"I would also like to thank the staff of the Belloberg Museum, and Ms. Pera in particular."

"These activities range from Golden Man Lane to Pokémon...Ahem, it’s the Ether Front!"

"Almost all of them are related to Interstellar Peace Corporation"

"From the Black Tower Space Station to Yalilo VI and then to Topa, the power of existence runs through it all."

"But many of us actually find it difficult to determine the true meaning of preservation."

"What exactly is conservation?"

"Is it decent?"

"As the largest capitalist in the galaxy, how can the company represent conservation?"

"Today, let’s talk about the Interstellar Peace Company and the Protectorate Star God!"

"Protecting the Star God? Amber King!?"

Shajin frowned as he looked at the live broadcast room.

The existence of the Star God was mysterious. How could they spy on it at will?

Moreover, everyone walks on the path of destiny, and the strength of their strength is judged by the distance they walk!

The Star Gods, they walk at the farthest point of the destiny, and their strength is the end of the destiny.

Some people once said that the destiny came first, and then the Star Gods.

Some people say it is the other way around.

But no one can be sure.

Because it is true that the destiny only appeared after the Star God appeared, but after the Star God disappeared or died, the destiny still exists!

So, is it really the destiny brought by the Star God?

Could it be that the destiny has always existed, but the Star God has reached that step and has been recognized by the destiny, and the destiny has appeared to give the Star God the power of a god?

This is something that each of them has not yet determined.

Now someone suddenly wants to evaluate the Amber King...

Shajin suddenly felt the corners of his lips dry, and subconsciously thought that this person was bragging.

He thought he was a star god, how dare he comment like that?


Subconsciously, Sha Jin couldn't help but look at the live broadcast room.

""June 13"...

If what the other person said makes sense, can I go further on the road of preservation?...

In the live broadcast room, a large [Save] sign appeared on the screen.


【The voice of Klipper gradually rose....

"Cunhu literally means survival and protection."

"So is the true meaning of preservation to survive and protect oneself as long as possible?"


The man answered his own question, which also surprised everyone.

Isn't it about survival and self-protection?

Ninety-nine percent of the people in the universe are not on the path of survival and protection, so they listened to this with some surprise.

It seems different from the survival and protection they know?

There are also some people who are on the path of survival and protection. They were startled when they heard this. Some of them were just on the road.

"The records in the think tank have long explained that the destiny of survival is reflected in waiting, sacrifice and protection!"

"These three points are actually not conducive to personal protection."

"Waiting means giving up your time"

"Sacrifice means giving up one's life"

"The target of protection is obviously not itself."

"The true meaning of conservation is to sacrifice oneself to protect others"

"Sacrifice the small self to achieve the big self"

"Seeing this, some people will not help but say why!"

"The answer is, there is no basis for it, because it is a moral judgment."

"Amber King, the guardian star god, is a survivor of the ancient beast era. The Twilight War occurred between the ancient beast era and the star god era."

"Although the people of Interstellar Peace Company said that it was the birth of the Amber King that ended the Ancient Beast Age,"

"But multiple archaeological evidence suggests that this is all just a fantasy of the company's fanatical defenders."

"In a war like that, it is impossible to survive by relying on one's own strength alone; the survival of the group depends on individual sacrifice."

"Even if you know you cannot resist, you still have to try your best to resist!"

"It is this cruel protection that makes the Amber King a survivor of the ancient beast era!"

"Until now, Clipper is still building the Tianhui Star Wall to deal with future crises."

"The Amber Lord's own behavior is the true meaning of preservation."

【It should be survival and protection, right?】

【This seems to be true. I also saw it on the train in the game. I think someone said it? A company is not equal to protection!】

【I'm Clipper's dog!】

【Or maybe it could be something that protects existence?】

【Fate and the Star God cannot be summarized in a few words, nor can they be viewed by human concepts of good and evil.】

【So preservation is also a form of self-identification?】

【According to this statement, isn't hunting a form of conservation?】

【Even if there are thousands of people, I will go? 】

In the live broadcast room, countless people began to discuss the meaning of conservation, and many people also found that the fate of conservation seemed to be a bit broad!

At this time, the man's voice in the live broadcast room was still ringing.

This time, more people watched it seriously.

It must be said that this beginning attracted their attention!

"Many people think that preservation and destruction are a pair of corresponding concepts."

"In fact, it is not, and it is in contrast to the preservation of...It's greed!"

