I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 775 Conversation Between Three Men

The three men who were kicked out stood at the door looking at each other.

Finn looked at Bell as usual, his expression unchanged, as if he was very confident about Aisi's growth this time.

"Bell, what do you think of Ace's growth this time?"

Bell wasn't too worried about this.

"In the past three months, the strength of "Sword Girl" has made great progress, which I can always see from the side.

“The only thing that worries me is that her ability to live seems to have deteriorated.

“My reaction to some things in life has become slower, and my speech has gradually become more rational. I don’t know what’s going on.

What do you think?

Finn and Grace both felt strange. You are the only one who has been able to influence Ace in the past three months. Shouldn't you reflect on it yourself~?

Resisting the desire to complain, Finn still tried his best to give Bell some reminders.

"I think that the change in Aisi's life should be directly related to these three months of life."

"My relationship?"

Bell was not stupid and immediately understood the meaning of Finn's words.

But he didn't quite understand why Aisi became like this after three months of training with him.

"I didn't do any special education for her, I just corrected her attitude as an adventurer and the safety issues that need to be paid attention to in the deep layers of the dungeon.

That’s why!

Both Finn and Grace felt that this might be the direct cause of Ais's change.

They all know that Bell's view of adventurers is completely different from ordinary people.

It is because of this that Bell has been carefully hiding himself since entering Orario. He has been searched by the gods for the past three months, but he can't find any extra clues, so he can only find a way to find it. They who have had a lot of contact with Bell are here to look for clues.

"What did you say about these two points?"

Bell could feel that Finn obviously felt that the words he said were the main reason for Ais's change, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with these words.

Of course, it's not something that needs to be hidden, and it doesn't matter if you say it out loud.

"I say that adventurers need to get what they need. For what they pursue, they need to devote their greatest enthusiasm. Of course, while having the greatest enthusiasm, you also need to pay attention to the fact that your brain needs to be calm enough while being fanatical."

"Adventurers have to face all kinds of things, and it is easy to get themselves into some uncertain troubles. Therefore, you don't have to make the most correct choice immediately when encountering anything. Your mind must be in a calm state."

"Only when you are calm enough to face anything can you be better able to face all kinds of troubles."

The two of them nodded as they listened. This is one of the necessary qualities for an adventurer.

Finn also strongly agrees that the mind needs to be calm.

"As an adventurer, a calm mind is very important. Some troubles cannot be dealt with by being angry and upset. Only by being calm enough to analyze the problem rationally can we get the final answer."

As a dwarf, Grace is relatively rude at times, but she is often rough and subtle in her actions. So I agree with the cool-headed saying.

"Although I often deal with problems irrationally, old man, I think Ais must have a calm mind."

"As for the pursuit of adventurers, if it were in the past, the old man would think that Ais had a big problem. Even if she maintained her passion as an adventurer, she would eventually embark on the path of self-destruction."

Bell understood what Grace meant, and he couldn't help but sigh.

“Ais’s stubborn character that refuses to turn around is destined to hit the wall without looking back.

"It's right to gain power for the sake of revenge. But it's definitely wrong to go down the path of becoming a killing machine in order to gain power."

"And there is often nothing at the end of the road of revenge. After revenge, all that is left is emptiness.

"I can even imagine how Ais turned into an empty "doll" after that. "


Grace also felt the same and turned into a sighing and worried character along with Bell.

……Please give me flowers…………

"It would be great if the child could understand this."

"No, I think she must be right."

Grace thinks that Ais doesn't understand, but Bell thinks that Ais actually understands it very well.

"That mother must have been talking in Aisi's ears often. I think it's not that Aisi doesn't understand, but that she thinks this is a matter of choice."

"Revenge was more important to her, so for revenge, she gave up everything else about herself."

"Even if it turns out to be a "doll" that can't even smile in the end. "

Grace's face instantly became serious upon hearing this.

"That little girl...she really doesn't know how to live or die.

This is no joke. You have to give up everything for revenge. No matter how mentally ill you are, you cannot make this choice.

Grace couldn't help but watch Ais, who was like a junior, make such a choice. He felt that he should give Ais a good talk.

"Okay, okay, that was the choice that the previous Ais would have made, not the current Ais."

Seeing what Grace meant, Finn rolled his eyes and pulled Grace back, who was about to go further.

"Ais is indeed a very impulsive child. Sometimes she does things without considering whether she can bear it. To put it simply, she is a very pushy kid.

"In the past, Aisi was of course focused on revenge. But now, do you think she is still like that?"

After being reminded by Finn, Grace also reacted.

The current Aisi will definitely not continue to hold the mood of revenge to let herself grow up quickly, and the current Aisi will not put the thought of revenge in the most important position. The reason why Ais hopes to grow up now is probably to face Arya and Ellen.

The goals are different, and naturally some things will start to become different.

"Ais doesn't have to worry now."

Although Aisi still has many problems now, Finn believes that at least there is no need to worry about this reason for her growth.

At least after completing her goal, Aisi will not become a "puppet" who can only kill.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price review.

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