"A microcosm of the struggle to preserve and protect the orthodox doctrine!"

"It is a battle between the kingly way and the hegemonic way!"

"Accept the company's request, life will get better and people will be richer"

"But this place will become a colony. It will become a tool to realize value."

"Isn't this another way of using preservation to negate preservation?"

"But this time, Belloborg made a new choice and rejected the company's request."

"Topa was also infected, took the initiative to take responsibility, and chose an irrational way"

"He messed up the company's acquisition plan and was demoted and suspended from work."

"Let Belloberg develop on his own"

"This choice obviously does not necessarily make Beloberg better."

"But we hope so"

"Following Topa to Pinocchio, the company's struggle for orthodoxy also showed more tension in the plot."

"Do you want to snicker? This really shows off your face."

Shajin smiled at Topa. The other party did not go to Beloberg in reality, but the game still exposed Topa's final choice.

"You don't show your face as much as me." Topa complained.

He just gave a choice in the game, but

Shajin was pretending to be a boss!

"But this guy's analysis of Cunhu is really amazing. He should be a traveler on Cunhu's path, right?"

Hearing this, Shajin turned his head and looked at the live broadcast room.


But not only that....

Just then, a commotion broke out, attracting the two's attention.

Then, they saw a man in uniform waving to Sha Jin.

"What's wrong?" Topa asked curiously.,

"express delivery..."

Sha Jin's face darkened, and he walked over to sign for it.

At the other party's strong request, he took a photo with him and walked back with the box.

"What did you buy?"Topa was a little curious.

It looked like it was quite big, and it was delivered to him personally, not to the company's base?

Is it important? He must sign for it when it is delivered.

Then, in Topa's confused eyes, the express box was opened, and a blue background with white lines on it, with a punk-style design, was revealed....


"No, you really want to attend that offline concert and be a bassist? ? ?"

Topa said in disbelief.

This 14th was quite impressive. It was clearly the shape of the gold-dust bass in the short film before the performance!

Although the color was a little different, the answer was clear at a glance!

"Do you think I want to?" Shajin complained unhappily, rolled his eyes at her, and tentatively moved the finger.

"What's the meaning?"

"I'm threatened." Shajin complained

"What is the origin of this guy? He made this video..."

Xiao Guizi looked at the live broadcast room in surprise.

These things were related to the Star God. Could they be said casually?

The most important thing was that what was said made people feel that it made sense.

If it made sense, it meant that what the other party said was not wrong.

"Could it be that this person is the envoy of protection?"

"I don't think so..."Su Shang suddenly spoke up to refute, and while she was speaking, she discovered that a new video had appeared in the live broadcast room....

"And there are Star Gods??!"

"This time it is...Joy, haha?"

In the dull eyes of the two, they actually found that this time it was the same person who was explaining!

One person, talking about two star gods???

【Title: How strong is Aha? An in-depth analysis of the connotation of the Joyful Star God!】

"All of you who have come from the south and north, and have won prizes in the Xingtie Pond,"

"Everyone, now, look at me,"

"I would like to take a moment of your time to introduce you to our God and the only salvation in the universe!"


When this voice appeared, everyone in the universe couldn't help but look up at the live broadcast room, and then they found that the video had changed from the protection just now to the joy now!

Another Star God?

After talking about the Amber King, this person started to say Aha again!?

Is this guy practicing dual cultivation?

I haven't heard that destiny can also be practiced dually!

But if not, what right does he have to comment on the second Star God?

Destiny, you can't comment casually!

How can you say it if you haven't embarked on this path!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the live broadcast room again, to see what this guy can say!

"I laugh at the lack of wisdom in destruction and hunting"

"I laugh at the Virgin of Plenty, at the amber fool"

"I laugh at the vulgarity of knowledge, at the emptiness and dullness"

"I have to laugh at myself. It's so embarrassing to laugh at myself!"

"People should live in the present, instead of thinking about the future of the universe, just enjoy the joy in front of you!"

"You can always trust Aha,"

"Because He will never give up on you!"

"It will never frustrate you!"

"I'll never make you cry, I'll never say goodbye to you"

"I will never hurt you with lies."

When these words came out, everyone in the universe was dumbfounded!

In addition to them, this guy actually said the bad things about the various star gods so bluntly?

Erudite and vulgar, nothingness and dullness?

The Holy Mother of Fertility, Amber and stupidity?

