I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 798 I Asked Why She Just Picked It Up Today!

"Ugh...I'm going to be pissed off!"

At this moment, Hestia felt uncomfortable in her chest.

It was obviously a very annoying thing, but she couldn't refute Hephaestus' statement, and she couldn't completely deny Artemis.

After all, Hestia had already realized clearly from Freya how difficult it was for the goddess in love.

Freya, this woman, just carried out the crazy criticism to the end just because she fell in love with Bell.

Even if you don't hesitate to stand in advance, you must seize the right to meet.

If Artemis is like this...

Hestia immediately shuddered, and then shook her head repeatedly. Artemis would not be so shameless, and she would definitely not do such a thing.

"No, I have to ask Bell!"

Now the only person who can give her a sense of peace of mind is Bell.

Today was originally Artemis' time, but after what happened today, Artemis would no longer be given time at night.

On the other side, Bell is still doing some understanding and adjustments of power in his room.

"There are already some preliminary concepts of "omnipotence". "

Allowing oneself to achieve omnipotence and omnipotence is Bell's future direction.

Although he is not yet at the point where he can master "omnipotence", he now has enough knowledge, and he also has a way to cross the realm and get in touch with the "omnipotence field" first.

But Bell also understood another point.

"Reaching the height of the "omnipotent field" through omnipotence is not the best choice.

"It's about achieving the concept of "omnipotence" with a few powers, and only then can we reap the greatest benefits. "

"So, is it time for me to start choosing a path of specialization?"

This is a road that must be experienced, but as a person who has just reached the level 7 limit, he must start to choose the direction of power. This is indeed a bit early.

It is indeed still early in terms of selecting powers, but if you can make the corresponding layout in advance, you can enter the "omnipotent field" more steadily.

This seems very important to Bell.

Also, regarding the limitation that humans cannot reach the three-digit "omnipotent field", Bell does not think it is a limitation.

It is impossible to reach three digits, but it does not mean that humans will not be allowed to reach four digits that are equivalent to three digits.

As for double digits, there is no hope for Bell.

But this is not a level that can be imagined in just a few years.

“Now we need to prepare everything first~々.

“The more preparations we can make in this moment moving forward, the better.”

Now Bell has a vague feeling that his path to promotion is not far away.

When he has all the power in his hands and grasps all the concepts of power, then when he abandons the "Xingyue System", he will not lose even the confidence he has.

When it came to the issue of abandoning the "shaped moon system", Bell thought of Artemis.

"I hope the speed of the "Simulated Star Creation Map" can be accelerated so that I can have the conditions to meet another "world". "

"The ownership of Artemis is still in the hands of that "world", and we need to talk to that person. "

The ownership of Artemis must be negotiated. Bell would not feel the slightest pity even if he gave up all the other powers in the "Moon System", but not Artemis!

Now that the decision has been made, Artemis will naturally not be allowed to slip away from his hands.

Bell knew that this was his own greed.

But now Bell has accepted it.

There is nothing wrong with being greedy, but others still need to refuse, otherwise Bell feels that Hestia will explode.


At the same time as the door was opened, Hestia's voice also entered Bell's room.

When Bell turned his attention, he saw Hestia standing at the door aggrievedly.

This made Bell frown and immediately appeared in front of Hestia.

"What's going on? Are you being bullied?"

Seeing Hestia so close at hand, Hestia, who was not particularly aggrieved, felt very uncomfortable at the moment and wanted to stay in Bell's arms.

Without deliberately suppressing this emotion, Hestia directly buried her face in Bell's arms.

That unimaginable sense of security relieved Hestia's aggrieved mood a lot.

After resting for a long time, he began to talk about the grievances he felt.

"Not Artemis yet!"

As her best friend in heaven besides Hephaestus, she was stabbed in the back by Artemis!

It's about Artemis. The anger Bell had just raised was extinguished in an instant, and it was because of Artemis that he had been doing it for a long time.

But just because it was about Artemis, Bell became obsessed instantly.

She said, why did Artemis, who had never taken any action, decide to have a showdown with her today?

Bell was very embarrassed about this, but there were some things he had to say.

But as a man, you should take the initiative to stop this matter from yourself.

It turns out there is such an inside story behind this!

"About the date, how come I don't know about it until now?"

Shouldn't she be the first to know about such an important thing?

"Um...Actually, it's time to wake up in the morning. Freya said that things about Artemis also need to be dealt with. I didn't choose to take the initiative when facing you and Hephaestus. , Freya suggested that I could be more proactive when facing Artemis."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the word price.

what's the situation?

"Actually, the matter about Artemis should be related to the date I invited her to today.


"Hestia, actually some things are not Artemis' problem."

This made Hestia grab Bell's clothes with a sour look on her face.

Hestia's voice was amplified unconsciously.

Hestia's whole body froze for a moment, and then she understood the meaning of Bell's words.

In an instant, she figured out a general idea. It turned out that the reason why Artemis (Moqian Zhao) came to her today was because Bell invited Artemis to go out, and even made an agreement before going out.

Because if Artemis' incident caused Hestia's bad mood, then he himself seemed to be one of the culprits.

...Freya, you are too nosy! Hestia was so angry that she gritted her teeth at this moment.

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