I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 872 Loki’S Ferocious Smile

"Welcome home!"

Loki stood at the door of the family with a smile on his face, waiting for the return of the expedition team.

Today is the day when the expedition team returns, and Loki, as a god, has no choice but to come out to welcome them no matter what.

It's just that the three people leading the expedition are a little different.


The three of them were a little distracted looking at Loki with a smile on his face. They all thought that Loki would definitely hide away this time, but who knew that this person actually came out.

"What's wrong, seeing me is like seeing a ghost."

As if he could clearly see what these three guys were thinking, Loki walked over with a smirk.

"Do you feel like I won't come out today?"

The three of them nodded sheepishly.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with you having such thoughts. After all..."

Loki suddenly increased his volume.

"The child's situation needs to be hidden if it can be hidden."

what's the situation?

The three of them were confused by Loki's sudden change. But soon they realized that something must have happened that made Loki no longer want to hide it.

Loki's eyes swept across the crowd around him, and locked onto many gods with just one glance. There was a sneer on her face [Aren't these guys just waiting for her to say these words? Then just tell them.

Bell's hiding time has reached a year, which has almost reached the limit, otherwise those guys wouldn't be ready to make a move.

So they made the decision to show their cards directly.

"The only problem now is that Bell hasn't woken up from the promotion yet."

Since Bell gave up everything and embarked on the road to promotion three months ago, Bell has been transformed into a cocoon of light bathing in the torrent that can almost destroy the world.

Thinking about it, that ceremony also takes quite a long time.

Therefore, we can't just rely on concealment and avoidance to divert the attention of the gods, but need to use another more direct method.

Deterrence by force!

Yes, very simple, very pure means.

In the past, such methods were not used not because it was impossible, but simply because it was unnecessary.

The most important thing is to hide it from the eyes and ears of the gods safely when it can be concealed, instead of focusing unnecessary attention on them and Bell. Especially since it was a critical period for Bell some time ago, they naturally hope not to disturb Bell.

However, now that Bell has passed the most critical period and has reached promotion, the force of deterrence that they once gave up can be picked up again.

When he thought of this, Loki's suffocation and malice appeared in the smile on his face.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, some of the tiger teeth were exposed, and the delicate and cute face sank into the darkness, making Loki's smile look a little ferocious.

The three Finns noticed Loki's change and understood immediately.

Their Lord God was not prepared to endure it any longer.

To be honest, Loki actually endured it longer this time. Normally, they would never have imagined that Loki could endure it for so long before bursting out. You know, in the past, when Loki got angry, he didn't lose his temper overnight.

But in the blink of an eye, the ferocious look on Loki's face was hidden.

"Aistan, this banquet is mainly to celebrate your promotion. I didn't give you a proper celebration last time when I reached Level 7. This time, I'll celebrate it with your welcome banquet." "

Loki actually always remembered the celebration.

It's a pity that the opportunity was not such a good one before, so several previous banquets have been postponed. But this time, we can't delay it any longer, and this time is also a good opportunity to celebrate.


Aisi Sanwu's face took on some warmth, and her voice began to become less cold, but with some warmth.

She had never been very good at things like rallies.

Social interaction has always been a big problem for her. The people she has been in contact with for the longest time are Riveria, the people she has the most relaxed contact with are Lefia and Tiona [and the people who have impressed her the most are Only Bell taught her.

Speaking of which, Aisi's social circle has never been very wide. She is not good at this aspect, and she has no intention of broadening it. But Aisi can still feel the kindness others treat her, especially Loki, who is the main god.

"Ouch~ Aisitan is so shy.

The feeling of gratitude I had just felt disappeared in an instant. Especially after hearing Loki's somewhat deliberate voice, Ais couldn't help but want to punch Loki ten times in the face.

However, this thought and mood paused for a while.

"Loki, will the teacher come?"

Lefia, who was standing slightly behind, heard Ais's words and her pretty face turned red immediately [like ten steam engines, a large amount of hot air was generated on her head.

"Riverlia, I'll leave it to you. After that, go give Estan some extra lessons and let her understand that what she just said is completely different from what she knew."

"A teacher is a teacher. The teacher said that it is normal for a teacher who teaches students to be relied on. Just like Lefia, she seems to rely on me a lot."

Ais's question made Loki's expression stiffen.

"""As for the child, he has actually been doing something very important recently, so he probably doesn't have time to come over."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

"That's two different things..."

Loki was 100% sure that Aisi's understanding was wrong, but considering Aisi's twisted personality and rigid thinking circuit, there was always a feeling that she would play tricks on others regardless of the explanation.

Preaching was not her area of ​​expertise. Especially preaching to a child who is a bit silly.

Ais didn't understand the meaning of Loki's words.

Lefiya didn't expect Miss Ace to know that she was dependent on her. She always thought that she hid it well.

Looking at the anticipation in Aisi's eyes, Loki felt that his neck was stiff.

"It's you, Aisi. You are too dependent on that child, which is not a good thing."

Loki looked at Ace's cute look, especially the clear stupidity in her eyes. Loki knew that this child was not easy to explain.


If she had heard Ace say this in the past, Loki would have definitely wanted to teach that "teacher" a lesson. But now that he heard what Ais said, Loki couldn't help but want to know what kind of feelings Ais had for Bell.

Trying to smooth the stiff corners of his mouth, Luo Ji said calmly with some deliberateness.

In the end, Loki gave up the option of persuading Ais and instead presented her to Riveria.

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