I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 859 The Treasure Floor Behind The Safe Zone

After answering Finn's question, Ais waited for Finn and saw that he had no other questions, so she continued the topic.

"The types of monsters on the 64th floor are the largest before the floor environment changed. However, the level of monsters will not increase due to the depth of the floor. What increases is only the type of monsters, and the frequency and speed of triggering the "Monster Feast".

"According to the test conducted by the teacher, as long as an adventurer enters the 64th floor, the "Monster Feast" will start fifteen minutes later even if he does not do anything. If there is human intervention, the "Monster Feast" will appear faster, and it will appear in about ten minutes. "

Aisi's introduction focused everyone's attention, because the "Monster Feast" on this level appeared too fast.

If there is no interference, as long as you enter, the "Monster Feast" will appear after fifteen minutes. But can a normal adventurer pass through the 64th floor without doing anything for fifteen minutes? It is obviously unrealistic.

In other words, the 64th floor is the floor that will definitely trigger the "Monster Feast".

According to what Aisi said, the 64th floor also has the sum of the types of monsters on all previous floors, which means that the "Monster Feast" on the 4th floor allows adventurers to face almost all the current monsters in 6④.

What kind of hell joke is this?

Just listening to it makes people feel numb.

This feeling is not limited to Lilluka and others. "Even Bert and others who have reached Level 6 feel a little scary.

There are many types and attributes of monsters, and it also comes with 64 floors of "Monster Feast". They somewhat understood why Aisi said that this layer was the one that differentiated the abilities of the Familia. If the team was not strong enough, there would be no way to face the "Monster Feast" on this layer.

"It's just hell..."

Bert, who had seen big scenes, couldn't bear such a big scene.

Aisi did not object to Bert's remarks, but responded with approval.

"The teacher said that after the 64th floor is the real hell, so the 64th floor itself is a test floor for whether it can withstand the pressure of the hell world.

"The monsters before the 64th floor are completely different from the monsters after the 64th floor. The monsters on the subsequent floors are more dangerous and more humane. Monsters with humanity know better how to hunt humans, making them even more dangerous."

Then, Aisi's conversation changed.

"Although the 64th floor is very dangerous and the "Monster Feast" appears very frequently, it is indeed a very good training floor. "

Recalling what her teacher taught her, Aisi recounted it.

"Adventurers need to absorb past experiences and grow up. The effects of training are completely different between monsters that are prepared to face them and monsters that are not prepared to face them.

"In addition, adventurers need a wider field of vision. When facing the enemy in front of them, they cannot ignore other enemies. A large number of different types of monsters can also exercise the adventurer's ability to adapt.

Ais made it very clear the value relative to the danger on the 64th floor.

As long as adventurers want to go further, training on the 64th floor becomes particularly necessary.

"In addition, the 63rd floor is a safe zone. Even if you feel tired from facing the monsters on the 64th floor, you can go back to the 63rd floor to rest. Both exercise and safety are taken into consideration. Even the teacher said that the 64th floor is a very good floor .”

That's true. Finn couldn't help but nod after hearing this.

The 63rd floor is a safe area, and the 64th floor is a very challenging and exercise floor for adventurers, which simply gives adventurers the greatest opportunity. However, if the adventurer can seize this opportunity well, it will become much easier to strengthen the strength of the entire family.

The adventurers who are adapted to the 64th floor are not just Lv.4 and Lv.5 adventurers, but even Lv.6 and Lv.7 adventurers can gain a lot of valuable experience on this floor.

The floor with a naturally high "Monster Feast" trigger is simply a known gathering place for monsters.

As long as the "Monster Feast" can be controlled, it will be profitable for most adventurers.

Tiona raised her hand.

"Ais, have you exercised on the 64th floor before?"


Faced with Tiona's question, Ace nodded slightly.

"Because the 64th floor is very valuable to any adventurer, I have been training here for ten periods of time under the arrangement of the teacher."

"The teacher also wanted to trigger an "abnormal situation" by triggering a large number of "Monster Feasts" after knowing the characteristics of the 64th floor. However, the situation on this floor is very special. No matter how many "Monster Feasts" are triggered, it will not lead to the "abnormal situation" in the dungeon.


"Actively causing an "abnormal situation"!?"

Tiona's eyes almost popped out of her head.

Although it was the plan of the dark faction, the final destruction of the Astralia family was an "abnormal situation" that was accidentally caused.

But the final conclusion was very good. It's simply too good to be true.

No one wants to create something like this in the dungeon.

Finn also let go of his worries and was even more pleasantly surprised by the 64th floor.

This also made the adventurers who knew about this matter even more secretive about the "abnormal situation" caused in the dungeon.

"Bell is crazy enough to create a situation that triggers an "abnormal situation" in order to reach this conclusion. "

Finn couldn't help but be shocked by Bell's behavior.

"However, the final test did not trigger an "abnormal situation." That's why the teacher can confirm that the 64th floor is a good place for training. No matter how many "monster feasts" are created, "abnormal situations" will not arise.

The most serious "abnormal situation" accident in Orario's history was the destruction of the Astralia family.

Others also had some panic on their faces.

Aisi also knew that what the teacher did was unusual, but since it was the teacher who made the decision, she must have enough confidence to face the "healthy situation" that was brought about.

Good guy, this reason is also invincible.

Why doesn't this scare people?

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me the price of the knife.

After that incident occurred, the guild immediately arranged for people to investigate. However, after the investigation, the guild came to the conclusion that "the Astraea family was destroyed" and added that incident to the category of "abnormal situation".

"The teacher has a reason for doing this. In order to ensure the safety of the 64th floor as a training ground, the teacher will deliberately trigger the "Monster Feast", causing damage everywhere on the floor, thus triggering the greatest malice in the dungeon, "Abnormality" situation".

"Abnormal situation" is a big problem that every adventurer knows [it is every adventurer's nightmare]. No ten wealthy risk-takers expected to encounter that kind of marijuana in a dungeon.

But now there is a person who even wants to take the initiative to bring out the "abnormal situation". Isn't that the same as seeking death?

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