I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 830 Going On An Inhuman Path

The 87th floor of the underground city.

In the magma swamp near the entrance to the next floor, a shelter was built that even monsters cannot approach.

The scale of the shelter is much larger than before. In addition to the living bedrooms, there is also an enclosure of about ten square meters in the magma pool area.

At this moment, the owner of the shelter is resting quietly in the magma pool.

The entire magma pool is like a bath filled with magma. It is obvious that the skin is in direct contact with the magma, but it seems to have no effect at all.


Bell rested his hands on the wall next to the lava pool. The lava pool, which could almost boil a person instantly, had almost no effect on his skin [at most, it could only give him some warm feeling.

“The accumulation is going very smoothly.”

The accumulation of "360" strength at the Lv.8 stage is not a problem. There is enough time for him to stabilize his strength at this stage.

The problem lies in the next stage.

"The mastery of power has reached the final stage, which is much earlier than I expected."

Through runes, most of the powers have been fully understood and mastered, and the concept of powers is completely separated from the concept of powers as power. In that case, when the runes are abandoned, they will not be abandoned.

This is Bell's peek into various powers.

"But it can only be regarded as a little clever."

Although Rune has the convenience of spying on power, this is just a clever approach.

This kind of snooping is not the whole of power, but only a corner of it.

Bell does not deny that a large part of his understanding of power is through runes. Once he abandons runes, he will abandon a large part of his knowledge of power.

However, this approach is not meaningless.

In fact, even if the remaining cognition and concept of power acquisition through Rune is only 1/20, the benefits to Bell outweigh the effort he has put in now.

Bell basically has an idea of ​​the road ahead.

The road to transcending gods actually lies in the understanding and use of power.

The difference between the same level is probably the degree of mastery of power.

Therefore, even if the remaining part is only a small part, it is still a very precious part to him.

"The road ahead needs to be walked step by step. It's okay to have a little more testing."

Bell didn't know if he had spent too much effort, but that was how things were in times like this. Sometimes even if he spent more effort, there would be a wall in front of him.

The reason why I am taking such action now is to give myself a way forward in the future.

But Bell is even more convinced that he made the right choice in choosing the middle path.

He doesn't have anyone's guidance now, so the only way he can choose is to cast a wide net and see if he can catch the fish.

Suddenly, there was a sound from the wind.

Bell's lips raised slightly.

"It came back a little faster."

In the other half of the female magma bath that divides the magma bath, a young girl filled with youthfulness can be seen walking in.

"Teacher, I'm back."

After the girl entered the bathtub, she shouted to the bathroom next door.

"You did a good job today, Ace."

"I came back a lot earlier. I can still maintain the current situation in the face of fourteen salamanders. It is indeed better than yesterday."

The girl Aisi heard the teacher's affirmative praise, and there was a smile on her face for three days.

If it weren't for the fact that this was a bathhouse, she would have wanted to appear in front of the teacher immediately.

Unfortunately, not now.

After taking a look at the bathtub on her side, Ais took off her clothes at three o'clock.

Don't wear clothes when taking a shower.

This is especially true when taking a bath in a magma pool. Otherwise, if you can't control it, a set of clothes will be completely scrapped.

Aisi feels that her daily consumption of clothes is already fast enough, and there is no need to add another way.

After taking off her clothes, Aisi slowly let her body sink into the magma pool.

Under the wrap of magic power, Aisi's body was not swallowed up by the magma pool, but felt like entering hot water, and she even exhaled softly.

"Phew~ so comfortable~"

After letting out a sigh of relief, Ais leaned against the pool wall with a comfortable look on her face.

"Are you able to adapt to life here?"


Listening to the teacher's words, Aisi, who looked satisfied, nodded slightly.

The shoulders dropped little by little to the bottom of the magma pool, and the shoulders could be soaked together.

"In the beginning, I still needed the teacher to look after me, but after I got used to it, it was no big deal.

Ais spoke in a very relaxed and calm tone that made people feel horrified.

This also gradually explains something.

Aisi has gradually begun to follow Bell on the path of human beings.

“Adaptability is a manifestation of our strength as a human being.

Human beings have the confidence to survive in any environment. This is the adaptability that humans are born with.

To be honest, Bell now has a very good understanding of the mentality of the three pillars of the Loki family. The feeling of being a father and a mother can be particularly reflected when educating Ace.

Everything she said came from the bottom of her heart. She really felt that everything was due to the teacher, and she just happened to be standing behind the teacher.

"Teacher, I really feel that 5.2 is all due to the teacher."

Bell sighed in his bathtub, what else could he say? This kid just has a bit of a rigid problem that he can't seem to change.

"Teacher? Are you angry?"

No matter how bad the environment is, you have to adapt to it. This is the sign of a strong person.

Aisi quickly explained.

"It's all thanks to the teacher."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Ais, you are gradually beginning to have this part of your personality."

But now she understands better what the teacher means by "adaptability".

"Why am I angry? Although your personality is not very adaptable like mine, I know that you are very straightforward and will not lie to deceive me."

"You are too naive in this regard."

"But Ais, it doesn't matter if you can't lie to others, but you have to be careful not to be deceived."

"Teacher, this is not a compliment."

"Yeah, you're starting to be able to say compliments, and you've grown a lot in this regard."

Aisi does not feel that she has achieved much. Everything has come to this point under the guidance of her teacher.

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