"Tan Tao is both a star god and an ancient beast, so he must have experienced the Twilight War."

"Klipper also wrote in his description that He knew that the enemy's devouring was imminent."

"So these two are a pair of enemies"

"But if we look at the Interstellar Peace Company, the largest capitalist in the galaxy, it gives people the impression that it is also a ruthless person."

"How did it become a faction of preservation?"

"Why did Beloberg, who had persevered for hundreds of years to preserve his beliefs, become a living hell?"

"But why did the Interstellar Peace Company, which owned the hanging street lamps, gain the favor of the Amber King?"

"All of this comes back to Yalilo VI"

"Yarilo 6 is the first chapter of the game, but we all know that it really exists and the game is based on facts."

"There are even plays that are not adapted at all, they are all facts, so you can also learn about Yalilo Beloberg from the game without leaving home."

"This planet originally had a pleasant climate and rich mineral resources. The connection of star tracks also brought a lot of trade and extraterrestrial technology."

"Originally, Yalilo VI should have been on the fast track of development thousands of years ago."

"I didn't expect the star core to come."

"Along with the star core comes countless antimatter legions"

"The city builders defend their homes by following the belief of preservation."

"However, this conservation is doomed to fail!"

"The war lasted for thirty years, but the faith of the city builders did not bring any help from the Amber King."

"The first great guardian had no choice but to turn to the star core for help."

"The star core is like a dark wishing machine, or what I call the Black Holy Grail."

"Only uses twisted methods to fulfill wishes"

"Under the power of the star core, a cold wave more terrifying than the antimatter legion destroyed both the legion and Yalilo VI."

"Good news: The Legion is not coming"

"Bad news: The Legion is no longer needed"

"The star core is the seed of destruction, so the star core destroys the preservation in the most ironic way."

"If the cold wave is protection, then what Beloberg is resisting now is the result of protection."

"If the cold wave is destruction, then what saves people at the moment of destruction is not protection, but another kind of destruction!"

"So what the Star Core did was to use preservation and protection to negate preservation!"

【Beloberg's earth marrow only provides a small amount of heat, and the rest is life energy for preservation?】

【The Amber King does not seem to favor the company. The Amber King is just a banner, which is different from the relationship between the Patrol Fairy Boat and Lan.】

【Wanting to help others is called cunhu, and needing help from others is called asking for help?】

【The company has a protection order, don’t forget!】

【Wait! If this is the case, will the star core be a guarantee for the fate of each person?...negative?!】

【Star core and destiny, are they opposite existences?】

"So at this time the Great Guardian was in despair, because there was no hope at all if he persisted in the way of preservation."

"There is only despair of the present and despair of the future!"

"I believe many people are also wondering why this is happening?"

"Why did the Amber King choose to remain silent?"

"Shouldn’t the preservation of destiny protect those who are traveling on this destiny?"

"The answer is simple, because the true meaning of preservation lies in action!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Faith and values in the face of despair"

"Some people may refute my statement. After all, some viewers are destined to be travelers."

"More or less, the paths they take in their lives are not the same. Some walk farther and see more deeply, while others walk shorter and are blinded by a single leaf."

"So there must be people who hold opposing views, thinking that their fate is linked to the Star God, who will protect them...."

"In fact, we can see some explanations of preservation in the game."

"Wait, sacrifice, protect"

"These���It's all moral judgment"

"What would you do when someone in front of you needs protection?"

"Does this mean that the weak should be protected when facing a crisis?"


"The true meaning of preservation is directed towards oneself!"

"Just because I am willing to sacrifice myself to protect the weak doesn’t mean the weak should be protected!"

"Just because I am willing to do something doesn’t mean I should do it!"

"It doesn't mean that what I do will be useful."

"Similarly, the city builders defending their homes does not mean that their homes will be protected."[]

"It's just us...hope so!"

"The belief in preservation is like a snow lotus on an iceberg, noble and fragile."

"The city builders' protection in Yalilo was not to attract the attention of the star gods and thus be saved."

"This is narrow-minded thinking."

"Because you are still expecting an external force to save you"

"The only one who can save you is yourself"

"So preservation is a moral judgment of oneself."

"Let's take a look at the names of Xingbao's three lines in the game."

"The strong helps the weak, life comes before death, actions trump thoughts"

"It embodies the meaning of preservation"

"Use the strong to help the weak, live in the face of death, action is the key!"

