I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 819 What Drives The World Forward Is Pure Evil

Everything is a scorching world of magma. From now on, I will have to face a world full of magma every day. It is scary to think about it.

After the Ice Hell is the Hot Hell, which is truly a dungeon.

Bell somewhat admired the dungeon's layout ability. The further back he went, the less willing the floors were to give adventurers any chance.

Whether it is a frozen world or a scorching world, it is obvious that these harsh environments are not for normal adventurers to break through. The purpose of connecting these two worlds is to trap unnecessary adventurers in these two worlds.

And the further down you go, the larger the floor space of the dungeon will be.

On the 79th floor, the space scale of the entire floor is conservatively estimated to be hundreds of times that of Orario. It is difficult to imagine what kind of standard this space scale will expand to if you continue to go down.

Perhaps the further down the road goes, the fewer passages there are like the "White Palace" and the upper cave at the beginning, but this also results in the entire Loukang not having a specific direction to move forward.

It can even be said that all directions are forward directions, because no one can accurately point in the direction of the exit. This means that the entire floor needs to be walked, otherwise there will be no way to the next floor.

You know, the deeper you go, the less likely the passage to the lower level will be on a certain wall.

Most of the roads leading to the lower floors are hidden somewhere in the center of floor 477, which is particularly insidious and difficult to find.

This results in the longer you need to stay on the current floor if you want to continue moving down.

But the problem is that after the 65th floor, there is a frozen world. Even an adventurer of Ace's level can only last for fifteen minutes at first. Such a floor is not suitable for long-term living at all.

Therefore, the deeper the floor, the more malicious it is towards adventurers.

The dungeon will completely eat up the invading adventurers bit by bit. The deeper you go, the deeper the torture will be for the adventurers.

Of course, in addition to the tortured adventurers, there are also people like Bell who are not worried about being tortured at all.

I have to mention Rune here.

Rune, as a perfect magic, simply encompasses all changes, allowing Bell to face various situations.

"What a terrible environment."

Aisi frowned, her eyes looking at this forest that was full of life and already full of worry.

"The lower you go, the worse the environment is. This is an inevitable result."

"Ais, don't forget that the dungeon is designed to keep all adventurers in the dungeon.

Bell seems very calm about this situation, and this situation is within the prediction.

But Aisi still frowned.

"But if the dungeon wants to keep all the adventurers, why does the upper level act so safe?"

"Of course it's to cultivate better souls."


Seeing that he, a student, was so incomprehensible, Bell explained to Ais about the relationship between the dungeon and the world.

"Ais, you need to know that the dungeon is actually a major test that the world gives to humans and gods."

"The world's three major entrustments, Behemoth, Leviathan and the Black Dragon, all exist together with this test. Therefore, after Behemoth and Leviathan were defeated one after another, the Black Dragon also appeared in the dungeon. deep.

"Everything indicates that the dungeon exists to cultivate tools to defeat the black dragon."

"That's why the underground city has such a design."

"If the purpose of the dungeon is to cover the entire above-ground world with monsters, wouldn't it be enough to just send the strongest monsters to the top?"

This explanation made Ais understand why the dungeon was designed in this way, but it also gave her some more questions.

"Then why should the dungeon be so malicious to adventurers?"

"Isn't it there to cultivate adventurers?"

When Bell heard what Ais said, he knew that this child's ideas were relatively simple.

"Ais, listen carefully and remember carefully. If you want to promote the advancement of the times, you need not goodwill towards something, but pure malice towards something."

"How to produce a special talent to defeat the black dragon in a harmonious era?"

"Therefore, only by creating a malicious product can we further promote the test of this era and produce more talents to advance the world."

In fact, from this perspective, this kind of behavior is completely inhumane.

But the problem is that the world does not need to consider the so-called human nature. Everything exists for a purpose, and human nature is not a problem that the world needs to think about.

Bell can totally understand this.

But it seems that Ais is not able to accept it.

This kid probably wouldn't be able to accept it no matter how hard he tried. Bell also knew that this child would probably have a hard time accepting it, but he was patient enough to explain.

Bell's eyes were pointed in a certain direction in the magma forest.

"It's really slow. I'm already stalling for time, and this guy hasn't finished adapting yet."

"It seems that the situation of the dirty fairies is much more serious than I imagined."

"Are you wary? That's why you were exploring my tricks from the beginning."

Bell was a little helpless, but it wasn't like he couldn't understand.

After all, the same is true for him. When he knows there is a pit ahead, he often thinks about whether the pit he can bear.

Immediately, Bell turned to look at Ais and continued the topic.

"Ais, the dark faction raided seven years ago, and the whole Orario was implicated in the commotion. There were countless casualties among civilians, and countless adventurers also died in that raid. So, let's ask a question, Do the dark faction leaders at that time deserve to die?"


Ais made her decision without hesitation.

Bell was also not surprised by this answer. Because it was Ace, he would definitely give such an answer.

"Then let me look at this problem from another angle."

"Time has come to the end of the heroic era. The heroes of the previous era, most members of the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia were wiped out by the black dragons, and the flames of the era are gradually extinguished. At this time, the remaining members of the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia are The heroes of this era saw Orario who was too comfortable at the moment, and they were thinking about a problem at the same time.

""Can we continue to move forward in this era?""

"Adventurers who have lost their motivation to move forward only want to live a comfortable life and have no sense of responsibility at all to bear the responsibility of conquering the black dragon."

"They were confused."

"At this time, a god who called himself "Evil God" also saw the same scene. So he made a choice at that time.

"Create an enemy for Orario and leave a flame of hope for Orario's future."

"So the gods concentrated all the blame on themselves in a self-defiling way, and together with the remaining members of Zeus and Hera, they began to plan the destruction of Orario.

"The end result is that they are very successful.

"They have dishonored all their achievements and made everyone in Orario fear them. They are all afraid of them."

"And they also left a fire for Orario's hope."

"So Ais, at this time, do you think they deserve to die?"

These words silenced Aiz.

Damn...Ais subconsciously wanted to say this, but she couldn't.

She knew that the two stories the teacher told were the same, but all the developments in the second story made it impossible for her to say the word damn.

"They...are heroes."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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