I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 765 Battle Against The Dragon Man


A breath of hot breath spurted out from Aisi's mouth, but it quickly turned into a streak of frost in the cold environment.

The cold environment made Aisi feel that the tips of her fingers had begun to feel frostbite and numbness, which made her more calm, instead of becoming impulsive in this situation.

He took a step forward and charged up for a sprint.

Seeing such a scene, the dragon man's ferocious face showed excitement. He didn't care about the so-called tactics and strategies, but only had one idea to fight with the humans in front of him!

Monsters are not mindless machines. They have always had thoughts, but their thoughts are always dominated by the thought of killing adventurers, and sometimes they will act impulsively beyond the adventurers.

Of course, this impulsive behavior is actually called killing.

The deeper the layer, the deeper the monster is affected by this impulse. However, this impulse given by the dungeon does not completely take away the judgment ability of these deep monsters. On the contrary, it just enhances their own judgment ability and intelligence, making them more able to make correct judgments and choices in battle. .

But even so, creatures like dragonmen don't care whether they have an advantage or not. Their competitive instinct makes them not refuse any invitation to fight.

Therefore, their rational judgment tells them that continuing to delay can increase their own advantages.

But their sense of superiority and self-esteem tells them that this approach of increasing their own advantages is for the weak, and the strong should naturally accept any invitation to fight.

Claiming to be strong, they will accept invitations to fight head-on instead of playing petty tricks.

They respect the strong and despise the weak, but they like challengers very much.

They become stronger by defeating their challengers.

How can they hate a challenger who gives them the opportunity to continue to grow?

Isn't it what strong men like them should do to use all their strength to put the challenger to death?


In excitement, the dragon man let out the loudest roar, and then looked at its challenger unwilling to be outdone.

Aisi also already understood the habits of dragon people, so she chose to confront him head-on.

There is no need for so-called petty tricks to deal with dragons, all that is needed is the courage to challenge head-on.

Ais, who has been well prepared since she was young, lacks the courage to fight desperately in the face of powerful enemies, and this is even more true now.

Holding the Blade of Despair, his body turned into an afterimage and collided with the Dragon Man.

It's just that as weak humans, their body functions cannot be compared with those of the alien dragons, so humans are good at using various props to strengthen themselves.

Weapons with the characteristic of "indestructible" pose a considerable threat to any kind of creature, even to dragons whose body functions are so terrifying that they can easily withstand swords without defense.

However, the person using the weapon is still too weak.

The dragon man waved his fist and easily resisted Aisi's sword swing, but his vertical pupils were always staring at the tip of the Blade of Despair.

Having already tasted the blow just now, it knew very well that the thrust of the human in front of it was very powerful, but the slash could be easily blocked by the scales.

There is only one means of greatest threat, and the rest can be ignored for the time being.

Therefore, Aisi naturally noticed it.

After a simple exchange, Aisi could feel where the dragon man's attention was.

So, she is going to take action.


A slash was blocked by the Dragon Man's arm.

Originally, it was just a few sparks, but this time it caused a cut on the Dragon Man's arm.

This sudden situation made the dragon man unable to understand it for a while, and his body's reaction speed was also half a minute slower.

Aisi would not let go of such an obvious flaw.

In just an instant, Aisi had already swung more than a dozen swords. Because the dragon man was half a minute slower to react, he was unable to block all of these fierce attacks.

The regret of having your rhythm taken away from you in battle is severe.

The dragon man, who had a terrible headache, quickly gathered his strength and punched the ground.


The surrounding ground shook, and even Aisi's actions were slightly affected. She did not continue to choose to continue fighting, but retreated and re-arranged her stance.

But even so, dozens of blood marks have appeared on the Dragon Man's body at this moment. Such scars are all over the front half of its body, and its scales cannot continue to provide complete protection.

Although Aisi did not achieve any further results, the results were still very gratifying.

If only a part of the strongest scales on the Dragon Man's body were broken, causing the entire defense system to completely collapse, then the effectiveness of this next layer of scales would be reduced by more than 80%.

.........Please give me flowers...

In addition, the dragon's power is more reflected in physical abilities and natural abilities. These abilities do not include self-regeneration, and there is no way to quickly grow broken scales.

"This way, it won't be able to ignore any of my attacks."

Ais knew in her heart that the same method could only be used once, and it would not be of any use next time.

If she still uses such means next time, it will be her turn to fall into such a crisis next time.

Although Aisi's strategy was very effective, it also had some side effects.


The dragon man let out an angry roar, and the blood vessels all over his body glowed bright red.


But this is not a good thing for adventurers.

Before Aisi could react, she was hit in the stomach by an invisible black object, throwing her whole body away.


The dragon man turned around again and shook his tail proudly. As a part of the dragon man's body, the tail was like a steel whip. Once the kinetic energy was enough, it would be a sharp weapon when thrown.

In just a blink of an eye, the distance of dozens of meters was instantly shortened in front of him.

But the dragon man's ferocious face smiled. It didn't care whether its attack hit or not, but turned around quickly.

Seizing the opportunity, Aisi immediately retreated and dodged.

If the dragon man can be killed before he gets serious enough, he can definitely avoid the possibility of a hard battle in the future.

"So fast!"


Even Ais felt that this speed was a bit too fast, and her eyes almost couldn't keep up with the dragon man's speed.

Ais, who was alert all over, immediately caught the dragon man's moving shadow.

When the dragon man keeps up with the distance, he will directly attack with his claws.

The excitement on the Dragon Man's face at this moment has completely turned into a ferocious expression. It has made a decision to give the challenger in front of it a grand funeral.

Some sparks spurted out from the Dragon Man's nostrils. At this moment, the Dragon Man really showed his full strength.


PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the price.

This means that the dragon man is angry, and it also means that the dragon man recognizes the challenger's strength.

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