I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 838 Bert, You Really Like Ace, Right?

Three days later, the entire Loki Familia gathered inside the Familia.

Because the gathering notice was issued in advance this time, even Raul, who had been tossing around in the dungeon recently, returned to his family peacefully.

There are quite a lot of Loki Familia gathered together.

One conference room is still not enough to sit down, so the meeting place this time was placed in the restaurant with the largest space, which can almost accommodate the entire family.

This time the Loki Familia's actions were very large, but they did not have much impact on the outside world.

After all, this is not a special mobilization, at most it is an internal gathering.

Before Loki mobilized, he specifically asked Finn to pay attention to the influence. Now Loki's family has been targeted by so many gods from outside. "But we can't continue to be targeted by gods from outside because of the internal gathering."

Finn also attached great importance to this and organized this silent internal gathering.

Also because Finn planned to act quietly this time, he did not emphasize the theme of this gathering.

This makes the assembled internal members not know what they want to do this time?

In a seating area of ​​the restaurant, a group of girls sat together boredly waiting for the start of this gathering.

But some people were unwilling to be left alone and wanted to know the content of this meeting in advance, so they directly asked questions to people who might know the answer.

"Miss Thionne, do you know the reason for this gathering?"


Tione was still a little confused when her name was suddenly called, and pointed at herself without knowing why.

"Me? How do I know the reason for this gathering? Didn't the leader say it yet?"

"Thionne, don't even you know?"

Tione's words were known to everyone around him. I am afraid that the leader of this gathering did not tell anyone.

But since even Tione, who is closest to the group leader, doesn't know, then this gathering should be a very important matter.

Even Tiona, who usually has a cheerful personality, became interested in this gathering.

"So, why did Finn ask us to gather this time?"

"Could it be... related to Miss Ais?"

Suddenly a soft and weak voice intervened, causing the topic to take a right-angle turn.

Everyone is familiar with the owner of this voice.

As soon as they turned around, everyone saw Lefiya, who was particularly energetic, and everyone smiled knowingly.

During Aiz's absence, who was the most miserable was the child Lefiya.

Lefiya has always been behind Ais from the past, and some people within the family regard Lefia as the spirit behind Ais.

I can't blame everyone for being too rude, it's really because I'm a little too clingy to Aisi.

It is because of Lefia's dependence on Ais that Lefia was afraid of monsters before she grew up.

That is to say, Lefiya finally grew up after leaving Ais' side.

Well, it's like a baby bird leaving its mother. After losing your support, you have to become strong if you want to survive.

But when it comes to the topic of Aisi, everyone has their own thoughts.

"As for Ais, she probably went to the dungeon after the dark faction's strategy, right? I remember Lady Riveria mentioned it."

Failewis, who was sitting next to Lefia, vaguely remembered Lady Riveria mentioning it. She was also by Lefia's side that time and happened to hear and write it down.

"Well...but Miss Riveria didn't say anything about what happened next. She only said that Miss Ais went to the dungeon, but she didn't say when Miss Ais would come back.

Thinking of this Lefia, I was completely stunned.

Lefiya couldn't even remember how long it had been since she last saw Miss Ais. It must have been 186 days, right? Her memory was not very good and she couldn't remember the time for physical fitness.

During this time, she and Fairweeds acted together, and there were times when she went to the dungeon to exercise, but she had never seen Miss Ais, nor had she even heard of any reports of Miss Ais acting together.

In fact, it’s not that Lefia cannot accept Miss Ais going to the dungeon.

But, even if it’s just for exercise, there’s no need to go there for so long, right?

And even if I’ve been gone for so long, how come there’s no news at all? (agbd)

"Hmph, that old woman must have deliberately covered up the news about Aisi."

Bert, the werewolf who had always been silent next to him, finally spoke up.

"Not only did the old woman block the news, Finn and Grace must have known about it, otherwise Aisi wouldn't have disappeared for so long."

Bert's words also caught Lefia's attention.

She took the initiative to ignore the word "old woman" in the other person's mouth. "Song noticed what Bert said next.

"Captain Finn and the others all know?"

Bert looked at this innocent girl speechlessly, a little doubtful whether this child had really been taught by him?

"You didn't even notice this? Could it be that you have been crying under the quilt recently?"

"Who, who said that!"

Lefia immediately jumped up like a cat with explosive hair.

It's true. Bert was really speechless now. This kid is indeed an idiot.

Lying under the quilt and crying?

Ais is not dead yet, why is Ais crying so early?

Anyway, Bert didn't quite understand the child's brain circuit.

"Ais must have been in the dungeon during this period. Her words will definitely not stop here.

Bert understood this the first time he knew that Ais was missing.

There is no need to think too much, just think about Aisi’s character and you will understand.

That person is not like him. That person can definitely keep going like this. It is definitely the right path.

Burt believed so firmly deep in his heart.

Tiona was a little curious.

"Burt, how are you sure the person you want to talk about this time is Ais?"

This time, Bert stared at Tiona with a look that looked like an idiot.

"Then do you think someone still needs to organize us all to sit down for a meeting?"

Tiona almost jumped up and had a fight with Burt because of this look in her eyes, and saw Burt lying on his back with his head in his hands.

"After hiding for half a year, this gathering should be for us to see Aisi's growth in the past six months.

"Ha~ We are looking forward to it a little bit. Aisi's growth this time should exceed our imagination."

Bert was looking forward to that moment.

Bert who looked like this made Tiona silent for a moment, and said with a tone of "Sure enough":

"Burt, you really like Ace."

This conclusion made werewolf Burt's face turn red, and his whole person began to become very embarrassed.

"Ha! Damn Amazon, did you come to such a conclusion after listening to what you just said?"

"But that's how you behave, Bert?"

This sentence completely broke Bert's defense.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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