I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 777 The Goddess’ Longing Is Very Deep

"Bell, um~ I miss you so much!"

When Bell returned, he was indeed greeted warmly by Hestia.

Along with the warm welcome ceremony, Hestia ran directly into Bell's arms with her plump body.

Bell was feeling a little excited at this moment as she had not been in contact with the girl for three months.

He can better control his desires, especially after integrating the "Seven Deadly Sins". This control can keep him calm at almost any time.

But when she was at home, Bell would often relax her control over her desires, and even let her desires be unleashed unbridled.


He knelt down and hugged this cute girl. She was slightly short in stature, with a babyish face, but an unusually hot figure. Who wouldn't like such a girl?

Bell is certainly no exception. He doesn't just like this girl, he loves her.

He lowered his head and kissed her lips.

The longing for not seeing each other for a long time is relieved here.


Although Hestia clearly felt the love conveyed by Bell for 27 years, this love was too intense [ten kisses made it difficult for her to breathe.

"I can't breathe..."

Clenching her fists, she lightly hit Bell on the shoulder to show her anger.

"Sorry, I got a little emotional."

Bell put his forehead on Hestia's with a hint of apology.

"I haven't been back for three months, and I want to focus on experiencing the taste of Hestia."


Such straightforward words were completely unlike the usual Bell. Hestia's face turned red and she couldn't say a word.

Clatter, the sound of high heels approaching.

Bell raised his head slightly and saw Freya, dressed in a black beauty costume, already in front of him.

"Bell, are you unable to control yourself?"


Hestia was suddenly stunned by these words.

Bell understood the meaning of this sentence but just smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Desire does not yet affect my reaction, but when I am at home, I will not deliberately suppress my desire. Simple venting is not a kind of venting, but an appropriate display.

Freya stared at Bell for a while, and after confirming that he was not affected by desire, she put down her worries.

"If that's all, that's fine."

Then he opened his hands and waited, his silver eyes slightly narrowed with a smile.

"Then now should I also feel it?"

Bell couldn't help but laugh, let go of Hestia, stood up again and walked in front of Freya, intertwined with her open hands, hugged her waist, and whispered in her ear name.

"Freya, I haven't seen you for three months, I miss you."

Freya rested her chin on Bell's shoulder, reached behind Bell's back, and hugged him tightly.

"I know. I miss you too."

In fact, Bell can come back at any time, but Bell needs to grasp the current situation and not put other unnecessary thoughts on the goddesses at home midway, otherwise he may not be able to focus all his attention on the control of power. superior.

In fact, Freya also knew that as long as she said "Bell, I miss you, please come back", Bell would definitely come back. But Freya also knew that she must not do this, because such behavior would disrupt Bell's plans and interrupt his exercise progress.

Freya and Bell knew it very well, and even the five goddesses in the family knew it very well, but no matter how much they missed them in their hearts, they never called Bell back.

Because they all know that Bell is working hard for the future at this moment, and this future does not allow them any chance to be willful.

After letting it go a little bit, even though she didn't do anything, Freya felt that all the depression accumulated in her heart had dissipated.

"Okay, okay, if you don't let me go, some people's eyes will be on fire."

After a moment of tenderness, Freya did not continue to occupy Bell's time. She could already feel the two pairs of eyes behind her staring at her as if they were on fire.

Facing Bell who was holding Freya, he naturally saw two beautiful figures behind Freya.

"Feel sorry."

He originally thought he could have more time, but who told him that there were too many goddesses that he needed to take care of?

Freya didn't care at all. She knew what kind of child Bell was, so she wasn't in a hurry.

"If you want to apologize, please stay with me for a while when you come back this time."


This time I will have at least a week to rest, and the local goddess at home should be able to take care of her.

Part of the reason for coming back this time was to give Aisi some time to adjust.

After all, you need to be well prepared for promotion, and you also need to adapt to the upgrade to a certain extent after promotion. Otherwise, the incompatibility between the soul and the body is likely to reduce your control over the body, thereby reducing your strength.

Bell has also analyzed it carefully, and it will take about three days for Ais to really adjust.

As for the remaining four days, it was not Ais's fault, but Bell's own fault.

I haven't been home for three months. No matter what, I have to take time to spend one day with the five goddesses at home, otherwise these five 623 goddesses may get sick.

Freya gave up her position, and Hephaestus took the initiative to step forward without being polite.

"Really, you and Hestia are quite similar sometimes."

Hephaestus also had a lot of words she wanted to say in her red eyes, but she didn't say them all here.

Being intimate with Bell in front of so many people was not what she wanted.

Hephaestus felt that she still had enough shame, except for the first time she snatched Bell from Hestia. Apart from being a little sorry for Hestia, she had never done anything excessive at other times, especially in front of other people.

Glancing at Artemis behind who was about to pounce, Hephaestus felt that her endurance was pretty good.


He kissed Bell gently on the face.

"Find a time to talk about it later. Now you have to face a big jealous person."

After Hephaestus gave way, Artemis could no longer restrain her urge to pounce on him.

He accelerated briefly, took off, opened his hands and pounced on Bell.

"Darling, I want to kiss you too~"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers and please give me a review.

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