I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 799 This Is My Bottom Line

"It's Freya again...

Hestia almost shattered her teeth.

She felt like she had a conflict with Freya, why was Freya always messing up her affairs?

Now he even tempted Bell to ask Artemis on a date.

She hadn't gone out with Bell for a long time recently due to external matters. Why was Artemis so good that she could go out with Bell on a date?

After forcing down her unhappy mood, Hestia still couldn't help but worry.

"Isn't there anyone out there watching you and Artemis?"

"Yes, there are even quite a few."

really. This was not beyond Hestia's expectations.

Those gods usually don't do anything, but once something arouses their interest, they will burst into extraordinary action.

Bell's matter obviously aroused their interest.

But Hestia paused in an instant.

"Wait a minute! Bell, aren't you accustomed to hiding? Why are you still noticed by those guys?"

"That's not my problem, it's that they were told by the gods to "focus on those whose faces can't be seen clearly."

Was she warned? Hestia obviously didn't expect those gods to do this.

But Hestia soon stared at Bell fiercely.

"Bell, can't you eliminate all your aura? In theory, you shouldn't be noticed by those guys."

Hestia remembered that Bell had the "hiding" ability to hide almost everything about himself without being noticed by anyone. Not even the gods were surprised.

Under such circumstances, he and Artemis would definitely not be noticed by the gods.

Bell also said a little helplessly.

"If all the aura is eliminated, I won't be able to go shopping with Artemis."

Although after eliminating the aura, Bell can still ensure that he will not be noticed by others, but this kind of behavior will not be able to accompany Artemis shopping.

Hestia couldn't control her expression. Bell actually exposed himself because he was going on a date with Artemis.

This made her calm down immediately after she couldn't control her anger.

But such calmness also left a sour taste on Hestia's face.

"Bell, since your plan started, we haven't gone out for a long time, right?"

Bell remembered the specific time. It had been a long, long time since we had gone out for a walk together.

"So, Hestia, do you want to go out for a walk today?"

Although she wanted to agree immediately, "Okay", Hestia still suppressed the desire in her heart.

“Let’s wait until everything is over.

After all, there was only less than a year left, and Hestia wouldn't be able to endure even this little time.

Although Hestia was very angry, there was obviously no good way to deal with Artemis who had already made a decision at this moment.

Especially at this moment, Bell is still at a critical juncture.

Hestia didn't think Artemis would directly expose Bell for this, but it was possible that Artemis did the same thing as Freya.

Hestia still vividly remembers the series of operations Freya did when she targeted Bell.

In the past, Artemis was her best friend in heaven, but now Artemis has completely stood against her. I want to be a member of her family honestly.

"What about Artemis?"

"I accepted."

There was a hint of slowness in Bell's voice, but it was extremely firm.

Seeing that Bell showed no change of heart, Hestia compromised.

She sighed.

"You really haven't changed at all. It's the same when you face other people, and it's the same when you face me (chff).

"It's a really bad habit to not change something you've decided upon."

Hestia knew what Bell was thinking.

Responsibility, this is probably Bell's other attitude towards Artemis.

This is because Bell will not change this mentality, so Hestia knows that Bell will definitely not abandon Artemis this time.

Although, this behavior is a bit scummy.

"I know, this is definitely not a good habit."

Bell naturally knows that his behavior is called "scum".

But when facing Artemis, he promised that he would never leave her behind, so he had to face his oath here.

"You still know."

Hestia immediately rolled her eyes. This person knew that this was a bad behavior and still did it. Wasn't this someone who was deliberately looking for trouble?

But this time, it seemed like she couldn't deny Bell's approach.

"Artemis is my bottom line."

Everyone else was attracted by Bell's charm, but Artemis was the only one Bell chose independently besides herself.

Hestia knew that Bell's behavior was very bad, but if it was Artemis, it wouldn't be so hard for her to accept it.

Of course, the only person Bell can choose independently is Artemis, and there can be no others.

Hestia knew that she still liked to be jealous, and she didn't want Bell to continue to cause trouble for her.

The troubles at home were enough to give her troubles.

"Ok, I know."

After being told this, Bell obviously didn't expect that Hestia would say this, and was even stunned for a moment before he reacted.

"The remaining time is only one day for Hephaestus, and the remaining two days are mine."

Hestia was getting a bit domineering at the moment.

But this puts Bell in a bit of a quandary.

"But Loki......"

"Ah, she probably hasn't had that time in the past two days.

When talking about Loki, Hestia's ugly face showed a bit of gloating.

"After Loki's return home was known to the spies who had been ambushing outside, Loki couldn't hide this time. He only had to get rid of those troublesome guys to have time to speed up.

"By the time Loki has dispatched those troublesome guys, time has already passed."

Hestia was not very worried about Loki's revenge from the beginning.

After all, Loki didn't have the time for this, and it wasn't her deliberate suppression.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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