I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 820 Finally Met

Ais didn't know how she should evaluate those who tainted themselves, but from the perspective of those people, everything they did was to preserve the last hope and fire for Orario, and their actions were undoubtedly heroic. .

But from another perspective, those self-defeating behaviors are simply disrupting the harmony of the entire Orario. A lot of people died because of those people.

However, Aisi also understood that those people were responsible for betraying Orario, but they also succeeded in keeping the spark of hope.

She determined that those people could not be "dead", but heroes serving the darkness.

Ace also knew about the "Great Protest" that happened in Orario seven years ago, but she was not old enough to run to the front at that time. That "big-resistance" ended almost while being protected throughout.

Ais remembers that "The Fierce" seemed to have established a foothold in the Level 7 field after that, and Finn, Grace, and Riveria all became Level 6 adventurers after that.

"So, the genocide is actually Finn and the others?"

Bell did not answer Ace's question directly, but returned the question to herself.

"What do you think?"

"Perhaps you can go back and ask Captain Finn and the others what kind of monsters they faced back then. Once you get the answer, you will understand whether they did this intentionally to leave the fire."

"Ais, there are some things that I can't tell you. You need to investigate by yourself."

Aisi naturally understood what the teacher meant, "Don't completely believe other people's words, even mine."

But it was because she understood this truth that Aisi believed even more that what the teacher said was the real answer.

Ais hid this thought in her heart, and then returned to the topic just now.

"So, this dungeon is in the same situation?"

Bell nodded slightly.

“Dungeons are like black glove work.”

"But you don't have to take the dungeon so well. It itself does not have any consciousness. Everything in it is just following the script that has been set long ago. 11

"But I need you to know that the malice in the world is the driving force that drives people forward."

"Think about the original you. Did you also embark on the path of revenge because you wanted to take revenge on the dungeon and the black dragon?"

Ais recalled the reason why she was inevitably on the path to pursue power in the first place. She nodded slightly. The malice for revenge allowed her to walk on the path of gaining power.

"So you need to learn that this world is made up of good and evil."

However, sometimes good intentions are not really good intentions, and malice is not really malice. The distinction between good and evil lies in different angles and different positions.

"Ais, don't judge the quality of things arbitrarily next time. There are some things that you need to see clearly and understand your position behind and the direction of things before you can decide whether things are good or bad."

Aisi still didn't quite understand the meaning of these words, but she still nodded and remembered them deeply in her heart.

As a teacher, it is natural to paint pure white students into their own colors. Bell is also very interested in dyeing Aisi with his own color. He wants to see if Aisi will have more amazing performances in the future.

But that’s pretty much it for today’s teaching.

Bell calmed down his attention slightly and shifted his gaze to the front.

"The unstable soul fluctuations are gradually settling down."

"The stability of the soul and the aura are also rising steadily, and the speed of improvement is much faster than imagined."

Bell could clearly feel the "Filthy Fairy"'s power increasing rapidly.

No, not a quick improvement, but a quick recovery.

The "Filthy Fairy" originally had such strength, but it was due to the tearing of the soul that caused a rapid decline in strength. Now with the return and integration of the soul, the original power begins to be restored.


After confirming the current status of "Filthy Fairy", Bell turned on his hidden switch without any hesitation.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"You bastard!!!!"

As the switch exploded, a terrifying wailing came from the magma forest, followed by the terrifying sonic boom.

The air was shaken to the point of trembling.

Aisi could feel the power from the distance like a volcanic eruption from her skin, causing the pores all over her body to open quickly and her whole body to tremble involuntarily.

...Please give me flowers...


Ais, who was already on the verge of fear, was suddenly pulled back by a hand on her head, and a reassuring voice came to her ears.

"Ais, stay here and watch carefully."

"Feel the power of Level 8. Don't be afraid. You will be in that position in the future. There is no need to be afraid of a "Filthy Fairy". "

The teacher's voice brought calmness and courage to Aisi, and her trembling body slowly stopped.

The fear that grew in my heart was also quickly fading.

"Then, I should go and meet that person."

Aisi felt the teacher's hand move away from her head, and she saw the teacher take two steps forward.

Without paying attention for a moment, Aisi couldn't keep track of the teacher's figure.

If reason hadn't still occupied part of his consciousness, he would have become the devil who destroyed everything at this moment.

"Ah, this should be our first official meeting. You and I have met through your clone and guardian before.

Although it was called "dirty", there was no sign of contamination on her surface at this moment.

At this moment, deep in the magma forest, the filthy fairy covered his head in discomfort.

With a standard figure, long emerald hair, and a pretty face, she is simply a standard big sister.

If you include the facial features that are completely distorted by anger, it's not pretty, it's simply terrifying.

The "Filthy Fairy"'s nerves that were about to burst suddenly stagnated, and he saw the bastard who made him so angry appear in front of him.

A moment.

"Asshole...that bastard!"


So fast!

"Long time no see, dirty fairy."

Aisi took a deep breath, immediately closed her eyes, and began to mobilize the surrounding wind to help her explore the specific information.

Anger so strong that it wanted to tear the man apart surged into his heart, completely taking away his originally rational consciousness.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me your price.

Of course, that requires temporarily ignoring the ferocious look on his face.

At this moment, Bell officially met for the first time this "filthy fairy" who had been tormented by him all this time.

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