I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 772 Bell Is Good At Teaching People Through Things

"Experiencing near-death in fifteen minutes?"

Riveria couldn't sit still now, and quickly came to Ais' side and carefully checked Ais' physical condition.

"Isn't Bell always around? How could you be so easily exposed to near-death experiences?"

Theoretically, it's not easy, but Bell's education method is different.

Ais raised her hand indifferently, put her index finger to her lips, and imitated Bell's way of speaking and said:

""If you want to understand how dangerous this world is, then die once." That's what the teacher said. "

"So after entering the frozen world, the teacher didn't give me any hints. He waited for me to experience death before he rescued me.

Listening to Ais' explanation, Riveria understood deeply that handing Ais over to Bell was definitely not a good choice.

This teaching is really tough.

Let students recognize the danger of the current floor, not by explaining it with words, but by letting students 27 experience a near-death experience.

As a student of Bell, that is really terrible.

Although he did not die directly, Bell would bring the students back after they experienced death, and then called the near-death experience just now "practical teaching."

Finn could no longer maintain his stiff smile, and tried hard to rub his face with his hands to make his expression normal.

"Bell's education method is really dangerous. Ais, your mental state should be fine, right?"

Ais frowned slightly and looked at Finn strangely.

"Although the teacher's education is very strict, it is not serious enough to affect the spirit. Finn, your reaction is a bit excessive.

Was I overreacting? My reaction was normal. Finn took a deep breath, and he could already feel that Ais seemed to have been brought into that abnormal world by Bell, and their concepts had begun to differ.

In front of him, Aisi had already begun to talk to Bell. Finn did not intend to change Aisi's mind, but continued to ask.

"Ais, after your near-death experience, what kind of exercise did Bell arrange for you?"

Ais thought for a while, made a simple summary in her mind, and then explained:

"Because the temperature in the frozen world is very low. The temperature is almost at a level where normal people cannot live. So the teacher said that we must first find a way to qualify ourselves to survive in this frozen world."

"First of all, try to cover your whole body with magic power and use magic power to fight against the erosion of the cold. As long as you can cover your whole body with a minimum amount of magic power even while sleeping, you will be initially qualified to survive.

Isn't this death training again? Riveria almost blurted out these words.

You must know that magic power is quite difficult to control, especially covering the whole body's surface with magic power at a minimum to resist the cold. This is simply an act of seeking death.

You must know that once the magic power is consumed too much, the person will completely lose consciousness.

That frozen world was a dangerous place where even Aisi would be on the verge of death if she stayed in it for fifteen minutes. How much magic power would it take to cover her body to withstand the cold?

And you still need to keep the magic power covering your whole body while sleeping. Isn't this a challenge to the edge of death?

Ais noticed Riveria's expression change, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with what she just said. Therefore, she didn't care so much and continued talking.

"It was a little difficult at first. Even if I used all my magic power, it would be difficult to completely withstand the coldness of that environment."

"But after my body became cold and I tried again and again, I found that the teacher was right. Human beings are the most adaptable creatures. Only through repeated failures can we find the right direction."

Ais remembered that it was only after she found herself gradually adapting to that environment that she fully understood what Bell said.

It seems that after that, Aisi will firmly remember everything Bell said, and then seriously think about the meaning contained in these words.

"Gradually, I began to learn how to use the minimum amount of magic power to maintain the body's temperature. At first, I would use up all the magic power for the whole day, but after I got used to it, I could try to keep it at a quarter of the usual amount every day. The magic power covers the whole body to resist the cold."

"Sometimes the body still feels cold, but just hunting some monsters can warm the body up."

"So, no problem."

Aisi raised her arm and patted the muscles on her arm gently to indicate that there was nothing wrong with her.

The only person who really felt that the problem was not big was Ais herself. Yin En and the other three felt that Ais had a big problem at this moment.

The problem is not that of Ais herself, but that Ais's cognition has been shifted by Bell.

But the person involved thinks that he has no problem.

What did they say?

The three of them looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Judging from Ais's current performance, it is too difficult to change her perception.

Now they can only deal with Aisi's matter based on the situation.

Grace took the lead in changing the topic.

"Ais, so the reason why there is no "Monster Feast" on the 65th floor is because there are very few monsters that can survive in that place?"

"There are only two kinds of monsters that can survive in that kind of temperature. One is the ice lizard man, and the other is the dragon man."

"Ice lizardmen are humanoid images of lizards that can walk upright. Their heads and backs are covered with scales, but only their abdomen is the most vulnerable. They are good at using weapons such as spears, swords, and darts. They are also good at using weapons such as spears, swords, and darts. Mimicry in the Snow 740.

"It can spit out tongues that can penetrate steel. As long as those guys are not found, those guys' tongues will be aimed at the adventurer's vest.

"In addition, those lizard men are also good at spitting ice. The attack distance is about five to ten meters. Once the ice they spit hits, it will freeze instantly. If the ice falls on the ground, it will also produce The hard ice spikes are very aggressive."

What Aisi hates the most is those ice lizardmen, because those guys are always hiding in the snowdrifts, and it is completely white, and you really can't find their location if you don't look carefully.

Thinking of the initial situation, Ais couldn't help but clenched her fists.

"Back then, I almost had those guys' tongues piercing my abdomen. Those guys are definitely the most annoying creatures in the frozen world!"

Finn, on the other hand, had a clear look on his face.

"No wonder there is no "Monster Feast" on the 65th floor. The gathering of these guys reduces the threat. Without the "Monster Feast", their threat will be greater. "

If the depths were filled with this type of monsters, then Finn would rather face the troublesome "Monster Feast".

In terms of the degree of trouble, creatures like the Ice Lizardman are even more dangerous than the "Monster Feast" that appears openly.

At least the monsters in "Monster Feast" don't do backstabbing. Those ice lizardmen are obviously good at camouflage and backstabbing.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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