I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 770 Go Home

In the room of the Lord God of Loki Familia, two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The two people who landed silently looked around subconsciously. Only when they noticed that no one was around, did they relax their vigilance.

After relaxing, Aisi immediately recognized this place.

"This is...Loki's room~.

Although it is the room of the main god, this room does not look luxurious at all.

This can be regarded as Loki's own request. According to her, "Why does my room have to be so luxurious? Is it just for people to see like that bitch Ishtar?"

The words and expressions are a little tougher, but they still reflect Loki's personal character.

Ais, who has lived here since she was a child, naturally knows.

Because Loki always wants to do something extreme when he is in the room.

"Sniff, sniff~"

Aisi sniffed casually and found that the smell in the room was almost gone. It must have been unoccupied for more than three days.

"Loki isn't in her room? Where has she been?"

"Ah, God Loki's words should be at my home."

The sudden words made Ace pause, and then she turned her head strangely and doubtfully.

"Teacher, is Loki in your home?"

Bell nodded slightly.

"Didn't the previous strategy completely expose the cooperative relationship between me and the Loki family? I was also worried that God Loki would be harassed by other gods and expose my affairs, so I arranged for her to live in my house. .

Ais nodded in understanding. Bell's previous exposure was quite serious, and it would inevitably make the gods focus their attention on their Loki Familia.

"It's not just God Loki. God Hephaestus, God Freya, and God Artemis are all here. They are also the gods who have more contact with me. Considering safety issues, we took them over together. .”

Bell directly hid his special relationship with those gods. Compared with that special relationship, wouldn't the excuse of "refuge" be easier for people to accept?

No, Ais quickly accepted this statement.

"Teacher, why don't you go directly to your house?"

This slightly ruthless statement made Bell feel that Ais had really been exercising to the point where water accumulated in her brain.

"Ais, you have been away from home for three months. When you return home, shouldn't you tell your family that you are safe?"


His dull eyes were dull for a few seconds before sparkling with excitement.

"Then teacher, I'm going to find Riveria."

"Well, you go first. I'll go home first to check on the conditions of those goddesses, and I'll bring God Loki back later.


Bell then disappeared into the room.

But Aisi didn't care at all. She was the one who knew Bell's method of disappearing best.

Now that she had free time, she quickly went to Riveria to tell her what she had experienced in the past three months.

Be cautious.

This is the attitude Ais learned from studying with Bell.

In the depths of the dungeon, caution is an indispensable mentality. If you are careless, your body may be pierced. So ever since Ais learned that there were disgusting assassin monsters like ice lizardmen, she learned how to hide her aura and how to find those guys in a white world.

Carefully spread the wind that she can control, letting the wind quickly spread throughout the family, and use the messages conveyed by the wind to find the person she wants to find.

"found it."

The cyan wind instantly enveloped Aisi's entire body. The slowly rotating wind formed a small barrier that no one could see. It separated Aisi from the light, making her invisible to normal people.

Very similar to the method used by Bell.

Likewise, this is indeed a method that Bell taught Ace to learn to hide herself.

Of course, this is not Bell's original creation, but a plagiarism of "Wind King's Barrier", which is similar to Yun Yong's technique.

The effect is pretty good, but it can't be hidden as completely as Bell's "hide".

In addition, even if the "Wind King Barrier" uses a small amount of magic power, some of the magic power will leak out, so magicians who are sensitive to some magic powers will be too conspicuous.

So Bell gave Ace a suggestion.

"A drop of water is best hidden only in the ocean."

The method created based on this experience is to spread the wind throughout the area to be moved before moving. In this case, no one will easily notice Aisi in the wind.

The only bad thing is that this method consumes more magic power than the "Wind King Barrier", and the other effects are not very big.

Aisi learned this method, but it only spread the wind within a three-meter radius of herself.

As long as you use area-of-effect magic on her within a three-meter range, her magic power consumption will be out of control.

And this range can continue to expand as long as the magic power expenditure is increased.

Although the consumption of magic power is large, as long as it is impossible to lock the position, then this consumption is meaningful.

...Please give me flowers...

After making all preparations, Ais went straight to where Riveria was.

At the same time, in Finn's office, the three pillars gathered again.

"Didn't Loki say anything?"

Finn's words attracted strange looks from Grace and Riveria.

"...Finn, you don't have to worry about Loki anymore. That guy hasn't been around for three months since Ais went out. Who do you think she is hiding from?"

Riveria opened the topic directly.

"Well, Bell should have had some words with Loki and then abducted Loki with him."

Grace still gave Loki some face.

"Grace, do you think Loki will be easily abducted? If she is not willing to leave on her own, will she be gone for three months without being seen?"

But the problem is that Riveria has no way to give it.

PS: Try to update as soon as possible now. The subscription is not strong enough. I am going to finish writing the next book as soon as possible.

As for where they went, how would their family members know?

Their only problem now is how to deal with Riveria.

This person is now Aisi's biggest problem after being taken away.

In fact, they were very calm about Ais being taken away. After all, Ais needed strength. As Bell, as the best helper now, it would definitely be easier than them to help Ais.

Grace turned back helplessly.

PS: Oh, by the way, I read fewer comments now, mainly because I feel that there are more people scolding me. I’ll look at the comments section of the new book when the time comes.

This reason sent away the family members and gods who came to test him.


Originally, there was nothing wrong with Loki hiding somewhere else. At least three months ago, the gods in the major clans began to visit Loki. As long as Loki didn't jump out, he really wasn't in the clan.

"You can't do anything, how can I do anything?"

Finn took the opportunity to give Grace a look.

But now even Aisi has been taken away. This must have been agreed by Loki. Otherwise, would you really have taken Ais away for three months and not come back?

"Rivelia has become more and more angry recently. What do you think we should do? I can't stand it anymore."

After Aisi left with Bell, Loki disappeared directly from his room.

This situation did not cause internal chaos, because the three pillars of the Loki family knew where Loki had gone, and they even knew why Loki hid from the doctor.

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