I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 797 Hephaestus’ Powerful Assist

At night, looking at Artemis sitting in front of her with an apologetic look on her face, Hestia couldn't help but feel her heart being hit hard even though she was prepared.

"Why are all my friends eyeing my Bell?"

Hestia felt uncomfortable.

It was obvious that Artemis would be happy to live with her in the future, but the problem was that this person came to rob her.

Bell, which has already been divided into parts, is still being divided. Hestia couldn't help but complain when she thought about this.

"Sorry, Hestia."

Artemis couldn't help but apologize.

This matter was her fault, after all, she acted even though she knew Bell was Hestia's child. Especially after knowing the relationship between Hestia and Bell, her behavior was like a third party intervening.

Of course, even if she admitted that her behavior was wrong, Artemis had no intention of turning back this time.

When Artemis made this decision in her heart, she knew that she would not change her mood no matter what.

Even if it offends one's best friend.


At this time, Hestia was still a little angry. After all, her best friend had a showdown with her, and she still wanted to steal her Bell openly.

That’s not true!

But after getting angry, Hestia remembered the behavior of another Artemis.

"Hmm~ It must be someone else who keeps influencing Artemis, causing her to come and steal my Bell!"

"So angry!"

She really wanted to keep Artemis in front of her away from her Bell.

But there is definitely nothing she can do about such behavior, and she knows that such a thing is absolutely unrealistic.

If Artemis dared to come back directly, she must have found out that she would not really kick people out.

But she really can't kick Artemis out!

Just when the atmosphere between the two became tense, Hephaestus stepped forward.

As a good friend of Hestia, Hephaestus actually has quite a say in this aspect.

"Hestia, admit it."


Hestia had a question mark on her face, and when she looked at Hephaestus, the words "Sister, what are you doing?" were written on her face.

Hephaestus was quite calm about this.

"Artemis, such a thin-skinned guy, went straight home to tell you. This must have been a final decision. Do you think you can stop it?"


"Of course I can stop it!" Hestia couldn't say such certainty. Because she also knew in her heart, how to stop such a thing?

The goddess's love for the children in the lower world is often caused by a momentary flutter. This kind of love cannot be said to be long-lasting, and it often even has a hint of "playfulness".

But when a goddess no longer shows love, but actually falls in love, then there is no such thing as "playing".

Obviously, Artemis's situation is the latter.

If Artemis' love is really aimed at Bell, then there is really nothing anyone can do to stop her.

Thinking about Freya's situation at that time, didn't Freya stop her at that time?

Not only did she stop it, but Bell also stopped it.

But what’s the result?

The result was that Freya directly sided with the guild, causing all her original arrangements to be shattered.

Once the goddess really decides on her love, no one can reverse it.

Then it really became destiny.

"It can't be stopped."

Hephaestus immediately sealed the deal.

Once a goddess starts to be shameless for love, she will become really shameless!

Hephaestus didn't doubt at all whether Artemis, a thin-skinned guy, would upgrade and evolve, because she was able to come back with him and confess, and it was obvious that she was already much thicker-skinned than before.

"The fact that Artemis dares to come back and tell you this proves that she is shameless enough."

"Think about it, there are several other shameless goddesses in the family."

Hestia's face instantly turned green when she thought about it.

It seems that she really doesn't have much to do when facing shameless people [If you really want to compare with a few people at home in the city. Hestia felt that the current Artemis was quite similar to the original Hephaestus.

He directly grabbed her Bell and came to apologize to her afterwards.

It was simply shamelessness taken to the extreme.

Wouldn’t Artemis be doing this now?

Hephaestus stared at Hestia's face from the side, and seized the right moment to go up and add something.

"And don't forget, Artemis and Bell came back like this after going out today. Did Bell not mean that?"


Hestia's eyes widened. She had forgotten why Bell was there.

Hephaestus raised the corners of her mouth slightly and then added.

"That child seems to have never taken the initiative to provoke any girl, right?"

"From the beginning, he put all his attention on you. Even when he saved Artemis, it was because you wanted it so."

"Artemis may have a crush on Bell because of that incident. After all, it was Bell who saved her, so it was inevitable that she would have such thoughts.

She knew this very well.

"But you still need to make your own decision on how to do it."

Artemis has been trying her best to avoid contact with Bell, but looking at the other Artemis' straightforward attitude, I am afraid that this situation that she is trying to avoid will soon become an unavoidable problem.

"Our love will not bloom just for anyone. I think you should know that, and Artemis should know it too."

This time Hestia was unable to make any rebuttal.

Artemis's matter is really her wish, that's what she hopes. So Bell spent a lot of effort in the beginning, and even took out the divine core that she needed to hide, just for her wish to save Artemis.

Moreover, Hephaestus was right. What she knew, Artemis must also know.

Bell's attitude was very firm from the beginning, but many things happened that made Bell's attitude change again and again.

Seeing that the heat was almost done, Hephaestus leaned over to Hestia's ear and whispered softly.

"But, but..."

"Later, when we were at home, another Artemis stalked Bell, but Bell blocked her. Can you tell me what the reason was?"

These words immediately silenced Hestia completely.

Even so, Hestia was still a little unhappy in her heart.

Hestia couldn't protest.

"Bell said at the beginning that he would treat everyone as family because he didn't want to let down the love of any goddess.


PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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