"There is a sense of calmness, as if I were smiling at the sky with my sword in hand."

"Cocolia is the exact opposite...."

"She abandoned the lower zone to preserve the strong and abandon the weak, prayed for the star core to bring new life to her, forgot death and sought life, and gave up the action because she saw no hope, which was thinking wins action....."

"So in the end, Kokolia lost"

"It was Xingbao who drew his lance and got a glimpse of the Amber King."

"These are actually the points that everyone who is attentive can discover if they just pay a little attention and immerse themselves in it."

"Then, when we played the new content, that is, the battle line, Topa appeared and everything had a new meaning."

"We will find that...The Great Guardian's belief in the preservation of Earth Fire, and the struggle between the two organizations, the City Builders and the Interstellar Peace Company,"

"If the city builders saw the Amber King building the wall and chose to imitate him,"、

"The Interstellar Peace Corporation takes a different approach."

"They set up a support group directly"

"I started to vote for Brother Amber King right away"


In the real world, Topa laughed out loud when he heard this!

Fan club!

This term is usually used for chasing stars, right?

Just like Robin, the other party has a large fan club.

In the universe, countless people are her fans....

Has the company become Amber King’s support group?

"Indeed." Shajin's voice sounded, and he felt that the song was very appropriate and perfectly echoed the

"Use the strong to support the weak, live in the face of death, the key is action, do you have it?"Topa looked at Shajin with some doubts, did the other party do this?

On weekdays, Shajin didn't seem to have these actions, so how did he get the recognition of Cunhu?

Or did he not notice that Shajin was privately...

Thinking of this, Topa became more curious about the gold dust in private!

It seemed that the other side of the gold dust had not been shown to him yet.

In the live broadcast room, the voice of narration continued, and these analyses also made countless people in the universe start to think.

Protection is not just to rescue others?

Helping others is not the true meaning of protection, and the meaning of the help of Tao is not great?

This makes them very different.

When they see the person who protects, they think that the other party should take the initiative to lend a hand.

If they don’t do this, other people with the same destiny will think that this person does not deserve the protection of the glance.

Now they understand.

It turns out that they are the ones who don’t understand!

The other party does not have to help the weak, because that is moral kidnapping!

The real protection is to save yourself!

This is not a kind of selfishness, but a kind of life towards death!

"I just said that the city builders' belief in preservation is like an iceberg snow lotus, noble and fragile."

"Then the concept of interstellar peace and equality is very clear and practical: everything for the Amber King!"

"Amber King is also the most aloof among the Star Gods."

"Preservation is also a moral requirement for oneself"

"So you can't expect the Amber King to give you an oracle and tell you what to do."

"After all, he doesn't even have a mouth....(crossed out)"

"The Amber King only knows how to build His wall every day, so building the wall must be correct and sacred!"

"Based on the principle of dedicating everything to the Amber King, the most valuable thing is to provide as much support as possible for Chi Xiu's wall repair."

"Then, collecting materials acquires sacredness, collecting materials requires exchange, and exchange requires a medium, so making money also becomes sacred!"

"Since money can be exchanged for materials, the company's goal is very simple...."

"Make as much money as possible!"

"So what is money? General equivalent"

"It may start with gold and silver, and later it may be credit"

"But it is still human labor."

"The power to influence others is called power. Based on the principle of giving everything to the Amber King, the power of the company is equivalent to the power of the Amber King."

"Expanding the company means expanding the power of the Amber King"

"Since what the Amber King did was for the ultimate good of the survival of all living beings,"

"Then the right to protect large companies is sacred."

"After all, everything in the company is for King Amber!"

"Others may not be for the Amber King, so in order to promote the glory of our Lord, we should expand"

"Does this logic seem reasonable from time to time? Actually, there is a big problem!"

"In this process, the means to achieve the goal (building the wall) gradually became the goal itself (logistics), which led to the emergence of new means (making money)."

"If this slide continues, the final result will inevitably deviate completely from the original purpose!"

"For example, when Beloberg was invaded by the Antimatter Army, the Interstellar Peace Company once supported them."

"But this kind of support is definitely not strong support weak, Xingshengsi"

"After a very precise evaluation of the benefits...Venture capital!"

"After Yalilo No. 6 survived the crisis, he immediately sent Topa to collect the debt...."

"The spirit of preservation is a value judgment, which is irrational, or at least not instrumental rationality."

"Therefore, the refined value calculation must result in a simplified and incomplete conservation!"

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