I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 858 Assembling The 63Rd Floor Security Zone

After some simple repairs, the newcomer team was immediately formed and headed to the safe area on the 63rd floor under the leadership of Grace and Riveria.

There are almost no monsters along the way on the 60th, 61st and 62nd floors.

Of course, this is not because of anything else, just because this floor is still in the vacuum period when monsters are born.

As an adventurer, I naturally understand this truth. So the group of people quickened their pace.

Walking through three floors is actually quite time-consuming, but because the entrances and exits are already clear, the walking time becomes very short.

It took thirty minutes to complete the three-story journey.

At this point, the expedition team of the Loki Familia has gathered on the 63rd floor.

All the main forces, as well as the most promising adventurers at this stage, all participated in this expedition.

This expedition is actually more of an exploration of unknown territory.

It is not a challenge to the unknown field, but to expand the depth of the unknown field. To put it bluntly, in addition to allowing the Loki Familia expedition team to adapt to the conditions of the new floor, the other purpose of this expedition is to meet the guild's goals.

As an exploration-oriented family member, it is natural that the main purpose is to explore the dungeon.

The progress of exploration does not need to be fast, and even the depth is not that demanding. However, you still have to explore the dungeon every once in a while. This is a task and a necessary condition for maintaining the level of the exploration-type family members.

You must know that the taxes paid to the guild by exploration-type dependents are the lowest every time. These are the benefits and benefits that exploration-type dependents can get.

However, these benefits and benefits come at the expense of exploring the dungeon.

To put it simply, if you have strength and your family members have strength, then your entire family members can enjoy the benefits. And what your family members pay for this is the experience and progress of exploring the dungeon.

You must know that the taxes within the Orali Family are very high.

In particular, the taxes on production dependents are simply unreasonably high. However, the production dependents really make money when they say they make money.

Perhaps after paying a high amount of taxes, they are still not comparable to the top exploration-oriented family members.

Of course, there are actually other reasons for the Loki Familia's expedition this time.

look away.

Now Bell's matter has been under the radar for half a year. If Bell continues to be noticed by the gods, it will easily lead to Bell being exposed. With this in mind, Loki decided to go on an expedition.

You must know that before the expedition, the entire Orario knew that Ais had quietly been promoted to Level 8.

What does this wave belong to? It has steadily attracted the attention of the gods.

Of course not many people know this. There are only five people in the entire Loki family who know about it, including Loki.

The rest of the people had some guesses in their minds, but most of them guessed that it was Rong Ji's decision to keep Aisi away from the eyes of the gods.

actually not.

After it was announced that Ais was promoted to Level 8, the family members' expedition plan was immediately announced. This not only temporarily removed Ais from the sight of the gods, but also diverted the sight of the gods to Ais, thereby allowing the gods to divert their sights away from Bell.

The safety area on the 63rd floor is actually similar to the safety area on the 50th floor. It is surrounded by vegetation and does not have such a harsh environment.

It is for this reason that the main members of the Loki Familia have already set up camp here.

"Everyone is here."

Finn, who was sitting at one end, looked at Grace and Riveria who were following behind and nodded slightly.

"Lily, you guys come over and sit down too. Next, Aiz will start to talk about the situation on the back floor. You also need to pay attention."

Panting heavily, Liluka nodded slightly with a blush.

As a Level 3, Lilyluka is still lacking in other aspects, except for her agility and magic power. Just like in terms of physical strength, this is not an area where she has grown.

In fact, except for Lililuka, the other members of the team are actually in a similar situation.

At this moment, they had just experienced two rushes and needed to sit down and have a good rest.

There is no need to make any adjustments now, just sit back and listen to Ace talk about the situation on the subsequent (bhah) floors. They can also be mentally prepared early, and they will also participate in the Raiders on the next floors.

Seeing everyone sitting around in a circle, Finn nodded slightly and turned his attention to Ais.

"Ais, you can start."


After taking over Finn's words, Ais walked to the center of the circle and began to talk about the situation on the subsequent floors.

"This floor is the 63rd floor, which is a safe floor. Next is the 64th floor, which is the last floor before the largest floor change."

"The environment on the 64th floor and the environment on the previous floors are similar to the types of monsters that have become the sum of all the previous floors. And it is very easy to trigger a "monster feast". Therefore, the 64th floor is the main floor where the formal distinction between ordinary Familia and high-level Familia begins. "


Everyone seemed to hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

This is also inevitable. They didn't know in advance that the significance of the 64th floor would be so great. Distinguish the difference between ordinary family members and high-level family members? This is really a very reasonable thing to say.

However, no one present had ever doubted the authenticity of Aisi’s words. Because everyone knows that Aisi is the only person who has participated in the exploration of subsequent floors, her words are almost a certification of the authenticity of subsequent floors.

"...Wait a minute, Ais."

After hearing these words, Finn, who had just sat down, became a little unable to sit still. He directly raised his hand from his position and signaled Ai Qian to wait.

"Why didn't you mention the importance of the 64th floor before?"


Finn's words filled Ace's head with questions. I searched hard for memories in this area [and then remembered what I said to Fen in the corner of my memory. But the memories she found made Ais frown.

"Finn, you said before that there are some key points that need to be paid attention to in the subsequent floors."

Finn's eyelids couldn't help but twitch wildly, and he felt that there was something wrong in his perception.

"So, do you think that part of the story just now is not the point?"

"No. The types of monsters on the 64th floor are not the focus compared to [Monster Feast]. "

…………Okay, compared with the “Monster Feast”, the types of monsters on the 64th floor are indeed not the focus. Finn's eyelids twitched twice, and then he realized that this was not Ace's problem, but his own.

To put it this way, there are almost no unimportant places in the subsequent floors, but different people have different definitions of "key points".

Finn felt like he was starting to understand what was going on on the subsequent floors.

"Fortunately, the follow-up strategy has not officially started yet."

Finn breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously. He was really careless this time. Fortunately, this missed lesson did not appear in the actual strategy.

But just because of this mistake, Finn felt that he still needed to listen more carefully to Aisi's account of the situation on the subsequent floors.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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