I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 774 Aisi Is Promoted To Level 7

[Name: Ace Wallenstein


Development ability:


·Abnormal resistance:G










"Wind Spirit Sprint": Wind wraps around one's body, improving attack, defense, speed and short-distance flying ability.


"Revenge Princess"

·Activate at will

·High-level enhancement of monster attack power

·Strengthen the attack power of dragon species beyond the domain

·The effect increases with the level of hatred


·Facing the strong and opening the "Challenge Mode"

·Open "Challenge Mode" to gain courage enhancement

·Enable "Challenge Mode" to gain physical strength beyond the realm of strength

·Enable "Challenge Mode" to obtain defense super domain enhancement

·Enable "Challenge Mode" to gain enhanced physical strength recovery

·Succeed in the challenge and gain greatly improved experience]


Riveria looked at this string of data with a blank look on her face.

"This growth rate is 360 degrees... it's too fast..."

"Three months is really too fast in terms of growth."

Loki also expressed surprise. Aisi's growth was so fast, which was also the biggest surprise.

"It seems that Bell's fraud theory on the favor system is quite successful."

However, this method is not useful for everyone.

Only adventurers with enough talent and strength to adjust to stronger monsters are eligible for such cheating.

Seeing the answer to Aisi's growth, Lu Ji felt a little more relaxed.

"It seems that Aisi should be able to continue to grow at her current pace in the next nine months."

The most critical thing for Bell right now is preventing the greatness needed to grow.

There were a lot more of those things in the "Age of Heroes".

There were too many powerful adventurers in that era, and their team formation could indirectly reduce the risks faced by those with insufficient strength. Even if many people share the great cross-border undertaking equally, it is still enough for many people to cross over to the realm of Level.

But the current environment is too bad.

All the powerful adventurers died because of challenging the black dragon, and the rest were (chdf) a group of latecomers who had not yet grown up, and did not even have a chance to continue to grow up.

The fall of an era is often so helpless.

But even in this situation, there is still a glimmer of hope.

A pair of parents trapped in the underground city have been fighting against the erosion of the underground city in the depths of the underground city in order to leave hope for their daughter's growth.

Such an opportunity was given to Aisi and also to Bell.

"It's all destiny."

The corners of Loki's mouth curled up a bit as he thought about this.

This is a very happy scene for a god, a fun-loving person, or a woman.

"Let me record it carefully. The changes brought about by the new era are coming soon."

Smiling, Loki gently smoothed the corners of his smiling mouth. This should be the biggest problem for a god. It is difficult to conceal the excitement when something interesting happens.

Loki focused on the new skill "Challenger".

"Riverlia, what you should pay attention to is the introduction of new skills."

Riveria's dull eyes slowly came back to her senses and looked at the new skill prompted by Loki.


"Succeeding in the challenge will increase the experience gained... This, this skill to increase the experience gained is also very useful."

Riveria swore that this was the first time she had seen such an unconventional skill.

She could accept the previous ones that increased courage, physical strength, defense and physical recovery, but the experience gained after adding challenges was really unacceptable to her.

"This skill is indeed still..."

"Too special?"

Yes. "


In addition, by increasing the experience gained, such skills can no longer be called special. Perhaps except for Bell, there should be no more special skills in Orario.

Riveria was very surprised and worried. Ais awakening such a skill also means trouble.

But Loki didn't think so.

"No matter how special you are, there is no way to compare with him."

"Although there are still very few skills that add additional experience, the overall skill is not very special except for experience."

"Rivelia, don't forget the conditions written above."

Riveria realized that this skill has restrictions.

"Challenge successful."

Loki nodded slightly, with a smile in his eyes.

"Become a challenger to face powerful enemies. Special rewards can only be obtained after successfully challenging powerful enemies. Only the winner can get everything. "That is based on the premise of victory."

"The powerful enemies that Aisi faces now, haha~ This just slightly accelerated Aisi's growth rate."

Loki made a small gesture with his hand.

"Although it is also a skill that increases experience points, it is not a help in times of need, but just the icing on the cake.

"But I have to admit, this skill matches Aisitan very well."

If Ais had acquired this skill earlier, she might have been able to grow faster.

The smile returned to Loki's face.

"Ais Tan, let's hold the celebration party together when you upgrade to Level 8."


"Aisi Tan, are you ready to upgrade?"

Aisi has already made preparations for the upgrade.

But there is nothing to complain about, it is much better than nothing.

It's a pity that she acquired this skill a little late, otherwise Aisi could have grown more and faster.

And the celebration may not be celebrating her successful promotion, but her successful rescue of her parents.

Aisi didn't care much about the celebration. She was more concerned about whether her life could welcome that day.

"Well, let's talk about it then."

"Very well, let's get started."

This is something worthy of celebration in every sense. Unfortunately, the recent general environment is very bad, and the Loki Familia can no longer break out more news, so this celebration may have to be postponed.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

She has been working hard for this purpose for the past three months.

So in the face of Loki's suggestion, Ais agreed.

Loki felt a little regretful, but still made a suggestion.

This time Aisi's upgrade is the fourth level of the Loki Familia, Level 7.

However, this matter is still a secret, and there is no intention to expose it at this time.

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