Destruction and recklessness, hunting and lack of wisdom?

Can these words be said?

Can we hear these words?

The most important thing is that when they were shocked, a powerful force suddenly erupted, and several powerful forces occupied the universe!

"Is this the power of the Star God! ?"

"I feel Lan's presence!"

"The power of destruction is raging! The fate of destruction is...Noisy?"

"Nothingness is sluggish? But the fate of nothingness doesn't react at all."

"Is this guy not afraid of death? He dares to say anything, even commenting on the Star God! ?"

"It’s over, it’s over. Will the Star God be angered?"

"What do you think? Will the game maker be killed directly?"

"I might as well say that the person who posted this comment might be killed!"

"Can't kill him? How powerful is the game maker? We still can't find his trace. There is even a live broadcast room in the whole universe, and it's just for game live broadcast...."

"I suspect this guy is not the Star God, but the Star God's father."

"Shh! Stop talking nonsense!"


The sound of discussion could be heard everywhere in the universe, and the anger of the Star Gods was even more shocking, because only a few seconds had passed, and one would have thought that the Star Gods would be angry about these comments and go looking for trouble with them, but the fact was...

They fell silent!

As if nothing had happened?

This made them even more shocked and stunned.

Star God, are you afraid?

"In the game's think tank, we can see the introduction of Aha."

"He is the god of joy"

"Knowing that happiness is the exclusive right of intelligent creatures," (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Neither the stones nor the stars can understand the humor of life"

"Seeking an enemy who is a good match, a game to while away time, an outcome that does not matter who wins or who loses"

"Seeking for hilarious jokes, for misunderstandings, for songs that make your mind soar"

"This description is a description of the meaning of life, that is, what is the purpose of living?"

"It can be found that Aha's philosophy is very focused on experience"

"If life is compared to a journey, then Aha is reminding you to pay attention to the scenery along the way."

"I will be more aware of this if I compare the Masked Fool's point of view with Aha."

"Fools believe that the truth of the world is a joke and that the ultimate meaning of everything lies in mere laughter."

"Laughter is the unique right of intelligent life and the meaning of life lies in laughter"

"These two statements seem to mean the same thing, but when you compare them you can find some differences."

"The Masked Fool focuses on laughter, while Aha values humorous behavior"

"This is especially evident from the six consecutive searches by Ahab. He places special emphasis on the process."

"At this point someone might ask, what’s the difference?"


"If the ultimate meaning of everything is laughter,"[]

"If I inject dopamine to make him laugh, how will you respond?"

"It makes sense for the Masked Fool, but does it make sense for Aha?"

"He said that the joy of understanding is the privilege of intelligent life, and that sensual pleasure is the result of happiness."

"For example, test scores are used to measure the degree of knowledge mastered."

"But exam-oriented education will, to a certain extent, bypass the goal of mastering knowledge and directly achieve the target, right?"

"By analogy, happiness and understanding of happiness are also similar structures."

"Then the pursuit of happiness itself is a joyful exam-oriented education."

"You can't just be happy, you have to have fun"

"Look at everything around you with humor!"

"Ahab even gave power to the tragic poor, a group of people who specifically opposed him."

"These people are so miserable that they don't let me be happy? Haha, too happy"

"This part is historically backed by philosophy."

"When it comes to the philosophy of pleasure, the first thing that comes to mind is hedonism."

"Believes that a happy life is the result of meditation"

"Aha is similar. From the six pursuits of energy, we can see that what he advocates is not the pleasure of the senses, but an attitude of playing with the world."

"We even discovered in the virtual universe that Aha is the only star god who can see through the truth of the virtual universe!"

"Knowing that it is a simulated program,"

"And from what Heita said, we know that this is not the first time that Aha has done this."

"But He didn't care at all and enjoyed being teased."

"We can also take a closer look at Aha's appearance."

"He has a human silhouette!"

"That mask is a fake!"

"Aha looks like a clown, so how strong is He among the star gods?"

"Is he really a funny character?"

"the answer is..."

"Ahaha’s strength may be very strong!"

"It is not an exaggeration to say that He is the most powerful one."

"The first clue comes from the fable passed down by the Masked Fool."

"Aha climbed up the high branch of existence and saw the cold and hateful vacuum, the mechanical operation of the stars, and the meaninglessness gave way to nothingness."

