I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 829 Desire For Father’S Love

After returning home to collect new data, Bell immediately rushed back to the shelter on the 79th floor.

After returning to the shelter, I found that Aisi was very obedient and stayed in the shelter. Even her movements when sitting on the ice bed were exactly the same as before he left.

"You didn't even move?"


Seeing Aisi nodding her head obediently, Bell could really feel how hard it was for Riveria to teach this child.

However, I work very hard in training and study very seriously, but some things seem so worrying.

"So, what do you want me to promise you?"

"Well...when I faced the "Filthy Fairy" just now, the teacher helped me relieve the pressure. "

Is it when the "Filthy Fairy" unleashes its murderous intent?

Bell immediately remembered what had just happened, but he didn't do anything impressive to Ais at that time. But he just habitually arranged a barrier for Aisi, and then helped her get rid of the problem of being affected by the aura.

But that's definitely not what Ais said.

"Did I do something at that time that made Ais particularly concerned?"

Bell couldn't help but think of this.

So, what did I do to Aisi at that time? Bell tried hard to recall the situation at that time.

Although his mind was already focused on the "Filthy Fairy" at the time, he still kept an eye on Ais the whole time, so it's not troublesome to recall it now.

But during the whole process, he and Ais did nothing except put their hands on Ais' head at the beginning.

"Is it because of this?"

Bell asked slightly tentatively.

"You want me to touch your head?"

Aisi's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is really it. Bell looked at Ais with a confused expression.

But then he thought about Ace's life experience and the fact that she was just a 16-year-old girl now, and Bell's confused mood was relieved.

Most things like touching the head are habitual actions performed by elders when they praise their juniors.

Older boys and girls definitely don't want it. After all, as they grow up, they understand what it means to be shy, and they don't need to touch their heads for praise or anything like that.

It's just that those children should have lived with their parents around them all the time.

For someone like Ais, whose parents left her when she was young, it's normal to feel nostalgic.

"Didn't Riveria touch you?"

"Rivelia feels different. Riveria is like a mother."

.......You have raised my seniority to that of your father in one fell swoop. "

Although Bell admits that he is mentally old enough to be a father, he is only 14 years old in this life.

"Actually, it's not that there isn't someone more suitable, for example...Grace?"

"Grace is more like grandpa."

Aisi's direct words made Bell agree with her inexplicably.

He really looks like an old man. He has a big beard and likes to drink. It seems that many old men look like this.

The most important thing is that dwarves are more unkempt than ordinary people, which fits the old man very well.

As for Finn, Bell simply skipped it.

Although Finn gives people a very reliable feeling, and in fact he is very reliable, the problem is that with his child-like body and young face, no one can associate him with the word father.

"So, how do you want me to touch my head? Now?"

But Ais shook her head slightly.

"The teacher thinks I have grown up, please touch my head when he praises me.

At this moment, Aisi was like a child praying for a reward, her eyes were shining, and it really made people not want to refute her expectations.

Just like Bell at this moment.

"Only five months."

"She will probably keep an eye on her parents after they come back."

Although Bell wanted to refuse, after all, this kind of behavior is actually contacting other people of the opposite sex, but considering Aisi's mind, she should not have such thoughts. At most, she just wants to feel "father's love".

But even if I understand in my heart, it still feels weird to suddenly have an eldest daughter out of thin air.

Putting aside those strange thoughts, Bell no longer had the intention to refuse at first.

He stretched out his right hand and placed it directly on Aisi's head, gently touching her head.

"Is that so?"

Aisi's eyes narrowed quickly. When her eyes were closed, she could feel as if her father was touching her head.

0…please give me flowers…0

Even when he squinted his eyes, the way he looked at the teacher began to overlap with that of his father.

"Dad also has silver-white hair like Teacher, but Dad is taller than Teacher."

"Teacher is not tall, but his back is wider than my father's."

The image of the teacher's back as he faced the "Filthy Fairy" and left her eyes appeared in her mind.

That back view seemed to be the one when her father left her.


Ais couldn't help but murmur about the father who had been looking forward to returning to her.

But after just being infatuated for a while, Aisi opened her eyes.

The most obvious difference is that your decisions will not cause worry and affect efficiency.

Making decisions in your own mind is completely different from other people's requests.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price review.

Bell noticed that Aisi's eyes were a little more determined, and he knew that the child was definitely thinking about her parents just now.

Anyway, he is just regarded as a father, so it is not a big problem.

"Maybe it's not such a bad thing."

"Ais, we will start exploring the 80th floor tomorrow, so be mentally prepared."

But if Aisi herself accelerates her growth because of some inner persistence, that's another matter.

Now Bell hopes that Aisi can grow faster.

"It's okay, just occasionally."

"Is it enough?"


But the problem is that as a teacher, Bell can't directly ask Ace to do this. Because once there are demands and pressure, worries will arise, worrying that you will not achieve your goals, which will further affect your efficiency. So there are some things that cannot be said or cannot be said.

This can more easily stimulate Aisi to accelerate her growth.

After observing the feasibility of this, Si'er didn't have so many worries in his heart.

Your own decision will only make you more determined to walk on that path, and you will even work harder to show your potential and talents because of this determination.

"Well, teacher, I'm sorry to trouble you."

It's really just an occasional promotion in seniority.

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