Lin Yi finally remembered, and at the same time, Lin Yi felt admiration. A little girl was able to roam between the Dark Alliance and the Angel system with ease, and she was able to come to the Mars base, which shows Xiaoyu's ability and courage. Thinking of this, Lin Yi Immediately, I feel ashamed that I am not as good as a girl.

Xiaoyu hopped up to Fat Brother's side and just punched him. Her smiling eyes were narrowed into slits, which was very pretty. While rubbing Fat Brother's stomach, she said, "I said, Fat Brother, you have a big heart! You didn't let me do the task at all. You've lost weight, but I think you've gotten fatter." The fat brother was not polite, he patted Xiaoyu's head and said, "You girl, why are you doing business here?"

"But it's too difficult to do business on Earth! It's not just for gangsters on Mars." After saying that, Xiaoyu saw Lin Yi, and smiled at Lin Yi, still so sweet. After smiling, Xiaoyu blinked again. Lin Yi was embarrassed and at a loss.

Ah Xing and Ah Jiu directly dragged Lin Yi in front of Xiaoyu, and jokingly said while pushing forward, "What's wrong with Captain Lin? Seeing a girl is like being locked up by a law." Lin Yi blushed. Stuttering like a monkey's butt, I don't know what to say.

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Xiaoyu found it even more funny, covering her mouth and laughing forward and backward, after laughing, Xiaoyu turned her face faster than turning over a book and stopped smiling, waved her hand at Lin Yi and said: "Captain Lin Since you don't talk, I won't talk to you, fat brother, come with me, I have something to see you, Captain Lin, don't you mind?"

Before Lin Yi could answer, Xiaoyu had already walked away with Fat Brother. Lin Yi looked at Xiaoyu's back and whispered, "I don't mind!"

Lin Yi and the others came to the medical center. After a normal physical examination, their body functions have recovered. The overhaul and maintenance of the Parrot has also been completed, and it seems that it will return to Earth soon, and everyone is looking forward to it.

On the way back, Lin Yi asked Fat Brother Xiaoyu several times why he came to the Mars base and what he wanted to do with Fat Brother, but Fat Brother just pretended to be sloppy and perfunctory, Lin Yi realized that he didn't care what Xiaoyu and Fat Brother said , just worried that Xiaoyu encountered some difficulties.

On the way, Lin Yi and the others felt that something was missing, but everyone couldn't tell what was missing, until Miyagi slowly called out the name "Andis"

Everyone has disappointed expressions on their faces. It is true that the result of this mission is considered good, but the only regret is the damage of Andis, but the details are not available yet, but Ah Xing is still for everyone. Andis must be able to reboot! After all, the maintenance base of the earth is more powerful!

The team safely landed at the Earth launch base, and after a simple mission report, they were approved to take a three-day vacation. After three days, there will be a new mission when they meet at the security building!

Lin Yi said goodbye to the team members one by one, only the fat brother left immediately after landing. Lin Yi thought that the fat brother missed his children and wife too much, so he didn't think much about it. After saying goodbye, Lin Yi returned home.

The moment he opened the door, the smell of home let Lin Yi release the tension these days, and then the drowsiness of Nong Nong came over! Walking into the living room, the Victory was still the same as before leaving. Lin Yi touched the cold shell of the Victory with his hand, and couldn't help sighing! After hastily eating dinner, Lin Yi fell headfirst on the bed and fell into a deep sleep!

Suddenly Lin Yi felt the smell of meat slowly wafting over, smelling like roast beef, Lin Yi suddenly felt hungry, and unconsciously swallowed the saliva flowing from his mouth! Are you dreaming again? Lin Yi pinched his thigh hard and sat up from the bed in pain! This is not a dream!

Lin Yi glanced at the living room, and saw that the Victory was skillfully frying barbecue with its mechanical arms! Lin Yi rubbed his eyes hard in disbelief, he was right! It was the oven and grill that the Victory found somewhere, and it was frying the beef leisurely. The beef was sizzling, and the smell of the meat came from the grill.

Lin Yi still can't believe that a robot can do this kind of thing. In Lin Yi's eyes, the retro appearance of the Victory and the ancient machine type are at most a robot to play with children. More vividly, it should be a robot. Great toy!

"Victory? You, you, you can move?" Lin Yi stammered and rubbed his eyes vigorously while talking.

The huge face screen of the Victory slowly lifted up from the sizzling beef and looked at Lin Yi. Eyes and mouths composed of large mosaic lattices appeared on the screen! The two eyes were directly changed into smiling eyes, and said directly to Lin Yi

"Lin Yi, are you awake? I'm making dinner, do you want to have a taste?"

Lin Yi still can't believe the things in front of her are still stuttering

"Victory, tell me this is not a dream! And where did you get these things? I don't have them at home? And my apartment has a fire system. I'm afraid you will attract the fire robots. Fine, I have nothing to eat this month!"

"Don't worry! I originally ordered dinner for you, but I saw that the capsules were delivered, and they were not edible at all. I had no choice but to do it myself. As for these oven grills, I made them myself in five minutes Well, the carbon took some time, and I have turned off the fire, I really understand what fun you are living in this kind of life now!" The voice of the Victory is not like Andis's bionic human voice, it is unique Some electronic analog sounds.

Lin Yi looked at the Victory in surprise, but when he saw the roast beef, his eyes were still starved. Lin Yi only ate this old-fashioned roast beef once when he was camping with his father when he was very young. One time can be said to be the best dinner Lin Yi has ever eaten in his life, not only because he was with his parents, but the current convenient dinner and roast beef are not even qualified to compare!

But that was the only time I ate it, and then my parents became more and more busy, so Lin Yi never ate it again. Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt like eating first and then thinking about the Victory.

After the turmoil, Lin Yi was so stretched that he couldn't move, and he fell down on the sofa when he was full. The taste of the barbecue was exactly the same as that of his father's. Lin Yi missed his parents even more. Looking at the Victory that was cleaning up the mess, Lin Yi suddenly felt a little warmth! But Lin Yi immediately denied his feeling! Suddenly a text message came from Lin Yi's personal electronic device, it was from Fat Brother

"Linzi, Andis' condition is very bad! If you haven't rested yet, come and meet me in the security building"

After reading the information, Lin Yi wanted to pack up and go to join the fat brother, but Lin Yi hesitated after getting up and seeing the Victory. After all, the Victory must have some information or clues about his parents, but Andis The situation is very bad, and what kind of situation will it be!

After hesitating again and again, Lin Yi decided to go to the security building first to check on Andis's situation, and then have a good talk with Victory when it's over.

"Victory, I have something urgent, you won't wait for me to come back and your computer will crash again, right?"

"Slow Walk" Victory then turned around and began to disassemble the oven and grill

Lin Yi looked at the Victory and ignored him and started to get busy, funny and angry.

Andis how are you doing? Lin Yi boarded the traffic capsule and set the fastest speed to go to the security building.

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