I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 796 I Need To Apologize To Hestia


Artemis in her soul state was very confused at the moment.

She received all the excited emotions from the other half, and she could also feel the emotion spreading in her chest, which was called "love."

Only this time, Artemis knew she had no way to escape.

That kind of love was not only felt by half of her body, but she herself was also washed away by this emotion.

Even if she gritted her teeth and denied it, there was nothing she could do.

The almost unshakable heart deep inside still beat wildly because of this.

As Freya and Hephaestus once said, the goddess's love will only overflow once, and it will only target one person.

No matter how hard-hearted Artemis was, she could already feel her heart being filled with inexplicable throbbing at this moment.

She couldn't continue to deny her love for Bell.

There is no way to continue to resist.

【I am really a shameless woman. 】

Artemis bit her lip. She knew that what she was doing was disrespectful to Hestia, but the torment in her heart made it impossible for her to persist.

At first she had decided to die, but in the end she was saved by a young man who persisted.

The reason was not that the young man liked her, but the young man's efforts due to the request of his Lord God.

[Hestia, you didn’t think about saving me at the beginning, maybe I don’t have to think about it now. 】

Unfortunately, it is not possible now.

The boy who saved her has always been engraved in her heart.

Artemis herself didn't know when this mood started.

Maybe it’s because the other half of me pursues it too boldly.

It seemed like she had been able to see the child for a long, long time.

That child's daily life, that child's efforts, that child's growth, and that child's affectionate side.

Well, not the deep affection for her, but the deep affection for her significant other.

This made Artemis feel a little stirred in her heart.


Jealousy towards Hestia and her other half made it impossible for her to maintain her ostrich mentality.

【Give me control!】

This time Artemis couldn't bear it anymore.

She couldn't continue reading like this. She couldn't hide the emotions raging in her heart.

Artemis, who was in the dominant position, suddenly burst into laughter when she heard the coward's words.

It's really rare that that coward finally had some reaction.

Artemis looked at Bell and knew clearly in her heart that Darling's confession must have stimulated the coward and made him unable to bear it any longer.

But this is obviously a good thing.

If that coward keeps pretending to be an ostrich, she will appear very passive.

But once that coward really makes a decision, it will definitely not be a problem for her to get close to Darling in the future.

Thinking of this, Artemis became excited.

She jumped up quickly and kissed Bell on the cheek.

"Darling, that coward can't help it. I'm going to have a good talk with her later and try to take her down directly!"

Bell was a little surprised by this sudden change.

Right before Bell's eyes, Artemis' whole body was glowing with a faint white light.

When the light died out, the Artemis with long silver hair and hot figure had disappeared, and was replaced by Artemis with long blue hair and a well-proportioned figure.

"God Artemis."

Bell naturally recognizes this goddess. It was he who personally rescued this goddess in the Scorpio incident.

Artemis, who had just arrived outside, had not yet expressed any emotion, but the words "God Artemis" had already made her face freeze.

The sour emotions began to overflow in my heart again.

It's just that this time Artemis can't continue to be an ostrich, because she knows very well that if she continues to be an ostrich, she will taste more sourness.

"Bell, since what happened last time, this should be the first time we meet alone."

Bell thought about it and it seemed like this was the case. Artemis had expressed her gratitude to him before, but it was indeed not a separate meeting.

"God Artemis, I'm very sorry about her..."

"There is no need to talk about her matters for now."

Artemis immediately blocked Bell's next words. She knew all those things and there was no need to repeat them.

"She is half of me, and I know her things very well.

The fate between her and Han Sheng was completely sealed, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't tear it apart.

Because Artemis herself also knew what kind of situation she was in. If Bell hadn't finally controlled the fusion and complementation of her half body, she would have died completely at that time, and her resurrection would probably have taken tens of millions of years.

But after returning to heaven, is she really qualified to come to the lower world?

In the past, Artemis was just guessing uncertainly, but now she is very sure that this world will not be around for tens of millions of years.

"I know everything about her, and I also know everything about why you rejected her."

But when she talked about this, Artemis' face couldn't help but blush.

She needs to fall in love with Bell first before she can take the next step.

This statement seemed to her before to be nonsense.

He was even thankful that Bell, as Hestia's child, had always followed the rules.

But as she saw that her body had more contact with Bell, and saw that the goddesses in that family were all connected with Bell and had an extra love, she gradually began to feel uneasy.

Watch the love story between Half Body and Bell every day.

Although she had always seen Bell as abiding by the rules, she no longer meant to refuse him in her words, and had even begun to accept him.

Then she is the only one left.

Artemis couldn't help but wince every time she thought about this.

Yes, she would rather not know those things, maybe it would be better.

But she couldn't help but have expectations for Bell.

Just because she could clearly feel the overflowing love for Bell in her body, and because she was watching from behind little by little, everything about Bell also caused ripples in her heart.

"I... am a very bad goddess."

"When I established my family, I always asked my family members not to fall in love.

"They have always complied with my requirements, even until their death.

Another part of the persistence in her heart was the guilt for those children.

Bell could also feel at this moment that Artemis's voice was filled with sadness.

He stepped forward and grabbed Artemis' hand, his overbearing move causing Artemis to look at her biting her lip.

"You have always been alive on their behalf, and you did not leave with them at that time.

"They are very dedicated to their duties, and so are you, God Artemis."

"Even you can't guarantee your own safety in the face of ferocious monsters, and you have risked everything."

"You don't need to feel guilty.

Bell took a deep breath, and then took the initiative to get closer to Artemis.

Artemis knew she had no way to escape.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Her heart rate felt several levels faster.

Bell knew this better than anyone else, but he knew that he had to take the initiative when facing Artemis.

"So, what are your wishes?"

Bell's eyes were staring directly at Artemis.

"I know."

"God Artemis, if you don't mind, please let me protect your safety in the future."

"This is my greed, I hope to take away your life."

"...When I go back, I have to apologize to Hestia."

"Hestia will be angry."

What does this mean? Can Artemis not know 1.7?

"You are Hestia's child."

Resisting the urge to "agree" immediately, Artemis tried her best not to look at Bell.

"Hestia will be furious!"

There was no way to avoid that sincerity, and Artemis couldn't continue to use excuses to block it.

"I said, I will not give up on any of you."


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