I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 771 Seems To Be Assimilated Into The Second Generation

"Rivelia, you don't have to be so anxious."

Finn actually thinks it's good for Ace to follow Bell.

"I think Bell has always been a person who acts alone. In this regard, he and Ais should have the same thing. I think Bell should be able to give Ais a lot of experience in this aspect.

This made Riveria very uncomfortable.

“I have absolutely no doubts about this.

"Bell, who has always acted alone, must have rich combat experience and solo adventure experience. He can give Ais a lot of experience in acting alone. But once Ais learns too much, what do you think will happen when Ais joins the expedition in the future? , can she still act with everyone?"

The question left both Finn and Grace speechless.

They all know that once Aisi's strength increases, her ability to move will often cause a complete disconnect between her and others.

Because Aisi has enough strength to do some dangerous things, but other people like "720" do not have the same ability to take risks as Aisi, so when taking collective actions, Aisi's mobility will make Aisi a mess. The shadow disappeared.

Ais's overly aggressive behavior during the expedition was not to highlight herself, nor was it for performance, but she simply wanted to kill more monsters so that she could gain more experience and quickly increase her abilities.

"We all know the reason why Aisi is so active, but do we know it's useful?"

Riveria also had a problem with headaches. When she thought about this, she felt a "chugging" sound on her forehead.

"Ais has now learned the lone wolf's fighting style and combat experience from Bell, which may have a greater impact on Ais.



Riveria suddenly felt her nerves beating, and a faint magic power suddenly spread around her.

That inexplicable sense of spying made her frown.

"Someone is there!"

Riveria gave Finn and Grace a look.

The three of them were indeed old partners who cooperated with each other tacitly. They immediately understood the meaning of this look, and they became vigilant.


The door was gently pushed open, and neither Finn nor Grace could see a single figure, but Riveria could already feel the magic spreading in an area.

This kind of diffused magic power made it impossible for her to lock the center of the magic power dispersion, and she was unable to determine the specific location of her spying gaze.

Because this kind of spying gaze is everywhere in the magic of this area, it turns her proud magic perception into a decoration, turning her into a complete blind person.


A familiar voice suddenly came from the area scattered with a touch of magic power, which made the three vigilant people stunned for a moment.

Then they saw Ais appearing in front of them out of thin air.

This familiar operation made all three of them have facial muscles twitching.

The three of them were just talking about whether there would be any problems if Aisi was handed over to Bell, but the problem appeared in the blink of an eye.

Finn, no matter how rough his nerves were, felt at this moment that Ais might be Bell II in the future.

At this moment, he also felt the nerves in his forehead beating wildly.

"Ais, how come you...are doing the same thing as Bell?"

Finn stretched out his hand and tried to smooth the throbbing veins on his forehead before asking this most crucial question.

"This is the method the teacher taught me. It can be a good way to avoid hidden monsters."

Aisi didn't think much and directly told the reason.

"Ah, really?"

Finn already felt a headache at this moment. Is this Ai after Bell's teaching?

"Ais, but what I want to ask is, why do you still use such techniques to hide yourself after you return home?"

Aisi was slightly stunned. She had never thought of this problem.

"Because the teacher told me that I need to pay attention to my own safety at all times. Hiding yourself is an important step in case you are stabbed in the back.

Paranoia of persecution!

Finn clearly felt at this moment that there was a bigger problem with Ais being taught by Bell.

Do you use this technique at home just to avoid being stabbed in the back?

This reason sounds like a joke. Is there anyone in the Loki Familia who dares to stab Ace in the back?

Finn, to put it bluntly, in the entire Orario except Bell, only Bell has such a condition. Who else has such a level?

"Exactly like Bell."

"Has it been assimilated in three months?"

Finn took a deep breath and said silently in his mind, "This is not the key. This is not the key." He used psychological suggestion to temporarily forget the bad things that happened just now.

A smile forced itself out of his stiff face.

"Ais, have you and Bell been in the dungeon these three months?"

Finn paid special attention to Aisi's condition. At this moment, Aisi didn't feel any sharpness at all, like a sheathed sword, but instead seemed a little more ordinary and ordinary.

"Are the changes in Ais the result of Bell's training?"

"There are indeed some changes in the breath, Aisi, it seems to have become purer."

I haven't seen this change in action yet, but Finn can feel that Ais has begun to move in the direction of Bell...

"Going to a deeper floor?"

"Well, the most we've lost is 76 rooms."

Good guy. Finn almost blurted out.

Even the expedition plan of the entire family only reached the 59th floor. Unexpectedly, in the past three months, Aisi followed Bell to the 76th floor.

The Dragon Pot on the 50th floor is enough for them to drink a pot, so what is the scene on the deeper level?

Grace's hand stroking her beard almost pulled it off with force. Some curiosity flashed in her eyes and she couldn't help but ask:

"What are the floors behind Ais like? Are there as many monsters as the floors in front?"

Ais thought for a moment and shook her head slightly.

"After the 65th floor, there is a frozen world. There are many monsters before the 65th floor, and "monster feasts" often occur. However, there will be no more "monster feasts" after the 65th floor. "

"There will be no "Monster Feast" after the 65th floor?"

This answer really surprised Grace.

"Well, after the 65th floor, it is no longer a world that normal people can live in. Just like the "White Palace", a large area is covered with ice and snow, and it is in ultra-low temperature for a long time. As long as you don't pay attention, The body will fall into a state of hypothermia.

It might sound like a joke to other people, but from Ace's somewhat inorganic voice, it didn't sound like a joke. But seriously.

"In a world with low temperatures, this is really important information."

The exploration of subsequent floors often requires information as the basis, but in the past, Fenn did not have the channels to know the information of so many unknown floors in 5.4.

"It seems that if you want to explore unknown floors next time, you need to bring enough warm equipment."

"Ais, how serious is the situation in the frozen world?"

Well, Ai doesn't know how to answer this question.

She knew how dangerous that frozen world was because she had personally experienced how cold it was. If you are not careful, you will be so cold that you lose consciousness, and then your whole body will lose temperature. If you are not careful, you will sleep to death in the ice and snow.

But let her say how serious it is, she is not like Riveria who can use easy to understand words to describe it. She could only answer with her own personal experience.

"My first near-death experience was fifteen minutes after entering that frozen world."

This speech is also quite stimulating.

The three pillars present were all frightened by Aisi's tough answer.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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