I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 873 Data Update At The Banquet

"Then now, the party begins!"


The moment Loki announced the start of the banquet, the entire Loki family let out their voices, simply wanting to vent their excitement.

The four months in the underground city were their hardest days, but also their most rewarding days.

It's really because the deep dungeons are too challenging. Facing monsters that know how to cooperate, they also need to hone their skills, otherwise they will be besieged and killed by monsters in minutes.

In such an atmosphere, environmental factors are constantly forcing everyone to grow up quickly. If they fall behind here, then they need to change teams. Because only teams with similar strengths and common growth can continue in such an environment.

Since there are members who are falling, there are also members who are rising.

Naturally, there are more adventurers who strive to improve themselves and thus get improved.

Even members who have fallen behind temporarily cannot continue to be decadent, but need to step up their efforts, otherwise they will face falling behind once. If this happened a second time, they would really be embarrassed to see anyone.

Therefore, in such a special atmosphere, every member of the expedition team was like a chicken. They knew what to do without anyone urging them to do it.

As a result, during these four months of dungeon life, all members of the expedition team have greatly improved.

863 Mental improvement and strength improvement.

Everyone is very excited at the moment because they see their own growth.

Failure to see the efforts for growth will always make people unconsciously decadent, but if they can see the efforts for growth, it will become the motivation to continue working hard.

At this moment, everyone is targeting Loki.

But before going to update, everyone was not immersed in the atmosphere of this banquet.

After all, no matter how hard they work, they still need some rest. After four months of continuous growth in the dungeon, and the monsters they faced were very unusual, they couldn't be careless during these four months, and their nerves were always tense.

It’s still tiring to have your nerves on edge all the time.

No one talked about it in the dungeon because everyone was exhausted after fighting monsters every day and had no physical strength or energy to talk about it.

But after returning to the ground, they also participated in the celebration banquet of the expedition. Didn't this allow them to relax?

And when it comes to banquets, the most important thing is wine.

The dungeon guide does not include any alcohol. This is to prevent adventurers from drinking in the dungeon, which would put a certain burden on the guide. (cfdc) Therefore, the expedition team was not allowed to bring alcohol from the beginning.

Of course, even those who brought drinks privately could not drink secretly during this expedition.

Every day everyone grew up in the monster pile like crazy, and after returning to the camp, they lay down and slept.

If someone drank in this atmosphere, it would be really obvious.

Therefore, no matter whether someone brought drinks privately, no one dared to drink secretly.


After taking a few sips of wine, Ri Zhouha allowed all the adventurers to enjoy this happy moment with satisfaction.

"I can finally take a sip, but I'm so greedy."

The dwarf took a sip of strong wine. He had never been away from the drink for such a long time in the past. This time it was a precedent.

"Yes. You are not allowed to drink during the strategy period, even in the camp.

"I did bring it. Do you want to drink it?"

The man who just spoke shook his head. He was just complaining at this banquet, and he was not an ignorant fool.

"Don't be kidding, how can you get up early the next day after drinking? You're almost exhausted, and you still haven't rested? You're still drinking? If the strategy for the next day is delayed, doesn't that mean I'll be promoted because I'm delayed in class?"

Yes, daily exercise in the dungeon is actually very important.

Sometimes the difference is just one day, and the distribution of the teams will begin to change. After all, the average strength of the entire team can face most monsters, but if you are too weak, wouldn't that be holding everyone back? Who would be happy with this kind of thing?

But once the team is adjusted, it doesn't mean that "the whole team is just you and you don't take the factory seriously."

That would really be a laughing stock.

"I work hard every day and I can see my progress every day. Am I sick? I'm just delaying myself because of my greed?"

"You're right! You really can't delay yourself."

"Speaking of which, have you made an appointment for updates from Lord Loki?"

This sentence made the whole table temporarily quiet.


The group stood up and rushed to the next table where Loki was.

"Loki-sama, I want to make an appointment for an update!"


The sudden update request stunned Loki, who had just raised his glass but had not yet drank it.

Then seeing the anxious look of these children, Loki raised the corner of his mouth and made a bold and crazy decision.

"Okay! Since you are all so excited and want to know your abilities as soon as possible, how about a public data update during the banquet! Let everyone see the results of your hard work?"


The eyes of a group of adventurers immediately lit up and they roared.

Most of them are male adventurers. Of course, what they were excited about at the moment was not that they could see the naked backs of the opposite sex [but that they were finally able to show off their achievements to the guys of the same clan.

"The girls will report to my room when the banquet is over. The boys will come first."

"Little ones, are you confident in your own growth?"


A group of male adventurers immediately burst into thunderous approval.

"So, who comes first?"

"Captain Finn!!!"

Finn, who was watching the excitement, almost choked on his drink. He looked at the guys who pushed him up speechlessly. They obviously wanted to know about his growth, but they pushed him up first.

"Very good! Finn, come up and give these guys a try first, let them see your growth!"

Very good, Loki's words made Finn unable to refuse.

Finn could only glare at the guys who pushed him up, and at the same time put down his harsh words.

"You guys, wait for me when the mission comes!"

Then he began to take off his shirt, revealing his muscular body as a man.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

This time the female adventurer was excited.

Although everyone knows that Captain Finn and Tione are engaged, this does not prevent everyone from admiring the scene.

"These perverts!"

It was Tione who broke a pair of chopsticks, her eyes showing a sense of displeasure. But there is no way, data update is like this.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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