost useless.

Compared with those steel armors, it is better to wear two more cotton-padded clothes, which might be able to block a certain degree of attacks.

In addition to the ice lizard people, another creature is the dragon people.

The only creatures that can survive in this cold realm like lizard people are dragons with super cold resistance and super vitality.

Unlike werewolves with wolf heads and human bodies, dragons are a completely different existence.

The dragon man is like a human body covered with a layer of dragon armor. Every point of his body is completely different from that of a human being. The only thing that is the same as a human being is the way he stands.

The dragon man's whole body is wrapped in blue scales, and there is almost no weakness on his body.

The hands and feet are like dragon claws, and can be easily torn apart from steel or the adventurer's skin.

With a height of three meters, the muscles of the whole body are like a shrunken giant, giving the dragon man super physical strength, endurance and defense.

The power was not inferior to that of Goliath on the 17th floor, but the speed was as fast as 2B Kang's Feiyan.

With a dragon-like face, you can see teeth that are sharp enough to tear anything into pieces, and you can even see a little fire between his breaths.

Dragon people are good at using flames. Just by breathing in their lungs for a while, they can accumulate dragon breath that can melt super-hard metals into molten iron.

To sum up, we can know that the Dragon Man is a very dangerous and difficult monster.

The extraordinary physical strength and physical defense allow the Dragon Man to take advantage of any adventurer. Moreover, the dragon scales outside the dragon's body are naturally highly resistant to magic. Even a magician cannot easily break through the defense of the dragon's skin.

It is because of the special characteristics of the Dragon Man that it is almost as difficult to deal with as a small floor master.


Ais controlled the Sword of Despair and pierced the Dragon Man's heart. The amazing puncture force even penetrated the Dragon Man's scales, and blue blood flowed from the wound.

But the blood quickly coagulated due to the ultra-low temperature, indirectly stopping the bleeding.

But Aisi's face, wrapped under a windbreaker and cotton coat, didn't look happy, because she was already pulling out hard.

At this moment, the dragon man's ferocious face was filled with excitement.


He didn't care about the wound that penetrated his heart at all. "Instead, the sharp claws on his right hand grabbed directly at the human in front of him.

The sonic boom was so fast that you could even hear it.

Ais immediately gave up the Blade of Despair in her hand, but giving up the weapon did not mean giving up the attack.

The body rushed forward quickly, twisted to the extreme, and avoided the claw attack with an extremely extreme posture.

But just such a momentary gap allowed Aisi to seize the opportunity.


One kick was kicked hard on the Dragon Man's chin from bottom to top, and at the same time, it was used as a fulcrum to exert force. The other kick was kicked hard on the guard of the Blade of Despair, forcibly cutting the Blade of Despair. The blade was snatched back from the dragon man.


The dragon man's reaction was also very quick, and his hands immediately hit his heart.

And Aisi had long been wary of the dragon man's reaction. When the dragon man reacted, she started to evade, and her body began to evade very quickly.

As she retreated, Aisi caught the flying Blade of Despair, and stood firmly on the frozen soil again, repositioning herself, alert to the Dragon Man's attack at any time.

Although the Dragon Man had a wound on his chest, the Dragon Man felt no pain at all.

The excess blood from the frozen wound did not flow out at all.

This is simply the best environment for dragon people.

Ordinary wounds will not shake the Dragon Man at all. Only real fatal injuries can threaten the Dragon Man's life.

However, the environment inside is a real disaster for adventurers.

Exhausting a lot of physical strength in this cold environment will also quickly cause the body to lose heat. Once it is delayed to fight in this environment for a period of time, no matter which adventurer it is, the life will be in danger.

It can be said that this is a favorable environment for the dragon people, but for Aisi, it is simply the most unfavorable environment.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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