"He continued to look until he saw a baby falling to the ground and crying as if he had suffered a great injustice, and he could not help but burst into laughter. This clear laughter tore through the cold and silent universe, and it echoed in all realms to this day."

"If you think the Masked Fool is a group of fun people, their words cannot be trusted..."

"In the virtual universe, the Memory Star God also described a similar scene, which means that at least this fable is not groundless."

"In addition, there are some scattered clues."

"For example, the book of Xianzhou records about Changle Tianjun."

【If anyone thinks that this Lord Changle is just a clown among the gods, they are totally wrong.】

【Yes, it is true that Pao cannot leave a miracle that shocked the world like Di Gong Siming or Bu Tian Siming.】

【However, the sleeves use some invisible means to invisibly control the direction of all living beings, showing an extraordinary and exquisite control over reality.】

【For example, when Emperor Rupert conquered the Star Sea, his followers rebelled again after the Philosophers' Union fell into the territory of inorganic life, and infected the conquerors' computing centers with a humorous paradox virus called Philosopher's Poison, overthrowing the tyranny of the local mechanical legion.】

【Similar miracles are everywhere. A tiny ripple eventually turned into a tsunami that shook the earth. This is Aha's style.】

"The story of using the humorous paradox virus to overthrow the mechanical army also echoes the memory bubble of the Black Tower Space Station."

"It can be seen that this group of people are different from the people in Zuowangdao next door."

"The information is still very authentic!"

"There is also a tape of a fool's play in the space station, implying that the golden wound on the chest of the God of Destruction was caused by a fool."

"This may be Aha"

"Climbing up the Tree of Existence, severely wounding the Star God of Destruction, and stopping the invasion of the mechanical army with just a joke, if these are all true, then Aha's strength is truly unfathomable."

"But he doesn't care. What's really noteworthy is the part where he laughs out loud when he hears a baby crying."

"The baby here is a metaphor"

"The human spirit is divided into three stages: camel, lion and child"

"Camels always passively obey tradition and authority, and are in the state they should be in."

"You should fall in love, you should get married"

"At this stage, I was disciplined, but not obvious."

"At this time, you will passively and unconsciously accept various demands from the outside world, including traditional moral values, mainstream values, parents' orders, teachers' requirements, and suggestions from people around you, and you will be firmly bound by these external demands."

"If you want to become a lion, you need to surpass yourself and fight the dragon. This dragon is yourself!"

"The self that wants to surpass becomes a camel, defeats a dragon, and becomes a lion"

"From passive acceptance to active request"

""This means that I will no longer obey the mainstream values of the past or comply with the demands of others. I will break the invisible shackles and fight for what I want."

"But the third stage will become a child"

"A child is pure, forgotten, and a new beginning! A game, a spinning wheel, a beginning movement, a sacred affirmation."

"This means that a baby is always a new beginning, with new hope, which means that everything can always start over, and it also means the birth of a new self."

"Although Ah Ha is a star god, he gives people the feeling of a child, an old naughty boy."

"He is the one who believes most in the dignity of life and the grandeur of the laws of the universe."

"But it's just a cold dead thing"

"Life is as fragile as a reed, but we can still fight against the injustice and cruelty of the whole world with laughter."

"No matter how powerful a star god is, he is nothing more than a slave to fate, but life should not be like this!"

"Even without the abundance of longevity, without persistent hunting, without firm protection, without brave exploration, without wisdom, harmony, and even destruction,"

"Life should also be unique"

"No one destiny can determine the direction of life."

"So Aha equally teased all the star gods"

"The groundwork is almost done, let’s get back to the original topic!"

"Existence, the discussion of nothingness!"

"All the star gods and destiny are debating and existing around this theme."

"Aha said that the meaning of all things gives way to nothingness, and only happiness is the meaning of life"


"You say nothing is nothing? You say it has meaning is meaningful?"

"But when we talk about whether something has meaning, don’t we first have to determine to whom it means something?"

"I said I want 10,000, that's a 10,000 reward..."

"Liangxu said he wanted ten thousand. At that time, Hu Guoshi was the only one who wanted ten thousand. How could it be the same?"

"We say that everything is nothingness and the universe has no meaning. We mean that it has no meaning to me, but what about the universe?"

"Just like humans in the past believed that humans are the spirit of all things and the earth is the center of the universe"

"Later I found out that people are nothing."

"What is the meaning of life then?".

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