I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 840 90Th Floor

The projected image appeared.

A girl with bright blond hair appeared in the projected screen.

"It's Miss Ais!"

Lefia immediately jumped up from her position, immediately attracting the attention of the surrounding people.


Fairwis, who was sitting next to her, coughed awkwardly and quickly pulled Lefiya back to her seat after jumping up.

Only then did the slow Lefia realize what she had done. She blushed and let out a low whimper before sinking.

Skipping Lefiya, the idiot who had a strong reaction, the others focused their attention on the projected picture again.

Their attention was interrupted just now, and now everyone noticed where Ais was.

The ground that the feet touched was no longer a piece of ground, but a piece of red magma with the smell of death everywhere.

You can see a lot of "950" bubbles bulging on the magma right next to Aisi's feet. Among these burst bubbles, a lot of magma even sprayed onto Aisi's feet.


Even if they couldn't empathize, seeing such a scene, they all felt that the tops and insteps of their feet were burning where the magma was sprayed.

But looking at Ais, who was standing barefoot on the magma, there was no reaction at all.

"Won't she be in pain?"

Tiona's ever-present smile had some doubts on her face.

"That's a high-end magic operation."

Riveria's eyes narrowed slightly, and her extraordinary magic sensitivity allowed her to see the weak magic wrapped around Ais' body through the projection.

"Wrapping the whole body with magic power can isolate the direct contact between the rock team and the body."

"Perfect magic power operation. Being able to wrap the whole body with magic power, and using only a very small amount of magic power to achieve this, even an excellent magician may not be able to do it.

Any magician who can use magic can do such a thing as wrapping the body with magic power.

But if you want to control the magic power to a very subtle and rare amount, you not only have to resist the erosion of magma, but you also need to maintain your own weight so that you can stand on the magma mountain without sinking. "That is not something that just any magician can master with some training. reached the point.

In the picture, Aisi lowered her head and frowned.

"Aren't you going to come out?"

Normally, those big lizards would have rushed out of the magma at this time, but why were there no movement at this time?


Hearing the sound, Aisi quickly turned her head and bowed slightly to the person who appeared at the edge of the magma pool.


"You're too excited today, Ace."

Aisi paused for a moment, and she quickly adjusted her mood, but her already rippled mood could not return to calm so quickly.

Bell naturally knew that today was a very important day for Ais. In fact, this is also true for him. Therefore, he can understand Aisi's mood at the moment.

"Let's not get up to hunt today. The viewings on both sides have already begun. We can't continue to waste too much time here."

"Has it started yet?"

After being reminded, the magic power at Aiz's feet condensed slightly and she appeared next to Bell.

Ais knew today's plan, and she also knew that today's strategies she and her teacher would be watched by the family members and the guild, but she didn't really care about this.

It just started a little earlier.

Originally, Aisi thought it would be later.

However, she has made all preparations and had a complete rest last night. Even if the start time is slightly earlier, it will not have much impact on her.

"Go get ready and we're leaving."


Aisi didn't say anything more, and immediately rushed back in the direction of the shelter.

Thinking that the time had not come yet, she even kept her purse inside the shelter.

After all, it was still early, and she thought there would be time for her to get up and exercise.

Who knows, it’s ready to start now.

Bell didn't go back, he just waited there for a while, which lasted only a minute. When the wind around him started blowing again, Aisi had already returned to him.

"Teacher, I'm ready."

There is a little difference between Aisi at this moment and before.

The feet that were bare just now have been put on brand new boots after returning, and the body has also been put on a more formal Qingkai that only protects the heart.

Bell reminded.

"Have you adjusted your mood?"

Aisi's body paused, like a primary school student who had been seen through and asked, feeling uncomfortable standing in front of the teacher, and her eyes couldn't stop spinning.

Seeing Aisi's appearance, Bell pursed his lips speechlessly.

"You were so excited that it scared the lizards under the lava. Do you think you are in good shape now?"

Aisi's current situation is like that of a primary school student who knows that the next day will be a spring outing. Such an excited state will definitely keep her awake all night.

In fact, Bell felt that if he hadn't been watching the child all night last night, he would never have had a good sleep at night.

There was a little more blush on Aisi's face, which was the color of shame.

"Teacher, let me adjust it."

Adjusting the state of mind cannot be completed in a short time, at least it is more time-consuming than returning to the shelter.

But Aisi, who was standing where she was, gradually began to become much calmer than before.

The excitement was reduced bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye. This scene left everyone stunned.

Especially those who knew how troublesome Ais would be in this state.

Being calm does not mean that you need to be emotionally restrained to the point of being ruthless.

No monsters will attack you when you go down the stairs. The stairs 4.6 downstairs are still a relatively safe place.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

"Well, this situation is much better than before. Ready to go."

The entrance had already been found. The two of them walked into the descending stairs of the next floor without disturbing any monsters around them.

Looking at Ais at this moment again, Bell nodded slightly.

"So, is the sea next?"

After a moment, the excitement had completely subsided. After taking a simple deep breath, Aisi no longer had any emotions, but she could see that her eyes were filled with light.

Continuing to move forward in the direction of the light, the scene inside the corridor is like a long cave tunnel. Irregular walls can be seen around it, but the road under your feet is extremely smooth.

Bell was slightly curious about the scene on the next floor, and at the same time sighed in his heart, there are really enough tricks in the dungeon.

That's really a sea!


Obviously, that is the light guiding the way forward.

Ais nodded and followed the teacher to the entrance to the next floor.

After passing through the corridor and walking into the bright outside, the scenery on the 90th floor caught everyone's eyes.

Only when they were halfway there, they both gradually smelled the dampness and a hint of salty smell in the wind.

Calmness is only about the state of mind, and when the body is calm, what should stand out is the heat. What needs to be reflected in those eyes is not coldness but extraordinary enthusiasm.

The stairs came to the end, and next was a relatively dim corridor, with a glimmer of light visible in the distance.

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