I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 839 Please Come And Take A Look

The Amazon girl and the werewolf young man kneeled in the center of the restaurant with big bags on their heads.

The dwarf uncle Grace, who was standing in front of them, looked at these two guys helplessly.

"Didn't I say to be quiet when we gathered before?"

"Aren't you bringing trouble to the family members by going through all this trouble?"

The original gathering was actually quite good, but Grace had just finished her work outside. When she returned to the restaurant, she saw Tiona and Bert choking each other, and almost started to have sex.

Grace really had to rush to stop these two idiots, otherwise if they really let these two idiots fight, this meeting would be declared over directly.

"Can't these two idiots just calm down a little bit at this time?"

Grace felt her fists itching when she thought of this, and couldn't help but want to hit these two idiots on the head again.

Tiona, who was kneeling on the ground, was obviously unconvinced and said while holding her breath:

"It's obviously this stupid wolf's fault. I just said "You really like Ace" and this guy went crazy. "

"You stupid woman!"

Being told such words in public, Bert couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, his whole face turned red from suppressing it, and he even looked a little bit ferocious.

But the audience present were very happy to start gossiping at this moment.

"Bert likes Ace. Isn't it already exposed a long time ago?"

"That's right. I could feel before that Bert's attitude towards Ais was completely different from others."

In fact, it is not uncommon for Bert to have some thoughts about Aisi. He will notice this kind of thing if he pays a little attention.

"Ais, she seems to have been going to the dungeon for half a year. She used to go to the dungeon often, but did she go there for a little longer this time?"

From what Bert said about Ais, the direction of the gossip began to turn towards Ais.

After all, Bert often appears in the family members, but Aisi has disappeared for half a year.

Aiz went to the dungeon.

This voice has spread throughout the entire clan since Aisi disappeared, and everyone has forgotten who the rumor came from in the first place. But after Aisi disappeared for a month, everyone gradually believed the news completely.

It's just that everyone thought that Aisi would return after more than a month of traveling in the dungeon, but nearly half a year later, there was still no sign of Aisi in the family members.

Everyone knows that Aisi went to the dungeon, but no one knows why Aisi did not come back for so long.

"It's been half a year."

"Well, it's been half a year. There are enough rations and supplies in the pocket for a few months, so half a year is not too long.

"But the leader and others have no objections to Lord Loki. They should know what Ais is doing in the dungeon. Otherwise, with Lord Loki's character, if he doesn't see Ais for a few days, he will definitely ask.

"Speaking of which, when Tiona and Mr. Bert were arguing just now, they seemed to have said that today was about Ace."

"That's right. No wonder I said that the group leader arranged for everyone to gather this time. So, Ai must have been stranded in the dungeon for half a year?"

Half a year is quite a long time.

Everyone in the entire family knows that Ais is super strong, but if she stays in the dungeon for half a year or something, according to Ais's character, doesn't that mean she has to spend the whole time fighting?

Just imagine, everyone feels that such half a year is quite difficult.

"Ais is really as powerful as before. She can stay in dangerous places like dungeons for such a long time. And according to Ais's character, doesn't she run to the place with the most monsters in the dungeon?"

"...Ah, it feels so dangerous. Ace, is it really okay?"

After sighing at Aisi's strength, everyone couldn't help but start to worry about Aisi's safety.

You must know that there is a dungeon, a place where a large number of dangerous monsters are produced all year round.

Even after passing some floors, a safe floor will appear.

But the truth that "safe zones are not safe" is also deeply rooted in people's hearts.

There are too many factors that can cause changes in the dungeon, and even a seemingly safe place may have some big troubles.

So will Aisi’s six months in the dungeon cause some psychological pressure and mental fatigue?

There must be some.

Nothing is truly abnormal.

The surrounding voices of discussion naturally fell into Lefiya's ears, and her previous worries suddenly erupted.

0…………Please give me flowers………………

"What should I do? What should I do? Will there be any problems with Miss Ais?"

Even though her heart and strength have made great progress, and now she has reached Level 4, Lefia still cannot remain calm in the face of the dangers that Ais may encounter.


Fairfax took her hand.

"Time has passed, and there is no point in worrying about it now. In addition, if it is about "Sword Princess" this time, you will soon know about "Sword Princess"

Lefiya squeezed Fairweis's hand in reverse, and her pressing mood was relieved a little.

Fairfax was right. Regardless of whether she was worried about Miss Ace's safety or not, it was already too late now.

No need to be in such a hurry now.

Finn, Grace and Riveria, the three pillars of the Loki Familia, have also arrived at the restaurant.

"The purpose of this gathering is one, Ais."

With that said, Finn placed a runestone right in front of the restaurant.

"Due to some reasons, Aisi has been exercising in the dungeon for the past six months."

"Today is the time to tell everyone an answer, and it is a very important stage for Ais."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price.


This is indeed the truth. Lefia's heated brain calmed down a little.

"Calm down and think. If something happens to "Sword Princess", there will be no request to gather today. "

The build-up on the restaurant side is almost complete.

Finn stood at the front and made the entire scene quiet before he began to explain the goal of this rally.

The quiet actions of the Loki Familia did not attract the attention of any god. After all, this was the internal trend of the Loki Familia. As long as there are no traitors within, the situation of the Loki Familia will not be known to outsiders.

Loki handed over all the hosting duties to Finn, while he sat quietly against the wall.


And today the leader asked the entire family to gather just to talk about Ais, which shows that Miss Ais is not that dangerous.

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