I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 776 Playing Tricks On The Interesting Elf Princess

The sound of the door opening interrupted the conversation of the three men outside.

The person who opened the door was Riveria. Seeing her, Grace and Finn both walked over.

Grace, who was a little anxious, hoped to get the news faster, so she asked directly.

"Rivelia, how is Ais doing?"

“It went very smoothly, even more smoothly than expected.

This sentence reassured Grace.

But Finn felt that there was something in Riveria's words.

Bell's mouth curled up slightly when he heard this. Only he knew that his fraud against the favor system was still successful.

"It doesn't look like a big problem."

"Although I can't use it on my own, if it can increase Aiz's experience, it will be of great benefit to me."

Now there is no need to worry about not being able to catch up with the "757" time.

"The next thing I need to consider is my own affairs."

Aisi didn't need to continue thinking about Wei Ye. Her two parents had been waiting silently in the dungeon just for this.

But he still needs to find the key to go to Level 8 on his own.

"The ability points have been accumulated in the first month, and the next step is to find trouble with the floor master."

"Well, the next exercise is to take Aisi with you and let her see with her own eyes the scene of challenging the floor master. It should also be helpful to her."

"If the floor master cannot be found, then we can only go and see if he is still alive."

"That one" = "Filthy Fairy"

Bell has not forgotten the "dirty fairy" who brought him so many conveniences.

To be honest, if it weren't for the convenience brought by the "Filthy Fairy", he wouldn't be in this situation all the time.


Bell heard his name and turned his attention to Riveria.

"Any questions? Deputy Captain Riveria."

"I really want to know how you guided Ais to make that child grow so much.

"Hey~ Is Deputy Captain Vilia also interested in this matter?"

"...So, what kind of person do you think I am?"

Riveria asked herself that she was still very concerned about the upgrade. Why did she feel that Bell had a wrong understanding of her?

"I have my own persistence and reserve, I believe in my own talents, and I want to grow up at my own pace. Maybe this is the feeling you give me."

Riveria took a deep breath. You really know enough.

Riveria couldn't deny that she had such thoughts in the past.

Elves have a lifespan that exceeds that of ordinary adventurers. It takes enough time for her to grow up. As an elven royal family, Riveria has the most important thing is lifespan.

Therefore, compared to growing up quickly, Riveria hopes to be stable and step by step.

Riveria felt slightly uncomfortable after having her heart seen through, and said with a hint of coyness.

"Bell, that was what I thought in the past. In the past, I was reserved and hoped to grow up step by step, but now I hope to know."

"Such sophistry is useless, Deputy Captain Riveria."

Occasionally seeing such a scene, Bell had the urge to record it. Well, let’s name it “The elf girl who has to be strong but also arrogant and cunning throughout her life| Okay.

"But it's useless to argue. If you can face Loki with this attitude, maybe she will tell you directly. After all, Loki doesn't have much resistance to sexual temptation. But I can't. , deputy leader of Riveria.

"How could I want to seduce you!!"

Riveria was so angry that she couldn't do such a thing no matter how shameless she was.

But after getting angry, Riveria was suddenly stunned for a moment.

"Loki knows too!?"

"There are some things that cannot be hidden from God Loki."

Bell's slightly pointed comment made Riveria's mind clear in an instant.

"It seems like it's not something we should know about."

Riveria, who understood this, knew that she could not continue to be entangled.

"If that's the case, then I was rude just now."

Bell waved his hand nonchalantly, with a very natural smile on his face.

"Just being able to see Deputy Captain Riveria's strong argument is enough to pay for it. If the scene just now can be photographed, I believe there will be many people in the elves who want to buy it." "

Although Riveria knew that those words just now were jokes and polite words, Riveria still couldn't help but blush... She was ashamed of her shamelessness just now.

Bell secretly smiled and recorded Riveria's blushing face at this moment.

After waiting for a while, he took the initiative to skip the topic just now.

"My purpose today is to bring Ais back."

"After three months of training, no matter how strong an iron man is, he still needs a certain amount of rest. Aisi needs it, and I need it too. So I will temporarily stop in-depth training with Aisi and take a week's rest."

"Please convey my words to Aisi. Take a week to rest, and then adjust your situation. Unless her growth reaches its peak in the next nine months, I will not waste any time."

After saying that, Bell bowed slightly to the three of them with a smile.

"Well, see you next time.

The person suddenly disappeared from sight completely, and his breath was also impossible to find or capture.

Unlike Ace, who is easy to find with her move, Bell obviously won't be caught easily.

After Bell left, Riveria, who had just blushed because she was shameless, felt a little better.

At least the person involved is gone.

"Rivelia, you don't have to worry about it."

"...Do I care?"

Grace who spoke immediately attracted an angry glare from Riveria.

She knew that Bell didn't mind being asked this question, but she felt ashamed for asking those words. Even after being an adventurer for so many years, 5.9 she was really not that shameless.

Take a breath and try to calm down quickly.

But no matter what, his shamelessness just now still caused strong psychological damage to Riveria.

"Don't talk to me for now, I...I'll go back and see Ais."


The door was slammed shut, and Finn and Grace, who were still preparing to comfort Riveria, had no choice but to give up.

"The mysophobia of elves is really troublesome."


Both of them understood that Riveria's shame stemmed from her mysophobia, and it was probably the hardest thing for Riveria to accept that she was not clean.

So the two of them didn't continue to say anything. Riveria probably wouldn't talk to them in the next two days.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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